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Mom and Kim had so much anxiety during this movie! ... can't wait for the next!

Thanks so much for donating! Honestly, you all make this happen, so I bow to you! Please enjoy! xoxo


King Henry Beauclerc

I really forgot how good this movie is. I have the trilogy but I haven't watched them in a while but they are very good movies. The Dark Knight Trilogy is by far the best iteration of Batman, with Batman and Batman Returns, the second best. In my opinion of course. But now you get to watch The Dark Knight, which most people (me included) consider the very best Batman movie with the very best iteration of Joker with Heath Ledger. No other movie comes close, I am definitely looking forward to that one.


Not even just the best Batman movie ever, I would say still the Best Superhero movie of all time.

Kristin Carter

No one recognized Sirius Black ;)


Great! The Dark Knight is considered as one of the greatest films of all time and a classic among many, with a fantastic performance by Heath Ledger. Although Heath unfortunately passed away before being able to see the finished film, he won an extremely well deserved oscar for his character. Li mentioned him and the joker during a video before actually. Something you should also take into account when watching the rest of the trilogy, is that pretty much all the effects are practical. From the explosions, flipping trucks or collapsing buildings, Christopher Nolan always goes the extra mile and commits to the films environment. When there’s a way out of just ‘lazily’ slapping cgi, he always makes the effort for practical effects. Creating this realistic and visceral world, that you could genuinely see exist. Even his ability to fabricate tension, intensity and drama, coupled with wonderful writing and directing. The characters in the next one (especially the Joker) are complex. A lot of people love Christopher Nolan’s films, and he’s directed so many that are loved. Would love to see more reactions to his movies someday. If you see his name attached on a film, you’re probably in for a great watch. On a side note: Next week could be Superhero week since y’all are gonna see a great film from both DC and Marvel (Imo both equally brilliant). With Infinity War, you should buy a poster and get mom and Kim to try to name every character on it. Just to see how much they remember before going in. Just a thought XD


How do I watch the full movie reaction?


Someone already said it but Comissioner Gordon is played by Gary Oldman who also played Sirius Black in the Harry Potter movies. Also in The Dark Knight, Katie Holmes gets replaced by Maggie Gyllenhall. Same exact character, just a different actor, similar to how Rhodey was replaced from Iron Man 1 to Iron Man 2.


I loved "Batman Begins" when it first came out, but of course "The Dark Knight" is the masterpiece of the trilogy. I think the third film has a lot of problems, but it's still a fun watch. Your Marvel film reactions are a lot of fun, but this video makes me wonder if you'll be reacting to any of the DC films? I would definitely watch your reaction to "Wonder Woman"!

Adam Vialpando

Kim's reactions were the best. I just gotta ask, why so serious Kim?.......I had to say it, and I'm sure you all were thinking it.

Ricardo Pomalaza

Awesome awesome!! I love that you guys are reacting to Superhero films again! It might be gritty and dark but I like the Dark Knight trilogy because it has some great moments. I love watching the reactions! Can't wait for the reaction for 'The Dark Knight'. Should be good!


LOL!! She is so awesome! She cracks me up! OMG... I can't wait to watch Dark Knight with them this weekend!!! XD


Yay! Thanks Ricardo! We do love the Superhero movies!! Batman is so different from any other ones we've seen so I wasn't sure how they'd take to it... but it looks like they were very much pulled in to the story! Dark Knight is going to be so crazy!! They only know The Joker from the Adam West Batman show, LOL!! Hmmm.... ;)


Do you know when the next one will be up?! I love "The dark knight" and watching it again with fresh eye's (Your family's reaction) is gonna be awesome! I hope they like it!


Hi Joshua! Thanks for your patience! We finally had time to watch it today! I'm just starting to edit the FULL version for here... which will take a few hours.. then uploading takes a few more.. so I'm guesstimating hopefully either late tonight or tmrw morning. This movie was so intense!! Joker was almost too scary I think for Mom and Kim. LOL. So scary!


That's why I love the movie, The tone it creates is so abnormal plus it then drops The Joker in the mix and the realistic world becomes so intense, Thank you for responding!