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Hi everyone!! We completed Harry Potter! What a beautiful and emotional series!! 

You can find our HP8 Reactions in your provided MOVIE series link that was send to you before- under our Harry Potter folder :) If you are new here, welcome!! I will send you a link once I'm home from work tonight! :D

I totally want to watch extras now from HP.. I can't believe we watched this all already! In the past, this would've taken several months to watch all these movies!

Thanks so much for the support!

Please keep in mind to transfer the video you wish to view into your own google drive :) This will help lessen traffic on our own google drive so more can view at the same time :)

Please enjoy!! :D


Elliott Bishop

This has been a great journey going back through the Harry Potter films. Thanks a lot dawn! Hoping to see some little extra things such as lore video reactions on YouTube maybe 🤔😄


Great series of reactions, was a lot of fun to see your family enjoy these movies. Thanks for doing these.


This has been brilliant! Thank you for a great series of reactions, I can gladly say that I'm happy I support you guys here on Patreon! There really is a lot of amazing aspects of the books that were never covered in the movies. In the books for example, the majority of Slytherin house ended up fighting alongside the rest of the school rather than all being locked up in the dungeons; shows that they also care for their school and aren't all bad people. There's also Remus and Tonks' relationship, and their son (Teddy Lupin) which Harry only mentions for a short moment towards the end of the movie. I believe Harry ended up as his godfather. It's unfortunate how much has to be cut out in order to translate books to movies, but that's just the way things are. Welp, it only means that the books are like a story of their own, with so much more to experience even if you've seen the movies already! I hope you guys check it out sometime, as I'm sure you'd enjoy it! The audio books as narrated by Stephen Fry are magnificent, so if that is more your cup of tea then I'd very much suggest those! Thanks again for these magnificent reactions!


Loved the reactions as always! I've been anticipating this particular movie and it was great! Hopefully this answers some questions. The resurrection stone didn’t bring Harry back to life, it only let Harry talk to his parents, Sirius, and Lupin before he went to die. I believe the reason Harry could come back was that he was the master of the elder wand, and according to the book, that wand won’t harm it’s master. So Voldemort's curse only destroyed the part of his soul that was in Harry. Also since Voldemort used Harry’s blood for his new body in Goblet of Fire, he renewed Lily’s protection which tied Harry to life while he lived. Dumbledore explains this a lot better in the book when Harry meets him in limbo. Also in the book, Harry had the invisibility cloak with him, was the master of the elder wand, and had the resurrection stone when he went into the forest, so he was the master of death at that point. It’s also why Voldemort killed Snape with his snake instead of just the killing curse, since he thought that Snape was master of the wand, he thought he couldn’t kill Snape with it so he used Nagini. Also like you said during the battle with seven Harrys in part 1, Snape was there and he was the one who accidentally cursed George’s ear. In the book, there was a Death Eater who was about to curse Lupin, and Snape used Sectumsempra to save him, aiming at the Death Eater’s wand arm, but he missed and hit George’s ear instead. He was also the one who gave the Order that idea to use seven Harrys by Dumbledore’s orders. Once you find out the whole backstory with Snape, it's cool to go back and notice all the subtle hints made throughout the series. He’s such an interesting character, and Alan Rickman played him so wonderfully. Apparently JK Rowling told him that Snape loved Lily very early on so he could play the part knowing that. There’s so many details in the books that the movie didn’t mention, and I highly recommend reading them if you have time or listen to the audiobooks. Oh, and I absolutely agree, the music is simply amazing in this one. John Williams was the composer for the first three movies and the main Harry Potter theme song (Hedwig's theme), but in the last movie, the main theme played is called Lily's theme by Alexandre Desplat. You can hear it in the beginning with Snape standing there, during the dragon's flight, and during Snape's death, which I think is quite fitting. Anyways, thanks for your wonderful reactions and I can’t wait to see the other series you do next!


