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Hi everyone and welcome back as always!

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and all those Fathers out there had a great Father's Day!

Our weekend has been real busy, so thanks for your patience!

I just finished editing Kungfu Panda so that's rendering now and should be available by Tuesday night. Yay!

I will be putting up a MOVIE Series POLL soon, once we're closer to finishing The Hobbit series.

Thanks for your support! Your donations keep us going! You all are amazing!!! xoxo

POLL ends this upcoming weekend! :)

Once/if our next goal is met, I will be able to add more POLLS a lot more frequently. Thanks again!



Did you guys watch moana.

Jihad Lee

Jurassic Park!!!! Yes!!!! Wow they never seen Jurassic Park!? Oh my this is gonna be fun!!!! 😁😁😱😱


I don't really like any of these films, so I'm not going to vote. :) I'll wait for the film series poll.

Elliott Bishop

Yeeeaaaahh I’m so happy to see Jurassic Park pop up. Thanks Dawn😁


Thank you for all youré videos :)


hmm i wonder which one will win >.>

Marvel Boy

Kung Fu Panda 2!

King Henry Beauclerc

Jurassic Park!!! Only the first one though because the quality really drops off after that one. In my opinion anyway. Also, do you have votes on TV series as well? I have a couple of suggestions that I think you might enjoy.


It's a landslide!


Jurasssic parks winingggg, if jp wins please react to the rest of the jurassic parks and jurassic worlds :D

Armchair Wizard

I would absolutely love if Jurassic Park won. Kim gets stressed out pretty easily, so seeing the T-Rex breakout scene is going to be great! Lol.


One movie you might consider throwing into the mix would be Contact with Jodie Foster. I think it would be an interesting reaction from the three of you.


Cool that Jarassic Park is winning but I really hope for Zootopia too. Its such a great movie and goes into so many topics we face today in such a beautiful way.


Hi K. Banks! Thanks for the request! That is a good movie! I saw it once before long ago and I loved the idea of it! So much build up and the ending is so intriguing! :)


Mom was actually requesting to watch Jurassic Park since there is so much hype for the new movie! This would be a fun reaction for sure! LOL! XD Maybe then after we should watch Zootopia to ease their nerves, :D Thanks for your support!! :)

Steven Dorsey

I would LOVE to see you guys react to Wreck It Ralph. I really liked that movie. Everyone else was head over heels for Frozen. I found out later that Elsa was supposed to become the Villian of the movie, but they decided that was too scary for children, and made it more kid friendly. :3


I've only seen a couple minutes when it was on TV? I can't remember where I saw it, lol... so all of us would be blind to this for the most part! I'll add this to our next POLL. Thanks for your request!


This is so great! They never watched anything besides what's on our channel already, lol! Kim is actually worried to watch this! Gonna be fun! :)


I love Wreck It Ralph! I even made a hardcore Calhoun cosplay right after that movie came out! I even wired LEDs into her armor. Was so epic! Mom and Kim have no idea at all what this is, LOL! So this would be so fun! Frozen is actually a great choice too and I'm sure they'd enjoy it! It's Kim and kid friendly!! XD


For the next poll you should include this movie called "Chronicle" it's about super powered people and it's actually a pretty good movie


That does sound interesting! Thanks for your request! I never saw that! No idea what that's about! We have a lot of requests (which I love) so I may just make a bigger selection in our POLLS to choose from. Once our next goal is met here, I'll be able to add more themed POLLS being a full time editor. Right now, I'm just sticking too individual movies and movie series. Thanks again! Hopefully TV Series options will come very soon at the rate we are growing here! :D

Adam Vialpando

Aww, no Scott Pilgrim? Oh well, maybe on the next poll.


Hi Adam! Sorry I didn't add that yet! I only added the mass requested movies for now. I may just make a huge POLL list and see what happens next time! :D Thanks again for your request! I do want to see that!


Will be watching Big Hero 6 in the future?