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Yay!! It's finally here!! This was a very intense and emotional ending... Mom was so heart broken she kept repeating how sad she was. Aww!!!

This will be so hard to edit with in Fair Use standards for YT! I've been at it for a few hours now, lol!

You can find this video in our MOVIE Reactions under our 'The Hobbit' folder. The LINK is here on this page titled, "LINK- MOVIE Reactions". This LINK will update twice a month, so you can always find the updated LINK here :)

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Please COPY/MOVE this video into your own Google Drive to avoid any viewing issues when too many try to view at the same time :) Thanks all! Please enjoy!!


Brock Saunders

There is so much stuff that happens in the second half of BotFA that if needed/wanted to make two separate videos of the reaction, I would welcome it.

King Henry Beauclerc

Oh wow great reaction! Personally I love these movies, though like you have said before, they are not quite as good as Lord of the Rings and I think that is because of how the production of the movies happened. Essentially it was too rushed, since Peter Jackson wasn't directing them until the last minute. Also once again I highly recommend the director commentaries on all six movies especially LotR. Ok I'm through lol. One of the best things about these movies comes in the opening battle between the dwarves and elves. We have heard about the fighting abilities of both of them but we never actually saw them involved in a proper battle until this movie and it was so amazing.


Just a bit of further info about what happened between the end of this film and start of the Fellowship of the Ring. The Dwarves DO visit Bilbo again. It's noted that 8 years after the battle, Balin went with Gandalf to pay him a visit at Bag End. Bilbo was also (in)famous around the Shire for having both Dwarves and Elves visit him at Bag End, and in more remote parts of the area. Something not in the film, but in the book - on his 111th Birthday, he left Bag End for good in the company of Dwarves. It's thought that AT LEAST one of the remaining Dwarves were in that group. However, it couldn't have been Balin, Oin or Ori as they all killed in Moria 7 years before. This has probably already been stated somewhere for you, but the Dwarf you see holding the diary book in Moria, which Gandalf reads from, is Ori. After a brief stop in Rivendell with the Dwarves he travelled with, they take him back to Erebor and Dale one last time. Bilbo sees Gloin again at Rivendell the night before the Council of Elrond in the Fellowship.


Not sure what happened to my original comment. Maybe I deleted it on accident or something. Either way here I go again! I just wanted to point out that in the Return of the Kin movie there's a goofy line by Gimli saying he wished he had an army of dwarves 'fully armed and filthy.' Legolas states he doesn't think his people should need to ride to war because he fears war is upon them as well. Which is actually true and I believe a nice lore hint by Peter Jackson to the war in the north happening. Sauron essentially launched a campaign into the north unseen in the films and only mentioned in the books and secondary materials. An army of orcs and something like 200,000 men of the east, who you guys saw in the Two Towers marching into the Black Gates, assault the Kingdom of Dale and Erebor. Dale is led by Bard's grandson Brand and Dain Ironfoot, though very old, is still King under the Mountain. Both kings are actually good friends which is lucky since the armies attack and ravage Dale, forcing the men to retreat into Erebor which soon comes under assault by the armies of Sauron. It's almost hopeless, however, forcing both kings to lead a charge out of Erebor to buy time. Sadly Brand dies in the chaos and Dain dies defending his fallen friend's body from the armies of Sauron. When Sauron falls, however, the armies either hear news quickly or sort of feel the tide turn, it's not entirely clear, but either way they lift the siege and retreat back into the east. Thus Dale needs rebuilding....again, and Erebor is saved. Dale comes under the kingship of Bard II and Erebor? Thorin the III Stonehelm. :) The elves also fight over Mirkwood, Legolas' father Thranduil and Galadriel have to take care of a yet again revitalized Dol Guldur, but eventually they are victorious as well. Overall, just a vast world to learn about, and love in my case! :D

Lee Salvemini

Awesome lore, thanks for the comment! I'm just about to start reading my friends Lord of the Rings books for the first time :D Since I've only been a watcher of the movies up to now.


That is so cool!! Thanks for sharing this Ashley!! I have heard certain details, but quite a few you've mentioned are news to me! I love the idea of some dwarves and elves visiting Bilbo throughout the years! Just to leave such a grand adventure and cut ties would be so terribly sad! I have heard about the fates in Moria... which is so heart breaking... I love all the dwarves... especially all the ones that died... LOL... I'm happy Bilbo was able to venture back to Erebor and Dale before the end... love him meeting up with Gloin too! I really appreciated The Hobbit way more than the first time I've seen it since I really paid more attention to all the minor details. Reading would be way better though, XD! I do actually own The Hobbit book now... and Kim beat me to reading it! She asked to read it the other day since she loves the story. Who knew?! Thanks again for your awesome input!


Absolutely right! So much action in the second part! The first part was even longer with a lot of action towards the end... the second part is just over an hour and was way harder to edit due to all the intense action scenes. So thrilling and emotional! Mom was scarred for a few days... She was sad about the dwarves dying... but she kept saying... why did Kili and Thorin have to die? She felt bad about Fili too... but she didn't think all three would go. What a crazy movie!


Hi Johnathan!! I agree! I love the battle with the Elves and Dwarves! It was so cool to see them working together in battle... but even the battle with them fighting each other before hand was interesting... they are both well matched and the dwarves were even more powerful with their weapons it seemed! I love seeing the mix of the elves elegance and accuracy alongside the sheer power of the dwarves. So amazing and such a fun scene!! I really do love The Hobbit movies! I didn't know Peter Jackson came in until late... some parts of the movie did seem rushed and dragged out... Smaug dying in the beginning of 3 just seemed so out of place to me... I wish he stayed longer in that movie or his story should've finished in the second movie. Oh well! Still fun to watch! Thanks again for your comment! :)


When are u watching Batman?


Hi Darren! We will be watching that this weekend! It's hard for us to get together for movies since they are way longer than Vikings and short trailers/etc... so one movie a week is usually what we can do... at least for now until I can go full time with this. Expect our FULL Reactions to Batman Begins either Sunday or Monday! I so can't wait to see how they take the DC World in! Oh! And Kim has been asking a lot to watch AVATAR... so that kind of snuck it's way in just now! I have to please our reactors too! XD So fun!


Hi Ricardo! Expect Batman either this Sunday or Monday! It's a long movie and we can only get together usually once a week to watch them... however, Kim really wanted to watch AVATAR, so we did take an extra day to watch that this week... and Batman Begins we plan on watching Sunday morning. Shall be interesting! :)


I'm having trouble finding the reaction? If anybody could help that would help alot :)


Hi Alex! Sorry you are having trouble! I'm about to make a new POST for LINKS now because sometimes it ends up at the way bottom of the page. Sorry for the confusion! If you still have trouble, please feel free to message me directly here so I can help you faster :) Thanks so much for your support!