Yay! The one I've been waiting for. Totally honest, the first thing I did after coming back from work today, was to check out if there is a new HP reaction from you guys. Idk what it is, but watching the movies with you always makes it more heightened experience for me, emotionally speaking. I think I cried a few times during this one too… I agree with Kim that the music in this film was exceptionally good. For example that scene with Snape at the beginning, where he is standing alone, looking at Hogwarts grounds, solemn and vulnerable expression on his face – it really gets to me. And then the credits come in. I get chills. Not to mention Snape memories. I also think that he is a character with the saddest story. Growing up with a abusive, drunk father, being piss-poor , and always alone (until he met Lilly). Bullied at school. Making so many wrong choices in his life and paying for them double. And then he died a horrible death. I could go on and on. He wasn’t necessarily a good man, nor he was a bad man. But he was a very layered character, and yes, definitely a brave one. About Neville. I think someone said it in the comment somewhere, here on Patreon. About the prophecy that pointed to Neville as well as Harry, but it was Voldemort who made the ultimate decision (that thus marked Harry as the Chosen One), by going after the Potters and their half-blood baby instead of the pure blooded Longbottoms. After all, Voldemort himself was a half blood (just like Harry… and Snape). The books detail the story of Voldemort’s mother Merope Gaunt, a witch, and a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin, and how he she developed an obsessive love for a muggle Tom Riddle (the senior), and made him fell in love with her by taking a love potion. Which is a curious thing, considering that her son was conceived under the love potion, and came to the world being completely devoid of it. You’ve mention that you maybe would consider watching Fantastic Beasts. I hope you do, because the first movie was really good, and I think you’ll like it. The second one comes this November. It’s actually somewhat tied to HP storyline, especially to the background story (covered in book 7) of Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Gridewald. The Deathly Hallows movie almost skipped this storyline completely. Which is a shame, because it added so much to the character of Dumbledore, and made him even more compelling and kind of morally-gray (though it’s complicated). Gellert Gridewald, who was Albus’ childhood friend (and his love – but that part was mentioned by J.K Rowling in an interview or something), was later on known as the most dangerous dark wizard, that is before Voldemort. He was also the owner of the elder wand. The first Fantastic Beasts movie follows Newt Scamander though ( the author of the one of Harry’s schoolbooks that was used in the class of the care of magical creatures). The movie is set in the 20’ in America during the times where Gridewald rose to power. The second movie, The Crimes of Gellert Gridewald will have young Dumbledore in it (well, he is forty-something by this time, but I consider it young), which is so exciting! Maybe you can watch the trailer together sometime? I would love to see your reaction. On another note, I’m so excited for LoTR and The Hobbit! Sorry this was so long ;)


Great reaction as always. Great movie, but as always there is a lot more details in the book. I can't add anything more than what has already been commented on. I am, so looking forward to the LOTR reactions, and then maybe Star Wars if that gets voted in the next poll. I think maybe you should do a reaction of Fantastic Beasts but maybe wait awhile until the next movie comes out or something.


Wonderful reaction! I can't believe it's over. It seems almost yesterday when you guys started. I'm had no idea your camera goes for about 20 minutes before you need to restart it! :O It really seems like there is no pause. So kudos to you Dawn for that amazing edit skills! I had, once again, chills when the Snape-reveal scene came. I was so curious how you guys were gonna react to that. I'm definitely satisfied. You can just see the "Holy hell"-face when Snape's patronus came along. He is such an amazing character and so well written. Gotta love J. K. Rowling. O and btw, the movie you guys were talking about is called "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them". It's a spinoff and indeed a prequel to the Harry Potter-series. I hopehopehope it will be in the future polls. It's such an amazing movie and I know for sure that the three of you will adore it! I'm looking forward to the Lord of the Rings movies (and Hobbit of course!) It's going to be another wonderful adventure. By the way Dawn, did you knew that A Song Of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones books) were inspired by the Lord of the Rings? GRRM was inspired by Tolkien! :)


Lovely reaction as always! I want add something to the conversation about Draco. I don't think that cowardice makes him join the death eaters at the last moments of the battle. I think he has a great loyalty to his family and his heritage, and choses his family above everything else. That's for me the central theme of the Harry Potter series: knowing where you come from and chosing for yourself between doing the wrong and the right things. Sirius Black came from a dark family and choses a lighter path against all odds. Harry Potter realising that his father was not the saint he thought he was, and accepting that. Neville proving to the world that he is indeed like his parents: brave and good hearted above everything else. The Harry Potter series is less about the fight between good and evil, but about recognizing the past en chosing to do what you believe are the right things. And the warmth of love and compassion conquering the cold of hatred and indifference. And please: read the books!!! (looking forward to the LOTR reactions)


For some reason it is not showing for me. It shows the first seven, but not this movie. Could you send another email with the link to find them in? Am I doing something wrong?


It's been really fun to journey through the world of Harry Potter with you. I want to share a quote that Alan Rickman (Snape) wrote to Empire Magazine when they published a special retrospective Harry Potter issue for the last film. "I have just returned from the dubbing studio where I spoke into a microphone as Severus Snape for the last time. On the screen were some flashback shots of Daniel, Emma, and Rupert from ten years ago. They were 12. I have also recently returned from New York, and while I was there, I saw Daniel singing and dancing (brilliantly) on Broadway. A lifetime seems to have passed in minutes. These children have become adults since a phone call with Jo Rowling, containing one small clue, persuaded me that there was more to Snape than an unchanging costume, and that even though only three of the books were out at that time, she held the entire massive but delicate narrative in the surest of hands. It is an ancient need to be told stories. But the story needs a great storyteller. Thanks for all of it, Jo."


