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Our reactions to The Hobbit 2- The Desolation of Smaug Part 2 of the EXTENDED Version is now available on our Google Drive! Yay!

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I remember when i was in cinema and i was stuned by the ending cliffhanger and the one year long wait was really hard for me.


Regarding Thráin (Thorin's father). I wasn't exactly sure why he was in Dol Guldur and imprisoned there for so many years, other than it had something to do with the last of the Dwarven Rings of Power (the one that was taken from him, along with half of his finger, as seen in the movie). But most importantly, from what I understand, while being there, Thráin was tortured for information (regarding the map and the key that was given to Thorin by Gandalf), which he never gave up. I'm sure there are others who will tell you more, especially those who read all the books, and who have better understanding of Sauron's plans regarding his rise to power, and how it tied with Erebor, Smaug and all that. I haven't watched DoS in the cinema, so the first time I saw it was on dvd (extended version), and Thráin's scenes were included. Another tragic fate for the member of Thorin's immediate family... And now it begins for Thorin himself. Gold lust/dragon sickness, that plague his line starts to affect him as well. Note for myself: have a pack of tissues ready for BotFA ;(


Not only do Benedict Crampabunch... er... Chumperlump... Campingstump? Hmm, either way... not only does he play Smaug, but he also plays Sauron!


Also, regarding other dragons, I think Smaug is one of the last (in Middle-Earth anyway), but there used to be many more and as big as Smaug is (about the size of a Boeing 747!), there once were other dragons who were much... MUCH bigger!


Hi again kati! Sorry for my late response! Thanks again for the info! Thorin's immediate family history is just devastating... dragon sickness, cursed, tortured, death... just sad... I really feel myself feeling a lot more for these characters this time around. The last movie is going to be so hard for all of us, lol. I know I've seen some of it and know what happens... I'm curious what Mom and Kim will take the hardest... I will have tissues ready for sure! I may have to hide them since Mom and Kim catch on quick and will be worried. Many hugs!!