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Hi everyone and thanks again for your support!

The Lord of the Rings 2 Part 1 (EXTENDED VERSION) is ready! Check it out in the link below!

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Amazing reaction!! Aw Kim cried during King Théoden's grieving moment for the loss of his son. :( "No parent should have to bury their child."


Yay! I'm happy you enjoyed it! Kim really gets into it! Poor Kimmy! It's amazing she gets so into it and has never had an interest in this before ;) ;) So cool! Theoden's scene was so sad... I haven't seen that longer version before ;*(


I just got off work and it's 1am but fuck it, I have been waiting for this all day.


I hope you get to watch part 2 soon because the second half of TT is probably my favorite part of the whole trilogy.


Yes I can't wait to watch Kim fall from the couch with the way she reacted in the first film. Although this will probably happen in part 2. XD


Can you reupload your James Corden reaction on google drive? I really want to watch it.


I was also moved by Kim's reaction at King Théoden's grieving. I shed some tears myself :( Gosh, I love those movies, and I love Two Towers. Part 2 is going to be intense. I was actually a bit surprised to see where the blue-ray ended part 1, because in my DVD version part 1 ends during the battle at Helm's Deep when the Orcs are trying to force they way through the gate using that massive thing that looks like a wolf's head (idk what it's called). But I also think it was better to end where you ended, and watch the battle of Helm's Deep unfold from the beginning. So excited!


Just wanted to add - Eowyn's elegy at Theodred's funeral was so beautiful! One of the reasons extended versions are the best.

King Henry Beauclerc

Must have a different version than me because my extended cut dvd is the same as the blu ray so far. I haven't had any trouble syncing up either like some people did for Fellowship. That's weird.


I don't really know what's the difference. Maybe it depends on the country it was released in? Myself, I'm from central EU, so maybe our DVD varies from other versions? Hard to say. This time, I didn't have troubles syncing the movie, because I downloaded blue-ray version for this occasion, so it was great.


Sorry Jonathan, you were right. I just checked my DVD version, because I was curious. I confused Two Towers with Return of the King, because I watched both movies last weekend, and certain parts of the battles must've mixed in my mind. Wolf's Head was in RotK. So yeah... I stand corrected.

King Henry Beauclerc

Oh ok, that's good. I was worried that something would be different between the Blu Ray and DVD but so far so good and besides I remembered this is Lord of the Rings and not Star Wars.


''no parent should have to bury their child'', a quote i will always remember. Saw it got to Kim as well xD

Armchair Wizard

I am really loving the direction your channel is going, and I just wanted to express my gratitude at the high quality content you guys are putting out. I loved your reactions to Black Panther and Lord of the Rings the most.


Thank you so much for saying that, Christopher! You are such a great fan and your kind words are so motivating and heart warming! I do try hard and comments like yours really make all of this worth it! I'm so happy how well we are doing too! I love hanging out with family and reacting is just an added bonus! Last year, I never would've imagined we would be watching movies together like this! Thanks so much for your caring words and your support! You are always amazing! :)


OMG, that saying is so emotional! It struck me hard as well the first time... but I don't have kids and even though I get it... Kim really took that to heart... such a great movie!


Hi again Kati! That is so interesting! So crazy there are so many different versions of the extended! I am happy this ended where it did too... I did expect more, but it's great they left all the action for the end! Funny side note, but my camera pauses automatically every 25 minutes... so I have to quickly pause right before hand... and if that happens during a battle, Kim freaks out so much and freezes in mid freak out pose... LOL! I'd rather not stop watching a movie mid action scene! That would do her in, lol! Helm's Deep is an amazing battle! Sad, but so epic! I so can't wait to watch this with them! We're going to try to get together late Wednesday to do so! Yay!


Thanks Sidney! I'll do that now, but it'll take a while. I was shocked how quickly that was taken down... luckily no strike! :)


OMG, as much as I love Kim, that would be so hilarious to see her launch/fall off the couch! I'm sure once we watch the second part there may be a big possibility of that happening! LOL!! XD


i need the links for the lord of the rings reactions


Hi Luis! Thanks for pledging! You can find our link on our MAIN page. Once you pledge, that link will unlock. Thanks again and please enjoy! :)

Nick S

Excited to watch along with you guys once I get the link. :)


Hi Nick!! Thanks so much for your pledge! Our technique has changed here on Patreon and you can easily find our links on our MAIN page once you have donated to a tier. That way there is no wait. Yay! Our MAIN MOVIE LINK has our entire MOVIE library within it! Hope you enjoy and please let me know if you need further assistance! :)

Alexandre Boutin

Well randomly now I can post. Just a fun fact, Not sure if you wanna tell them or not, but The Return of the King is tied for the winniest movie in history at the oscars with 11 oscars, it just shows how amazing that movie was when it even got recognized as one of the best movie ever even if it's fantasy.


Hi Dawn! As is turns out, we do have the same version. I mixed up the ending of disc 1 of Two Towers with Return of the King, because I've watched two movies recently. Sorry for the confusion. Poor Kim, always so invested, but because of this, she is made for reactions! It'll be be great if you guys can watch part 2 this Wednesday, but I hope you also find time to rest. Btw, I've noticed a lot of negativity towards The Hobbit trilogy in your yt comments section, and I know that you Dawn are not really partial to the 3rd film (I really like it myself, but it's very sad one for me, because of the deaths of the Durin line). Still, I think that your family will like it a lot. The Hobbit is for the most part more lighter than LoTR, and is lots of fun. Not nearly as epic and LoTR, but has a lot of heart. So I'm very happy and excited to be able to re-watch it with you in the near future. Stay awesome as always!


Yeah didn't ROTK win like almost every category?