I cannot fucking wait for LOTR, best movie trilogy of all time.


To be fair, literally ever western fantasy fiction written in the last 70 years has taken some inspiration from Tolkien. He basically invented what we think of as modern Western fantasy.

Stephen Ray

I've really enjoyed the last few reactions (I only recently discovered you, so have only watched the final 3). Thank you for doing these. Again, I love the way you make it simple to synchronize. I believe the reason the Death Eaters brought Hagrid along is that he (and the giants) are pretty resistant to magic. He's pretty hard to kill or injure anyway, and very difficult to work a spell on. Rather than let him loose and have him fight them, they kept him with them. One other thing about Harry's sacrifice in the woods is that by surrendering himself to save his friends, he gave them the same sort of protection that his mother gave Harry when she sacrificed herself. The first battle of Hogwarts had a terrible toll in dead and injured. In the second battle, a lot of people got tossed around, but only Death Eaters died.


I just became a patron and im not sure were the google drive link is someone help me thanks

King Henry Beauclerc

Hey my first comment! Anyway I have enjoyed your reactions to this series and love how easy you make it to sync up between our movie and your reactions. Also, I highly recommend you read the books. I haven't seen these movies and overall starting with Goblet of Fire, so much was skipped in the adaptation that movies are rushed, scenes and characters skipped. The books are far superior and after I finished it for the first time I have felt a way that I have never felt before about a series. I missed the characters and was so happy at the conclusion and sad that it was over and I immediately started the series over again. Finally great job with the reactions and I am looking forward to watching the MCU movies and any future movies as well. After reading some other comments I keep seeing Star Wars pop up. Has somebody not seen Star Wars? It is just that with Star Wars being so prevalent in our culture that it always surprises me when someone hasn't seen them.


She will send you an e-mail with the link :) just wait.

Harry Utton

Hi, commented on the older movies before seeing this one so didn't realise there was a single link to all of them, i just subbed and was wondering if i could get the link? take all the time you need :) Email: harryutton1999@gmail.com (its my spare account so I don't mind commenting it here).


Hi Harry!! Thanks again for pledging! I know I already sent you a link a while ago, but I love our comments on our page and always try my best to make time to chat with everyone! Thanks again for providing your gmail! I hope you are enjoying our reactions!!! :D


Yay!!! I love comments!! Hi Jonathan!! Thanks for your opinion on keeping things in sync! That is really helpful! I'm always trying to improve to make things easiest for all of us and still staying safe with copyright restrictions. I really want to read the HP books now! I'm so HP obsessed again, lol!! I would love to relive their adventures and more since the books have way more to be told!! So awesome!! Also, once Mom and Kim have more time, I will try to squeeze in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (even though we saw that already, that still would be cool!) and Black Panther right when that's released on DVD! After BP, I want to see Avengers 3 in theaters! I'm so afraid I'm going to hear spoilers before it's released onto disc, so I'd rather see it first hand... Mom and Kim have no problem waiting for Avengers on disc though... especially with Kim's kungfu moves... it's best to watch at home, LOL!!! I have a feeling after LotRs, Star Wars may when our next MOVIE series POLL... we'll see! Believe it or not, I haven't seen a few of the Star Wars movies! Mom and Kim saw the very first movie, but nothing after that! ... my brothers are huge Star Wars fans, so it is quite surprising that the women of our family haven't seen much since we all get a long so well... hmm... will make a interesting reaction I think! Thanks again for your comment and your pledge! :)


Hi again Stephen! Thanks for this comment! I'm happy you found us and enjoy our reactions! That means a lot!! That's quite interesting about Hagrid! I was relieved he survived the first time I watched the last movie... I was so sure he would die in the end.. glad they kept him close, but didn't feel the need to kill him... that's also intriguing about Harry's survival... that does make sense! I love how LOVE is so powerful in this world. That sends a great message that some take for granted. Thanks again for being here and your support! :)


Sweet!!! It's going to be epic!! I can't wait to see how they react to such an adventure!! XD


Aww, Jan! Thanks so much for sharing this! How endearing! I loved Alan Rickman! What a talented actor! I was so heartbroken when he passed... What an intelligent, kind, talented man... wow... what kind words and so true!! Jo Rowling is absolutely amazing... all the roles were just perfect... and you can tell how in love she was with her work.. so much emotion. I love it! :)


Hi Daniel! Sorry for the late reply! I will send you a direct link now! It should be in the link you were provided... but sometimes things glitch, so I don't mind at all sending you a direct link! You presence here means so much to us!! Let me know if you need more assistance! If you message me directly, I will get your message right away and I will respond immediately when I'm not working. Thanks again for your pledge! :)


