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You can find this video in our MOVIE Reactions link (located our MAIN page) under MOVIES, then click The Lord of the Rings folder! 

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Thanks so much for you pledge! Please enjoy!

This movie was so epic!! Mom and Kim really got into it!! There is some screaming so mind your ears!! ;)



OMG, i was not expecting that, time to drop everything.

Koala Banana

Thanks, been so excited to finish this film.


Where was Gondor?!?!?

Jihad Lee

Where was the Gondor when the Westfold fell!? Where was Gondor when the enemy has us surrounded!? Where was....(pause) No Lord Aragon, we are on our own.


''There is some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for.'' I love LOTR quotes xD i'm such a geek. I feel like people who live by LOTR quotes must be very kind and wise people.


I love Sam so much, he's my favourite character for sure. Everyone should aspire to being like him. Loyal and loving untill the end. But, as you say........ Legolas is pretty awesome too. xD


Getting to see someones first time experiencing Helms deep was really fantastic. I cannot wait for ROTK, it's gonna be amazing.


FANTASTIC reaction! It is so much fun to watch people who can immerse themselve this much into a movie. Thank you so much. Helms Deep is undeniably the best fight scene in cinema history and as you mentioned everything is so believable. I just love Bernard Hill as Theoden, definetly my favourite character.


Hi all! I just got home and am so tired! I am so excited to read all of your comments and will do so tmrw! Thanks again for helping our channel! You all make this happen and I'm always humbled by your generosity. Love ya!! XD

Alexandre Boutin

I don't know if you have scene my last post on the past part but , I think maybe you could tell them how the Return of the King was so good that it is tied with Ben Hur and Titanic for the most Oscars won in a night, with 11 oscars. It just show how good it was for a fantasy movie to be rewarded that much at the Oscars, it literally won every film categories, and it will probably never happen again.

King Henry Beauclerc

I love it. Great reaction as always!! There are several overarching themes in the LOTR movies but one of the major ones is Technology/Industry vs. Nature. As you probably already know, Tolkien was a veteran of the First World War and the destruction, devastation, the vast amount of death (approximately 37.5 million killed and wounded) affected him very deeply as you can imagine. In LOTR, especially Two Towers, you see Nature triumph over industry. The Ents defeating Isengard and releasing the river, the forest moving to Helm's Deep to destroy Saruman's Uruk-Hai (aka Technological weapons of war). After all Saruman destroyed the forest to fuel his machinery which made the armor and swords for his army. Also, I noticed you said it was too easy with the Ents attacked Isengard. That is very true but it also goes to show how little Saruman regarded nature. He essentially emptied the city to attack Helms Deep leaving nothing in reserve. His hubris got the better of him that day and he paid the price.


OOOOooo, I like this! Thanks again, Johnathan, for the helpful info! I will discuss this more with Mom and Kim next time! I did tell them about Tolkien, that he was in WW1 and how that influenced LotR... but I would love to discuss with them the details you've given us. It's very true what you are saying and I love how this expresses nature against tech... I mean, when I first saw the Ents attack on Isengard I was so crazy excited :D Saruman shouldn't of disrespected nature! I love this movie so much! Helm's Deep was such an epic battle, So many emotions and I love everyone coming together to fight for good :) Thanks again for your input! I always love hearing what you have to say! :)


Hi Alexandre! Thanks again for your comment! :D I am going through all our posts now and sorry I missed your previous post before! I do live under a rock sometimes since I didn't know this! I knew this movie won oscars, but I didn't know how many and that it compared to Titanic. I am not surprised though with how epic these movies are! LotR is so amazing and it's been too long since I've seen the 3rd installment. The extended version of Return of the King is almost 4.5 hours of pure awesomeness! I so can't wait! Thanks again for this info!! :D


Aww, thanks so much Andre!! I'm so happy you enjoyed our reactions!! XD All of us get so wrapped up into movies that some find it annoying and strange, but I just love it! When we watch something for the first time, we just feel what that character is feeling and just let it flow through us all the way! I always look so calm and collect because I already know what's going to happen half the time XD That's why it's awesome doing a blind reaction with all three of us! ... Sometimes though, me freaking out will make everyone freak out more, lol! Not always sure that's a good thing... but now with earbuds, we don't miss much at all! Yay! Helm's Deep is just amazing! Bernard Hill is a very talented actor! That's cool he's your favorite! XD Thanks again for your kind words!!


