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This season is just so intense!! We are always on edge!! Such a good show!

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Yay!! i'm so excited for your reactions to this incredible second half of the season. Also with Ivar and his blue eyes, apparently in real life people who have the same type of disease have similar colored eyes, i remember reading up about it because i wondered why his eyes were like that and it turns out its based off an actual real life disease that gives brittle bones and causes the whites in your eyes to turn a light blue, i can't remember all the details exactly about why it does this but its all based off real stuff! :)


Hi Daryl! Sorry for my late response! I so love that you enjoy our Vikings reactions!! We have such a dedicated fan base when it comes to this show (and for good reason of course!). This season is so crazy! I'm always holding my breath! Thanks for sharing these details about Ivar's condition. It seems like the blue has calmed down a lot in this episode. I have no idea how bright blue the whites of the eyes get, but it looked like they were glowing almost when we first saw him. If they really do get that blue in real life, that's impressive! I think I was just being to picky, lol! It is very interesting though! I never knew that! I always appreciate you sharing information like this with me! It really helps! Thanks again and can't wait to watch more1!