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The Lord of the RIngs 3 Part 1 EXTENDED is available through our MOVIE folder under The Lord of the Rings! Our MAIN links our within our POSTS  titled LINK :) It's easier to keep our links in our MAIN posts instead of updating every individual link :)

Please MOVE/COPY this video into your own Google Drive to make viewing smoother for everyone :D

Thanks so much for being here! If we reach my next goal here, I will be able to edit for our channel full time!! Meaning, more videos every week! Whoo!

I am working a lot this week, but I was able to make time to watch and edit this because I love you all so much! Seriously, I do! xoxo

I will try my best to have more videos up Friday and this weekend! I'm working a couple 12 hour shifts on top of everything else. You all keep me going! Thanks for being amazing! :)

Oh, and if you have any direct questions, please feel free to directly message me here! I try to respond back as fast as I can that way :) Comments on our page are amazing and I love them, but take more time to filter through then direct messaging. Thanks all! :D


King Henry Beauclerc

What a surprise! You spoil us you know. Can't wait to watch but please don't do too much. I think we all would rather have fewer videos than have you get too tired from working and then doing this. Take some time for yourself and relax occasionally. lol Relaxing could give you time to read the Harry Potter books. Just joking :D

Jihad Lee

Yes what a surprise thanks so much!!!! I love that you guys have been loving this triology its my fav of all time. I was wondering if possibly you guys could do The Matrix trilogy next. I know we have to vote for it but just to put it in the poll would be awesome! Anyways I can't wait to watch you guys reaction! I'm watching right now!


Wow I did not expect this, so happy!

Alexandre Boutin

Well I guess I am watching the Return of the King tonight! Cheers


Yay! I hope you enjoyed it!! Mom and Kim really want to watch Part 2 already! Which is so awesome!! XD


You are always so awesome, Johnathan!! Thanks again for your kind words! It does get very tiring at times (mainly my full time wipes me out, lol), but I do enjoy editing and at least with that, I'm sitting and just on my computer :D You know how much I want to read the Harry Potter books!! I know they're so amazing! XD Maybe an audio book here and there when I work out :D I think the next few months will be the hardest, (but very exciting), transitioning from my full time job and projects to mainly editing. I'm hoping for that day sometime this summer! Come on dream job! XD Mom and Kim deserve that too! There are just so many fun things to do for our channel! Thanks again for being so supportive! Comments like yours give me that extra boost when I'm tired! So happy you are excited about his earlier than usual reaction!! I knew it was going to be a busy week, so I focused more on getting this one up before it get's to crazy. Thanks again! :)


Hi again Jihad! I'm so happy you are excited! I tried to get this up faster since the rest of the week is quite busy ;) I will try to cram in time the next few days for more reactions! Whoo! I love the Matrix!! OMG, it's been so long since I've seen that too! Especially the first one is just so amazing! Mom and Kim haven't seen any of that and have no idea again. Mwhahahaha! I will put that on our future series POLL! Thanks again for the request! :D


Yay! I'm so happy you like the surprise! Hope you enjoyed our reactions to this awesome installment! I know you love this trilogy, so hopefully this meets your expectations! Mom and Kim are just so innocent and new going into these films that I find it quite entertaining!! :)


What a lovely surprise to come home to! My day just got so much better. I don't have the words to thank you enough for all this great content you guys give us. In these times, where people are having less and less time and opportunity to connect to other people, and to enjoy things together - you guys are a godsend. You are so lovely, and warm, and appreciative, and you set such a wonderful atmosphere, it almost makes me feel like I'm watching all those movies with my second family :D I also love watching your Mom's and Kim's progression into these stories, when they start blind and kinda reluctant, and they get more and more invested. For people who wouldn't necessarily seek fantasy as their chosen genre of movies to watch, they are really open minded, and it's great. I think this was my favorite reaction of yours to LOTR so far. So excited for part 2 and the Hobbit! Btw, I second the Matrix trilogy request! That would be awesome :D

Armchair Wizard

Man, I am pleasantly surprised that you released this video early. Lord of the Rings is one of the greatest trilogies ever, so I can't wait to dive into the video.


My wife and I always look forward to your videos. We lovingly refer to you guys as "The Ladies" "Oh look, The Ladies put up the next video!" We have been watching since the Game Of Thrones reactions, and just had to support once you started LOTR! Looking forward to the Next Installment ;)

Armchair Wizard

Great reaction. I don't know if you are aware, but you might be interested and mention to kim and your mom that Gandalf is basically an archangel. He and Saruman are a race called the Maiar (pronounced my-arrr) and Sauron is too. Though Sauron is a fallen maiar and that's why he's evil. He served a more powerful dark lord named Morgoth who we never see in the films. I can't wait to see part 2!

