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Hi everyone!! Your pledges are keeping me editing and I can't thank you enough! I've been working a lot due my full time being short staffed this month... so your donations are helping me free up time from freelancing so thanks all for your support!

By summer, once we are close to our next goal here... I plan on making some life decisions on becoming a full time editor for our channel! Yay! Which means, we will have a lot more videos every week! :D

I love talking with all of you here and want to make more time to respond to your comments! Meaning, I want to try something new with our links and provide it here where our Patrons can view with no waiting for me to send a link! Yay! 

The reason why I sent links privately in the past was because close to half of our pledging Patrons delete their pledge right when they receive our link... so if I sent a private link, I could keep track with those who are honest and who disappear frequently...

Those of you who pledge and stay to be charged/donate on the 1st are really helping our channel, so thank you so much! If you stay and actually pledge, we will eventually be able to make more videos every week!

We are honored having you all here and so happy you enjoy our videos!

I'll put up our MAIN LINKS here in the POSTs today, so that way you can still access our videos no prob! Let me know if you like this idea :)

I will have to update our link often here so no one is sharing our links to the point where we have less support here... 

Thanks so much for understanding and thanks so much for your donations!! Love you all!

Oh! And, LotR Part 2 is rendering... then will be uploaded... so most likely will be up tmrw at some point! Yay!! :D


Paul Martin

Sounds great, and keep it up! ;)

Jihad Lee

Don't worry yourself too much. It's all good and thank you for everything you do for us!!!😄

Elliott Bishop

You doing such great content here dawn and I’m looking forward to what’s next in the future. Also I was wondering if mum and Kim have seen Jurassic Park, it’s my favourite film and it would be amazing to see as a future idea. Hmmmm? 😂😂 Keep up the great work


Jurassic Park would be great! Can you imagine Kim squirming while the T-Rex runs wild?!


Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into this channel. It really shows and I’m so glad I decided to up my pledge! Keep up the good work, but please don’t run yourself ragged. Much love to you!

Andreja Vladic

Thank you for everything you do for us! I‘m new and I‘m glad I pledged. The idea is good but do what’s best for you. ☺️I‘m excited for the future posts and I hope you‘ll react to the Hunger Games movies someday. 🔥🏹😍


Aww, thanks so much Andreja!! That means so much to me!! Now I can attempt to make more time to actually chat with everyone here! I hope this new style works (which I think it will) :D I love doing this so much and hope I can go full time for realz soon, lol! I so want to react to Hunger Games soon! I love that series so much!! One of my favs! I saw the first movie when it came out on DVD... was working out while it played... stopped working out because I got so into the story... ending up stopping and watching the rest of the movie... then bought the book trilogy and read each one within a day of each other! I loved it that much!! Mom and Kim will so freak out! LOL XD Thanks again for your support!! xoxo


Thanks so much Rachel!! You all make this so worth it! I really want to spend more time here chatting with all of you because I love our conversations! I think this new link style is a good choice :) It means so much that you are taking extra time out of your schedule to be here supporting us! I'm happy you can see how hard we work! Even though we are reacting, we try to have quality content (especially with editing). Thanks so much and love back at you!! I love editing so much! Sometimes I have to tell myself to take a break :) xoxo


Hi Elliot!! Thanks so much for the lovely comment as always!! With the new JP movie coming out... or should I say JW, lol... I've been really thinking about reacting to JP with Mom and Kim... Kim hasn't seen any of it... Mom has seen parts on TV... so I think that would be a great series to react too! At least the 1st original movie and I'll have everyone vote on the next (whether the next 2 JPs or right to JW). Love Chris Pratt!! Thanks again for being so supportive!! :D


Thanks Jihad for being so understanding!! That means a lot and makes all this worth it! xoxo


Can't wait for LOTR! Today is my birthday (well, for two more hours anyway :D), so I'm hoping I can make that a late birthday celebration. But if it's up tomorrow, I will be watching it first thing in the morning anyway. Damn timezones :D

Andreja Vladic

You‘re welcome :)! And I hope you can start doing this full time. If it‘s something you love to do than you should definitely try it! And Yesss I love the movies and the books sooo much, too ! I watched the movies like a 1000 times and read the books twice 😂😍 I beged my friends to watch the movies with me to see their reactions haha. So I‘m looking forward to see the reactions of your Mom and Kim! ☺️


OMG, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! That is so awesome! Why am I only seeing this now??? Hope you had a great bday!! Timezones make all the difference! Hope you were able to view around your bday! xoxo


Thanks so much Andreja! I do really enjoy this so much! I have an animation degree and am using a lot of my education when it comes to editing! A big dream of mine is to incorporate my animation skills into our videos in the future... but right now that is wishful thinking, lol! Editing is so much fun to me though and way faster than animating... so I'm good with that! Doing reactions is also so healthy for Mom as well since she always looks forward to it and hanging out with her girls. She talks about it all the time and gets dressed up. She's so cute! Kim enjoys this a lot as well! Once I am able to go fulltime, I will try to bring Li and Nikole more on the channel so we can finish TWD and start some movies too! Nikole hasn't seen the MCU or Harry Potter... or LotR.. actually... she's more like Kim when it comes to movies! OMG, the possibilities!! Love this! Thanks so much again for your kind words and your support!! :)


Hi Rachel! YES!! Kim will freak out over the T-Rex!! I so want to see her reaction to that! JP was a huge fan favorite of mine growing up! :D


Thank you! :D I had an leg injury just before my birthday, so I celebrated it by lying down, eating cake and watching movies, haha, which was not so bad. Your video was up for me the next day, but it was even better to watch it then, because I was well-rested and fresh :D Thank you again!