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YAY! Another POLL!! So we just watched Pirates of the Caribeean 5, so that will be up within the next day or so! That movie was great and we really enjoyed it!

Now it's time to vote on our next movie series! We watched Star Wars Episode 5 over the weekend and hopefully will be watching Star Wars Episode 6 tmrw to finish the original trilogy (if time allows which I hope it does!)... so we won't watch the rest until it WINS our Movie Series POLL. (Star Wars hasn't WON a POLL yet, but we decided to watch the first three due to us going to Disney soon and wanting to be familiar with the characters).

Planet of the Apes is probably the most requested through YouTube... alongside Hunger Games... so I decided not to add more until we've seen these first. I always love requests though!

Happy VOTING! We will start whatever WINS by the end of the month since we are sneaking in more Disney movies before we go, LOL! Expect more Disney films as well as Star Wars Episode 6!


Sohail Jafar

Have you three reacted to empire strikes back???


what about Jurassic World 1 and 2?

Marvel Boy

Star Wars 7 and 8 as well? They really great movies.


Sorry, yes! We just did! I just edited the description to make more sense! LOL! :)


Thanks for your requests! Even though this is a series of MOVIES, I've been putting this in our Individual MOVIE POLLS. Jurassic World will be one of the POLL options for our next POLL :)


Thanks for your requests Marvel Boy! I hope we will be able to see the whole Star Wars series! :D

Jihad Lee

Could you possibly watch The Matrix as a special reaction? I dont think its ever gonna win a poll lol. Also im really excited for you to watch The Star Wars prequels. Even tho they get alot of hate, I grew up on those movies and its just so much nostalgia for me.

Amanda P

Aww my poor maze runner movies lol someday they will get their chance! So underrated


I'd suggest skipping the prequels all together and moving straight into the new series with Episode 7, Rogue One, Episode 8, and Solo.

Justin H'oman

Interstellar is a good one for Mom & Kim to watch. :)

Adam Vialpando

That's not a series though. You're looking for the individual movie requests post.


STAR WARS DONT fail us now!!

Jihad Lee

No way. The prequels are better than the new triology imo.

Justin H'oman

This will take a minute to explain to you, but memento, inception, interstellar. all connected, share the same universe. its a series told out of order. Three heirarchies of memory. In memento it is until they can remember the past from amnesia. The three folds of dreams in inception show that after you fall past the slowest time passage travels in reverse, and with interstellar the three acts out of order so that viewers dont solve it ahead of time. Its The Christopher Nolan rule of 3. And even to further prove the point. Nolan is remaking Memento next year and directing it himself because it wasn't directed in the way he wanted the idea of mental time to be perceived. Its Mental time travel, gnosis time travel, and literal time travel. Inception gave the answer to memento, and memento gave the answer to interstellar, how love transcends time. That final answer being love only, thats why Nolan is remaking it. To fix the gap hole with circular time from the discovery of quantum gravitation, which was the beginning of Interstellar. The whole point of Nolan's time series is that time doesn't always appear in series or situte. it can be helical, circular, spherical, or the arrow of time can be reverse. You have the basic views of a series . you look for Title then next, Title+ Sequel. Well, what about series we call anthologies now? are they series or not? Twilight Zone has no connection other than the title and introduction with Rod Sterling talking , yet its called a series. Would you make the same remarks if someone recommended that as a TV series? does it fit YOUR "definitions".

King Henry Beauclerc

Why does nobody want to see Planet of the Apes? lol I don't understand! :D


apes and starwars !

Adam Vialpando

These connections between the films seem to be more indicative of Christopher Nolan's filmmaking style than any solid connection between films that would typically be considered a series. Not that that's bad. It's a testament to his vision that he's able to so thoroughly flesh out these same themes in different ways. But the term I would consider more accurate for these films is spiritual sequels, films that share distinct characteristics but lack any direct link to each other.

Adam Vialpando

Plus let's be honest, we know what she meant when she asked for movie series'. I do highly recommend they watch these films, make no mistake about that. You seem to be under the impression that I was in some way disparaging these modern classics, though I'm not sure why since I tried to make my words as neutral as possible so as not to offend anyone, but I do apologize if my words were mistaken. Because let's be honest, we know what types of movies she is referring to when she mentions movie series' judging by the choices she's had in the poll before. I was merely pointing out that your suggestion would be better heard if you put it in the appropriate category.


ok guys for a Tv show I think you will really love LOST if yall never saw it ... its on Hulu