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Hi everyone!

Good news is Mom, Kim and I watched Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and have also watched Part 2 of The Lord of the Rings 3 way early! I wanted to surprise you all this weekend with these fun reactions! ...

Unfortunately, my Dad had a stroke on Saturday and we've been at the ER and now the ICU the last couple days. He is stable and talking decently now (which is such a wonderful improvement!!). Just such a scare! We're not out of the woods yet, but we have high hopes now he'll be ok. Our family is strong and has so much love! Having all my brothers and my sister Kim alongside Mom supporting Dad really shows how lucky we all are to have each other! Always appreciate what you have... sometimes it's easy to forget that.

Love you all and thanks so much for your support! I'm going to be with family a lot this week... but when I am home, I will be editing and chatting with all of you because you all are just so amazing and I love and need that fun distraction :)

More Walking Dead and those two movie reactions will be up this week for sure, I just can't guarantee what days yet. Thanks so much for your donations and your support!! Now go and hug a loved one!! xoxoxo



Hope your father is okay & that’s great your all there to support him


So, so glad everything is okay! Take as much time as you guys need! We would rather have your family be safe and happy than you post reactions for us! ❤️ Sending love to you all!!!

Jihad Lee

Omg I'm sorry to hear that, Im glad to hear that he is ok now. Take as much time as you want. We're here for you. ❤️


Glad to hear your dad is doing better!! We are all here for you!!


I hope your father feels better and that he recovers soon :) Take all the time you need. Hugs and lots of love from Portugal


We can wait, I'm just glad to hear he's doing better! Wishing you all the best, with love from Denmark!

Jack's World

Take all the time you need! Family comes first, always!

Elliott Bishop

So sad to hear that dawn. Many thoughts go out to you xxx Family is very important to survive the tough times xxx


Hoping your father has a speedy recovery. You go take care of family. Anything here is the lowest priority.

Koala Banana

Best wishes to your whole family


The best family

Calvin Delaney

Take your time and best wishes to every one in your family. I hope he has a good recovery!


Like others have said, take your time. Family first. I hope your dad recovers. Will keep in my prayers.

Callie Stephen

Take whatever time you need to be with your family and we will happily wait. Thoughts and prayers are going out to you and your family.

Armchair Wizard

I absolutely wish him a quick recovery. I'm very sorry that happened. Take your time watching over your family before anything else.


Sending you and your family so much love and healing energy from Colorado. Take all the time you need to be with your family and help your dad to recover. I know how important loved ones are in healing.

Soisen the Guardian

The Lord will see to his recovery, especially since your dad is surrounded by such a great family.


I wish your father, you, and your family the best. Please, take all the time that you need!


I fully understand this is a difficult time. The reactions can wait, you should spend time with your father and family and I wish your father all the best in a speedy recovery. Unfortunately, my father wasn't so lucky..and I do reactions too. He passed away in December in the ICU unit from liver disease.


I've been there, My mum had a stroke and I know how difficult these times are, please take all the time you need.


Hi I have a problem with your links. When i play your reaction my own dvd version is always little ahead of your reaction so i must always pause my video for a while so your reaction can catch up.


My thoughts are with you and your family. I hope your dad will improve more and more with each passing day. Sending all the hugs your way <3


best wishes to your father!


Thanks so much Joel! Family is so important! Thanks for understanding! All of you are like my extended, so thanks for the added support! :)


Thanks Callie! Saying this really means a lot! I love editing as you know and it is a good distraction when I can :) I was able to get some editing in today and will have Vikings uploaded to YT as well as TWD FULL Reaction here hopefully later tonight... going to head back to the hospital soon. Dad is doing well! Phew! :)


Thanks again Christopher for your kind and supportive words! We are very lucky that things happened the way they did! My sister in law was home and found him, so she and my twin brother quickly carried him to their car and rushed him to the hospital. The doctors said we were extremely lucky that he was found so fast! Dad is doing very well now. He is even walking a little at the hospital today. What a scare! Really makes you appreciate what we have! Thanks so much again! xoxo


Thanks so much Rachel! Your healing energy is amazing! Thanks for thinking of us and your supportive words! Dad is showing good improvement over the last 24 hours which is such a relief! He is even trying to joke with us and is going through therapy to walk :) He's so strong willed and it really helps having family all around! Thanks again!! xoxo


Thank you so much Soisen! This really means a lot! He is recovering well and is even joking and walking slowly today. Huge difference from the last couple days. Thanks again for your kind words! :)


Thank you, Torrey! Your words means a lot to me! We all appreciate the support! Dad is doing a lot better and we hope he'll be able to come home tmrw or Wednesday! Yay! :)


OMG, I'm so sorry to hear that Sherianna!! My heart goes out to you! I can't even imagine! It was really bad on Saturday that even my oldest brother (who lives 4 hours a way from us) was told to come down to the hospital just in case. So scary! Thank you for your kind words and I am so sorry for your loss! It's so important to make time for loved ones whenever we can and it's easy to forget sometimes. I send lots of love your way! xoxo


Thanks so much Simon and so sorry you went through the same! Hope your Mom is doing a lot better! I send lots of love your way too! It is so hard, but I'm so much luckier than most so I'm staying strong and positive. Mom and Dad really need strength and Dad is making good progress now! Thanks again! xoxo


Hi Dialgon! Sorry you have been having issues! I heard about this a few times... only some videos will do this to you. Reason for this is bluray/DVD/online media sometimes runs at slightly different speeds than others. Our Harry Potter and LotR Reactions seem to be a little out of sync with DVD PAL Versions since our US DVD version is NTSC which runs with more frames a second. I find that if you use an online media we should stay in sync better :) Hope this helps! I would love to just keep in the copyright content since that would make everything way easier! LOL! Thanks again for your support! Please feel free to directly message me here with technical questions since I'll be notified right away. I love posts, but sometimes they are hard to filter through :)


Thanks so much kati! You are always so supportive in so many ways and I always appreciate that! Your words mean a lot to me! Dad is doing a lot better and is going through a lot of therapy today at the hospital to walk and move. He's cracking jokes a lot which is a huge deal to us! XD Thanks so much for the hugs!! xoxo


That's great news, that he is able to stay positive and keep going! But then he has all of you to take care of him,and support him, and is surrounded by love, so that's very helpful when it comes to recovery (immensely so). Stay strong and amazing, and remember to rest your body and mind as well!


Thanks, also i hope your dad is feeling better :)

Lasith Bandara

Hope your father recovers well and best wishes to your father, praying for you all

Paul Martin

Hope he recovers fast. Praying for him and your family.

Ida Vinga (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-22 03:40:41 Oh I'm so sorry! Sending you guys all of the love. Take care of your dad and each other. <3
2018-05-29 17:05:30 Oh I'm so sorry! Sending you guys all of the love. Take care of your dad and each other. <3

Oh I'm so sorry! Sending you guys all of the love. Take care of your dad and each other. <3


Thanks so much Paul! I really appreciate the prayers and support!! He is doing so much better! He needs to work on walking and speech, but is doing way better than we could've hoped for! xoxo


Thanks so much Ida!! That means a lot! He is doing a lot better! We are very lucky on how it happened! My sister and law and twin brother found him collapsed in his garage, carried him to their car, and rushed him right to the ER. I'm so thankful for the fast response! Thanks again for your loving support! xoxo

Josip Buretic

I hope he recovers 🙏🏻 I send you prayers for him and your hole family ❤️✌🏻