Soisen the Guardian

A bit more info, although Denethor in the films is a bastard. In the novel he loves both his sons and didn't treat Faramir so cruelly at all. Denethor was a broken man after he lost his wife and was left nearly destroyed after his son Borormir died as well. It also didn't help that he had a palantir to keep watch over Gondor and Sauron used his to show Denethor all the people his forces were killing. When Faramir in the novel went to take Osgiliath back for his father. In the novel he did so to cheer his father up and remove his despair. When Denethor thought faramir died that was it. He thought there was no hope left for anything. So in the novel Denethor was a tragic figure despairing for his kingdom and family. While in the films he was despairing but became more of an ass especially to Faramir for no reason.

Soisen the Guardian

To add on the different beings in Middle Earrh. The Elves are immortal but can die an unnatural death but are reborn afterwards. They stay in Tolkien's version of Hades known as the Halls of Mandos and stay there briefly to spawn in Valinor "the west". The reason for this is because an Elves' souls are tied to the earth. So they can not die a permanently death. While the race of Men are not tied and do die a permanently death. A bit of an explanation of what Gandalf is. He is a Maiar, a lesser Ainur "minor gods or angelic beings in Tolkien's Legendarium. All the wizards are Maiar and like Elves are immortal. They also can shape shift and have true fair form. So Gandalf and Saruman as describe in the book and as seen in the films are not in their true form. He looks like a model if he removes the disguise and like all the other wizards can not use his full power unless to fight another powerful Maiar. He was sent to Middle Earth to advice the free people of Middle Earth and use his can not power too much in their fight against Sauron. Hence the limited amount power he displays throughout the films. Sauron is also a Maiar of an even greater rank than Gandalf and at full power is even stronger Saruman and Gandalf combined. This of course s with the ring on his finger since it contains the bulk of his power and life force. Now I mentioned how the Maiar the lesser gods well the Valar are the Greater. They rule Valinor and bring order to Middle Earth indirectly. They of course can not get involve directly for reasons in the Silmarillion. Much of the backstory on origins of the Elves, Maiar, Valar and how everthing that led to the War of the Ring happen in the books Silmarillion and the Unfinish Tales. As for the Dwarves they are mortal and can reach the age of 350 before dying and their origins can be found in the aforementioned books. The Hobbits are the only beings in Middle Earth whose origins are unknown. Despite being at the center of both the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Trilogies. All that is known is that they are really to the race of Men and have ears similar to Elves. Even the Ents, Huorns, Maeras "Horses", Orcs, Trolls and Numenoreans have some what of a backstory in Tolkien's works. Well this wraps up what I can give without spoiling novels. The rest you must read and enjoy for yourselves.


Hi again Soisen! I always appreciate your details! This make my heart tug quite a bit! My view of him, of course, is only from the movie, so it's so unfair how he treats Faramir... I love the idea of his book character more. Wish they were able to give more to his movie character, but I guess you can only add so much to such an already long movie XD Thanks again! :)


Ooooohh, cool! Thanks for sharing this, Chris! I didn't know this! I love the good vs evil in this and Mom and Kim have mentioned that the gandalf and the elves remind them a bit of angels. I love all the back story here! Wow! Just wow! Tolkien had such a creative and beautiful mind!!! :D


OMG, welcome!! Thanks so much for being here! That's so awesome!! I like, "The Ladies" very much! XD Game of Thrones seems so long ago now and I can't wait to get back into that! If I'm able to go full time here editing soon... I want to rewatch GoT with Mom and Kim to build up for the next season! (along with other epic show and movies too!). This is so much fun! So cool you've been with us this long and now you are here supporting us! Thanks so much and I so can't wait to watch Part 2!! XD


I am always so happy when you're excited to watch our next video! That really means a lot! This is such a wonderful adventure!! I haven't seen LotR in years and I've fallen back in love with this!! XD


Aww, kati!! I'm just reading this now!! Thanks so much again for your kind words!! I mean, this comment really touches my heart!! I've 'awwed' a few times reading through this already! I'm so happy that you always enjoy our videos so much!! I'm really making a lot of friends here and this experience is just amazing! I love that we can share our family with you and have fun together! I never would've thought we'd be doing this a couple years ago! I am quite shocked on how well they excepted this kind of story telling! You are so right on the money when it comes to them! They are very open minded! More so than I thought when it comes to fantasy! Kim would never give that a chance before YT! I never thought she would get so wrapped up in it! She talks about the things we watch all the time now! Our brothers are quite impressed and excited to actually have a conversation about nerdy stuff with the both of us now! Whoo! This is so healthy for Mom too since she always looks forward to us meeting and reacting together! Thanks again for you meaningful and lovely words! You made my night! Thanks so much and I so can't wait for the next Part too!! The Matrix will be a great addition to our reactions!! I will add that to a future poll soon! Thanks for your request!! :)


Hi could you send me links to your lotr reactions? Just donated and it seems that I can not find it. Thank you


If you check some of the previous posts on this Patreon you should find the most recent Google Drive link somewhere :)