Hi again Drew!! I'm so happy you are still enjoying our reactions! These movies have been a real treat! I so can't wait for RotK!! I was confusing some of that battle with our last reaction when we were watching Helm's Deep (but I didn't say anything to Mom and Kim because I'm very aware of spoilers!)... the next will be so amazing! I love how Mom and Kim really enjoy these movies and always talk about them afterwards to friends and other family members :) Our brothers are always taken back by what their other sister knows now! XD Thanks again for always being so supportive!! :D


Hi again Pascale! You are so right! Sam is so amazing too! Everyone needs a Sam in their life! He has such great qualities in a friend! I'd love him to follow me around all day! XD Legolas is a fantastic character and I just have such a fan crush on him! LOL!


Yes!! I love it too! We should have these quotes all around our jobs to keep us motivated! XD Their quotes are simple, yet so meaningful and inspiring! We are always exposed to so much bad through social media too, that it's good to find the positive :D There is a lot of good out there! ;) Geeks are awesome!


I'm trying to download it but it keeps downloading as a document instead of a video. Which means I can't add a small screen in the corner


Thank you again, for amazing reaction! I have so much fun watching these films with you guys!


Yay! You are very welcome and thanks again for the nice comment!! I love hearing this! I so can't wait to watch the 3rd installment! Hopefully by mid week! :D


Hi 1dvsbastrd! Sorry to hear you are having trouble! This is the first time I've heard of this... It means a lot that you are here and I want to help in any way that I can! Hmm.. do you use Google Drive for anything else and have had this same issue? If you COPY/MOVE the video to your own Google Drive it should play just fine... not sure why it's downloading as a document instead... please let me know if you were able to solve this issue. I will try to mess around with my Google Drive to see if I can help fix this for you. Thanks for your support! Also, if you direct message me, I get notified sooner and try to reply as fast as I can :)


I can watch it on google drive I just can't play it on any video editing software. And when I download it the title is 201%20_%20LotR%202%20_%20The%20TWO%20TOWERS%20_%20Part%201%20_%20EXTENDED%20_%20FULL%20FAMILY%20Reactions.ojx6zlw

Calvin Delaney

Glad to be a Patron, watching through all of the Harry potter stuff and i am super excited for Return of the King!


Hi Calvin!! Thanks so much for being here and supporting us! I'm so happy you enjoy our reactions!! We just watched the first part to LotR 3 and I'm editing the FULL Reaction now! Harry Potter was so much fun and I'm sad that one is over, but we do plan on doing a review of HP in the near future (once we have time besides reactions, lol!!) Thanks again!! :)

Calvin Delaney

I was very sad also, Harry Potter is very special and watching them all again was special. its also very cool seeing your family watch Lord of the Rings from the perspective of watching Game of Thrones first. When an Orc attacks Aragorn they think he is going to die, which makes the reaction a lot better there is this expectation of death around every corner :D excited for all the content to come!


I can download return of the king, but not any others. Is there something you did differently when uploading it?


I don’t know how any of this works and I can’t find any reactions I want.... am I being stupid or is there some tab for the full reactions Iam just not finding?

Melanie P

So I just joined and am watching your LOTR videos. The biggest reason Theoden wouldn’t let eowyn fight at helm’s deep wasn’t because she was a woman... it was because she is the highest born royal left. So she would become the next ruler if Theoden were to die since Eomir wasn’t around at all and theodred had just passed. Love your reactions.