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 Yay! More Avatar! Thanks so much for your patience! We do create all the time now, but I can only get everyone together when they have free time... so we're happy to make more time for this!

Here is our TEMP LINK: https://youtu.be/rY91v5onZ24 

Our Google Drive has our MAIN LINKS, so please refer to that to see our LIBRARY of Reactions (located right here on this same page labeled, "LINK- ALL FULL Reactions".

Thanks for your support and please enjoy! :D



The warden was voiced by George Takei (Sulu from Star Trek: The Original Series). If you ever have questions about who does a particular voice on Avatar, they have a voice cast list during the closing credits of every episode.


Thanks David! I appreciate the details! We should spend some time to look at the ending credits! I always think we should, but then time runs out and i know everyone has to get going, so I just wing it most times. I'm happy I guessed he was from Star Trek! My brothers love Star Trek so much!