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Hello everyone and thanks so much for being here! You all have given me so much hope and happiness with how well our channel is doing because of all of your help! At this rate, if we keep growing, I may be able to hire another editor and start paying my awesome reactors so they can free up some well needed time as well!

Most of you know, I am now editing videos on a full time basis, YAY! I do still have my main job, but now I'm part time with random days... so I can't have a solid video schedule yet... but I have such hopes for our future here!

We will continue Batman- The Dark Knight Rises mid week next week when Kim gets back from a well deserved vacation (she works so much!). Mom and Kim do enjoy the Batman series so far, but it was very dark and disturbing for them so they asked for more 'light hearted' movies for our next reactions...

Over the next few days expect more:

Detroit: Become Human, VIkings, The Walking Dead, Zootopia and possibly more! (My birthday is this Saturday so I may be out for most of the day, whoo!)

Thanks so much again for being part of this excitement! Kim works 2 jobs and also reacts with us (because she loves it and loves us!).. it would be great to pull her in at a more full time level which would help me out a lot... so hopefully soon I'll be able to financially do so :D

Love you all! We are so lucky to have fans like you!!! xoxo



Awww, you should totally take Saturday off and have some fun! I'm sure I'm not the only one who wouldn't mind!

Carlos Hurtado

I'm happy to hear you'll be playing Detroit: BH. its a fun game! Its the perfect game for a reaction channel.


Thanks so much Everee!! You really warmed my heart!! I do love doing this so much, that I may edit some in the morning before I go out! LOL! Thanks so much for the love!!!


OMG, it is so good so far! The whole gameplay is like a movie!!! XD Hope to have that up by tmrw!


So you haven't been paying your mom or Kim for all that stress you've been putting them through with the Batman films? ;P Also, Happy Birthday!!!

Marvel Boy

Thanks. Really look forward for dark knight rises.


Happy B-Day! I know it's probably considered as an oldie, but have your family already watched "The Rocketeer"? To me, it's like a mix between Iron Man and the first Captain America movie, which I think could have a great reaction.

Marvel Boy

But also. Happy Birthday! Woohoo!!


Zootopia for the win


LOL! I know right?! I actually treat them to things all the time since they won't take payment right now. I feed them and buy them gifts as a thank you :D They really do deserve payment soon though! Especially now that I can sustain myself financially doing this full time :D Yay! Thanks so much!! :)


Yay! Thanks Marvel Boy!! We will definitely continue that sometime next week! Most likely midweek! Going to be fun! ;) ;)


Yay! It was a lot of fun to watch together! Kim was freaking out over a cartoon! That is saying a lot for her since she always had her guard up with cartoons since they are meant for children only in her eyes. She's letting her guard down a lot more (even with all the flailing and kicking from previous videos, LOL)!!


Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful year ahead :)


Yay!! Thanks so much Harsh! That means a lot!! Going to have fun with Nik and the girls tonight! Whoo!!

Adam Vialpando

I am totally super late but I just wanted to say that I hope you had an awesome birthday.

Steven Dorsey

To clarify, regarding upcoming tv shows, as you progress through the current projects, Avatar: The Last Airbender was the one selected to be on the horizon?


Hi Steven!! Thanks for asking! This is my last week of working a few days a week at my 'old full time job' so videos should come a little easier after that. YAY! Do expect AVATAR TLA later this week though! We plan on watching that and The Dark Knight Rises this weekend, maybe sooner! I'm going to put a new POLL up soon as well! :D


Aww, Adam! Thanks so much!! That means a lot!! Sorry for my late reply as well! LOL!! I had a lot of fun with family and friends this weekend! YAY! Hope you had a fun weekend too! :)