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Hi everyone and I just have to say YAY!!! 

I've been giving this A LOT of thought and absolutely love creating videos for our channel! I decided (with a lot of debating and discussions) to do this FULL TIME by August! ... Now, I'm still working my MAIN job in the medical field... but I've been there for so many years and am so loyal to them and vise versa, that I'm going to go PART TIME with them as a trial run to see how well I can grow here. If it doesn't work out, I can always go back there FULL TIME with little to no issues. Once I reach my next goal here of $5,000 I'll be able to be more confident being able to financially support myself, pay rent and other bills (including student loans). Making this change will lower my income a bit right now, but I have such passion for art and editing (and being with FAMILY of course) that I have faith and drive to make this work!

So what does this mean exactly? I can't do an exact schedule as of yet due to still working random PART TIME days and getting people together to react... but my goal is to do 2-3 shows a week to start and 1-2 movies as well... we may end up doing more shows than movies just because that's easier/faster for me to edit and well... 30-60 minute intervals of reacting time is way easier than 3 hours in one go ;)

So in AUGUST, I plan on creating content for:

The WALKING DEAD and GAME of THRONES with Nikole and Li

VIKINGS with Mom and Kim

MOVIE (maybe sometimes 2 every week) with either FAMILY group.

There will be an extra TV Series POLL every other week to have you all VOTE on what 2 EPISODES we will watch of a TV Series with Mom and Kim... there will be a lot of options for this... and whatever show WINS that POLL, we will watch 2 episodes of that... if that series WINS the following POLL, we will watch 2 more... or if some other show WINS we will watch that instead. We will try this out and see how well this works!

Thanks so much for being so dedicated and passionate about our channel! Let's keep our FAMILY going and growing! Love you all!!! xoxo



I’m so happy for you and excited for this! I love sitting down to watch a movie with you guys! I always look forward to it, so this honestly just made my day!!


Awesome! Hope everything works out for you!

Elliott Bishop

This is awesome news Dawn, it always makes my day when I see an upload from you. And seeing more will just make me even more happier😁. Really looking forward to the future if your channel x

Harry Utton

Sounds great, so long as you are enjoying it!

King Henry Beauclerc

This is great. I am glad you are able to do what you actually like to do. I really hope everything works out. Im am looking forward to seeing where this goes! Also Fringe. You have to watch Fringe! It's my all time favorite tv show, and it seems like everyone is good at keeping track of characters and events, and that is important. Noticing the little things is important in Fringe.

Mitchell Bowker

Has your family seen the Keanu Reeves classic SPEED? If not, that would be a great movie to watch. Lots of action and suspense, should get a lot of reactions. And who doesn't love Sandra Bullock? She's always amazing :D


Pfffffft another SLACKER seeking to make money by being lazy and watching that fanagled Telo-vision! ........ Just kidding, glad you've gotten to a point in life where you can do something that you earnestly enjoy for at least a part of your living, if not all of it. Again, congratulations, and can't wait to watch stuff along with you guys!


LOL! Thanks Namey! Your comment made me laugh!! XD Thanks again for the support! I am quite excited! Hopefully everything will work out! Editing for our channel makes me feel like I'm back in college editing for projects. I love it! I so can't wait to see what August will bring! It'll be great to have some extra time now to create! Thanks again! :)


Hi Mitchell! I have seen SPEED a long time ago, but I know Mom and Kim haven't at all! That would be interesting! Oh the possibilities! LOL! I'll add that to a future POLL as well! Thanks!


Yay! Thanks Elliott! That means a lot! Your donations make all this possible, but so does your wonderful words that inspire me! Awesome fans like you really make all this worth while and fun! Thanks again for the support!! I so can't wait to see how August goes!! :D


Thanks so much Rachel! You comment means so much to me! I'm so happy I could make your day! You have made mine as well, so thanks so much for your kind words! I am so excited for August and will give it my all to make this fun for all of us! Thanks again! :)


Thanks Harry! Absolutely loving it! Can't wait for editing freedom in August! So excited! :)


Thanks so much Johnathan! You are an awesome supporter! Your words are very inspiring too! I can't wait to see where this goes as well! My outlook is really positive since I have so much passion for this! ... I have not seen Fringe at all! Friends long ago bugged me to watch this since I LOVED X-Files so much, but I just... never got around to it! I hear it's similar to X-FIles! Thanks so much again for your kind words, support and request!! I love it! :)