Hi Pascale! Thanks for your comment! I will be sure to add this to our discussion! I love how you described you thoughts! This really makes sense and I can completely see what you mean! I actually have a soft spot for Draco since I know he loves his family and he's only trying to do right by them... nothing is black and white.. and with all the conflicts of interest... it's amazing how everyone develops from learning from the past and it isn't always predictable. Thanks again for this! I love the deeper meanings of this world. I am totally sold on reading the books! I don't have free time right now... but hopefully in the near future I will! I would love to be wrapped up in the HP world again! Thanks again for your words!! :)


Thanks Scott! That means a lot! I am sold about reading the books! Hopefully when time frees up! I so can't wait to watch LotR though! I have no idea how Mom and Kim are going to take it! XD ... I decided I'm going to add a POLL soon where we can all VOTE on individual movies (not just animated) .. FB will totally be on it! Thanks again for your comment!


Because you wanted to know more about Tonks. In the Black Family the main sisters Bellatrix and Narcissa (Malfoy’s mother) had another sister named Andromeda. She’s Tonk’s mother. Andromeda got cut from the family because of who she married so Tonks didn’t know much about the Blacks. Tonk is Draco’s cousin and the saddest thing is Tonks was killed by Bellatrix in the books who is her aunt. Tonks son was named Teddy and he lived with Andromeda during the battle/afterward and Harry is his godfather


Hi Severance!! Love your name btw!! ;) ;) Thanks for all these details! I'm really loving these and want to talk about this during our discussion! When these movies first came out... I didn't realize all the family connections! This is so much more interesting! Thanks for sharing! So sad for Tonks... I really liked her!


Hi i just pledged, can i get the link, i did it all because of the hp-movies xd


Hi I've just pledged, can I get a link?


Hi Amardeep!! I know I already sent you a link days ago, but I wanted to reply here and say thanks for pledging and being a fan! I always answer private messages everyday since I'm notified right away... but here on our page, it's hard to always make time to comment here, but I always love to hear what everyone has to say!! Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy our reactions!! :)

Armchair Wizard

I just now finished the Deathly Hallows part 2 reaction. I really loved watching you guys go through this series, which is near and dear to my heart. I'm now excited to get started on the Lord of the Rings reactions! I'm very glad I became a patron!


Hi Christopher! I always get excited to see your comments! That is so endearing of you to say! Thanks so much! Watching with Mom and Kim brought back such great memories of this series... I'm so sad it's over... but Kim now wants to go to Universal to visit Hogwarts! We can't afford it now, but maybe next year or something, we'll see! There are also other movies coming out in the near future too I believe (besided Fantastic Beasts)... and I still want to do a full review on the HP movies... such a beautiful story! I'm so happy you enjoyed our reactions to it! LotR will be available at some point tonight! They are having fun with this series too! Thanks again for being a Patron and your kind words!! xoxo


Hi, I just became a patron. Can I get a link to your HP reactions?


Hi Tomasz! Thanks so much for your pledge! I believe at this point you found our links on our main page? Let me know if you need further assistance! Thanks again and please enjoy!! :)


Hey can i have the link tobiashaas14.1.2003@gmail.com ! pls


Hi TobiiZocktt!! Thanks so much for your donation! You can find our LINKS right here on this same page is you scroll down :) You will see a LINK titled, "LINK- MOVIE Reactions" and that LINK will take you to our entire MOVIE library. YAY! Please feel free to message me directly if you are still having issues :) That way I can help you sooner. I will be away tonight, but I will help before that or first thing tmrw morning if need be! Thanks again! :D


Hi there I’ve just pledged, I’m a few months well behind but I’d love to see your reaction to this film, is there a link or something? Or do you need my email?


Hei can i get the link please. My email is arsredin7@gmail.com


Hey! Can I get the link for Harry Potter please? Do I need to give a gmail? Pecosgirl13@gmail.com.


Hi! I'd love the link! ethanmillerart@gmail.com


can I get a link? joker97£@live.se


wrong email-joker97@live.se


Can i get a link?


Can i get a link?


Yo, could I get a link for the HP reactions please?


send link to full harry potter reactions to thepepsiman18@gmail.com. i have just pledged for full movie reactions


Hi I just joined, can I get a link to all the HP reactions? I have my email linked to my account, but would prefer it sent to my gmail: minecraftdsimmer@gmail.com


Hi, I just joined! Can I get a link? @kara041607@gmail.com


Hi, could I get a link? I just joined.


Hi can I get a link ? I just joined rafal.miszewski@interia.pl

Tori Johnson

Can I have the link to all the harry potter movies please I just joined 2 thank you


Can I get the link? I just joined. Sent to my gmail please: Niklasmuller103@gmail.com