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OMG, this movie was actually a lot of fun! This was scary, but tolerable! We still freaked out a lot of course... and I really think Mom enjoyed this the most which surprised me!

You can find this video in our Google Drive under our 'Scary Movies' folder. Our LINK is right on this page- Look for a POST titled, "LINK- Movie Reactions". There you will find our entire MOVIE library so far. :D

Here is a temp LINK:


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You’ve never seen The Office?! We need to change that!

Koala Banana

Hooray! Excited to watch this reaction. Just putting this out there: ever thought of reacting to stand-up comedy?

Buddah Da Great

You guys should react to 13 Hours and Edge of Tomorrow, John Krasinski & Emily Blunt are awesome in those films, but their not co-starring together in these movies, if you feel like to show them a fun Sci-Fi Adventure Western movie from Disney pictures, react to JOHN CARTER.

Adam Vialpando

There was definitely some phenomenal acting in this. The cast really showed their talent in this since there was hardly any spoken dialogue in this movie and in more than a few cases no dialogue of any kind, relying purely on their actions and facial expressions. I love at the beginning how you guys were so relieved that this was PG-13 and I was thinking 'Boy are they in for a surprise'. Especially with that opening. I knew you 3 would love it, but you should probably watch something more family friendly next. I hope Scott Pilgrim is still on the table.


Nice reaction video never got the chance to see this film and glad I got to watch it for the first time with you guys! You should introduce them to the 2005 King Kong film rewatched it a couple days ago and thought this would be a good movie they would really enjoy.


I really enjoyed this movie for how different it was. So many horror films go for loud scares and fast-paced terror, but this one is smart to do just the opposite and make silence the scariest character in the movie. The acting is terrific and I loved the atmosphere and directing. Definitely one of the standouts in the genre this year!


You guys should watch '13 Hours' with John Krasinski. Based on a true story. Like Chris Pratt (Star-Lord) for Guardian's of the Galaxy, '13 Hours' is the role Krasinski initially got in shape for.


This is such a good movie, loved your reaction😊. I would be a goner if this ever happened, ive got allergies🤧🤣. Did you guys know that emily blunt and john krasinski are married in real life with a couple of kiddies😊

Buddah Da Great

The next horror movie you guys should react is The Cabin in the Woods, that would be fun.


Hi LEESA! So happy you enjoyed our reactions again! We talked a lot through this one since it was just so exciting and had little dialog to talk over! I loved the story! Mom keeps saying she likes movies like this one now, LOL! Someone did tell us right after that Emily Blunt and John Krasinski are married! Thanks for sharing as well cause ya never know what goes over our heads, XD! I think that is just awesome! I love them together in character, so I'm sure it's just so natural for them to act as a couple in a movie as well! So cool! Both were just so amazing and you can feel everything they felt. So good! I most likely would be a goner in this too! I have slight allergies... and I can't imagine not even making smaller noises all the time. Maybe if traumatized enough, you learn how to stay that quiet... if you survive close encounters that is! ;)


That movie has Chris Hemsworth in it right?! That would be fun! I hear great things about it! I also hear it's really gory. Do you think Mom and Kim can 'handle' it? LOL!

Buddah Da Great

Yes, Chris is in it and yes, I think they can handle it, my mom did lol. It's well written by Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard, they made a fun horror movie.


That's good to know! Thanks again for the request! Maybe for Halloween or something?! That would be fun!! XD


Hi Rick! Sorry I missed your comment before! But yes! Never have seen it! One of my brothers really likes it though! I hear it's really funny! XD


Thanks for the requests! I haven't seen any of 13 Hours! Edge of Tomorrow I have and it's an awesome movie! I think that would be a lot of fun to watch with Mom and Kim! I'll add everything to the list! ... I never saw John Carter! Hmm.... ;)


Hi Adam! I totally agree! You can really feel what the characters are feeling through their acting... it means a lot when you can live in the moment with them with no words... it's insane and so amazing! We do tend to let our guard down a lot when we see PG13... and yet, we still haven't learned! LOL! I will add Scott Pilgrim to our MOVIE list again next time! :D


Hi Laperio! Thanks for your kind comment! I am happy you enjoyed our reactions!! It's even cooler we could watch blind together! I also think King Kong would be a fun movie to watch together! That's the one with Jack Black right? Epic adventures are always a fun idea! Thanks for your request! I'll add that to our list! :)


OMG, I so agree with you John! It was just that good! Everything about it was so great! I realized I was holding my breathe a lot throughout a lot of the movie... especially when the characters were active and had to take extra precautions just to stay quiet... so crazy! The story and the acting were just incredible! Thanks for sharing your opinion!! :D


That is good to know! Thanks, Ashley! I just added 13 Hours to our list! None of us have seen it and many are starting to request this. Added to our list! Thanks for your request!!