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So we're half way through Harry Potter and thought it would be a good idea to have this up early! The rate we are growing here on Patreon, thanks to all of you, we'll most likely be able to get to all kinds of movies and show soon! Yay!

We picked the most popular requests! 

Again, we'll have POLLs multiple times a month (including solo movie POLLs)!

The bigger we get, the more we can do! We love you for that! :D


Amanda P

Oh man i love most of these series lol I know eventually you will probably react to all of them on this list but what to choose first! :)


All of them are so good! Will the losers of this poll stay on the list for future polls? Would be a crime to dismiss them completely.


Could you please upload an announcement of this poll on YouTube. Hoping more people decide to vote.


What about The Dark Knight trilogy? I think you would love it.


I vote for LotR. It's a must watch. And after that maybe a The Hobbit films? :D I love Tolkien universe and I can't recommend it enough.


Hunger games :)


LOVE LotR!! I was debating whether to just watch it in between Harry Potter... but I decided to leave it to the POLLs since I don't want Mom and Kim confusing LotR with Harry Potter history, lol! They'll probably freak out more too! ;)


I love Hunger Games so much! I remember I was working out and Hunger Games was on TV... I never saw the movie and never read the books... during the movie I had low expectations and ended up slowing my workout to a stop to finish the movie... I was so hooked! After that, I read all the books and was ready for the next movies! I really hope this series wins soon too! ;)

Kage Uzumaki

love lotr read the books at 10 and watched about 10 min of the first one before i had to go somewhere, not knowing i read the book. i ended up not watching it for anoher year until i marathoned it with my brother, been a fan ever since.


Hunger Games for the win!!

Elliott Bishop

I wasn’t really into lord of rings before, but if it wins I’m actually gonna watch it for the first time with you guys😅


mb x men movies


Lord of the Rings FTW, it's amazing :)


I love Hunger Games too


Really want Pirates and Maze Runner to overtake Star Wars and Planet of the Apes. I like all movie series on the poll just not in the order people are voting now xD.

Marvel Boy

i really love Pirates, Star Wars and Maze Runner Saga.


Wooo Lord of the Rings! Can't wait! :D


If you do Lord of the Rings, please do the Extended Editions of the trilogy! You can easily find the individual copies of the blu-rays in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart, at least that's where I got my copies of them for only $8 CAD each, so much cheaper than buying the box set of them.


How do you watch the full reactions? I'm new I have no idea what I'm doing, already pledged and confirmed my email


I asked the same question, and it seems they post their full length reactions on a private Google Drive. So they have to send out an e-mail to each subscriber with that link to keep it private. It doesn't do it automatically, so there is a wait for her to personally verify the donation, and send the link out.


When will the order of the Phoenix reaction sorry lol don’t wanna sound pushy just can’t wait to see there reaction to the fights between dumbledore and Voldemort in the ministry


Lord of the Rings (Extended editions!), Star Wars and Pirates! <3


I believe...I believe that Pirates can beat Star Wars


Lord of the Rings as that is epic. Also love star wars as it is one of my favorite series.


I love everything in this POLL, lol! I have to admit, I haven't seen a lot of the third original movie of Star Wars... and missed a lot of 1,2 and 3... so OMG! So that may be fun for a 3 of us! I'm hoping we'll be able to get to all of these series and more! I am hoping LotR wins this vote though ;)


Both are so different and I do believe Mom and Kim will really enjoy both! I have a soft spot for Pirates and Jack Sparrow though! XD


Regardless of what Storm Akima do, you've got to watch The Hobbit trilogy first and The Lord of the Rings trilogy after, and for the love of all you hold dear, watch the Extended Edition of LotR or at LEAST of the third one! :)


I don't care what you watch first as much as I care about the order you watch them in when the time comes! In the case of The Lord of the Rings, PLEASE start with the The Hobbit trilogy, and then you have to watch the Extended Editions of The Lord of the Rings, as someone else mentioned. Extended Editions have some crucial scenes I will never understand how they could leave out. The Hobbit first because it's a real shame if your mother and sister have the chance to be told this story in the chronological order Tolkien wrote it in but then don't just because of the order the movies were made in. I'd love to see them watching The Hobbit without having been "spoiled" by The Lord of the Rings. :)


When it comes to Star Wars, I strongly (VERY STRONGLY) recommend this order: 1) Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2) Episode IV: A New Hope 3) Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back 4) Episode I: The Phantom Menace 5) Episode II: Attack of the Clones 6) Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 7) Episoce VI: Return of the Jedi --- Leaving out episodes VII and VIII because their story arc is incomplete until episode IX comes out in two years, so there won't be a proper ending with them. Besides, they lack the world-building and feeling of progress in the story that the other movies have. --- Episodes I, II, and III serve as a flashback before the end to find out "what really happened back then". If you watch chronologially and start with I-II-III, they ruin the mystery of IV-V-VI BIG TIME (in part because then you already know "what happened back then"), but again, VI has the feeling of a proper ending, so you should end with that. There are a whole lot of other reasons for this order, pertaining to gradual character introductions, plot twists, etc. I'll gladly provide more detailed reasons if you doubt me, but otherwise please take my word that this is the order you need to watch them in. :D Love from Denmark! <3


YES, Extended Edition is a MUST, at the very least for the third movie. Also, I suggest starting with The Hobbit.


Hi Sandtrooper! Wow! Thanks so much for the details! I've only seen a few of the Star Wars movies... and never all the way through besides two. It's great learning more on how to go about the series! Two of my brothers are huge Star Wars fans too! I will definately note your advice because it does, of course, make sense! I'll let everyone decide for us when the time comes to watch Star Wars since we do get a lot of fans requesting different orders- movie release dates and actual timeline orders... I want to make everyone happy and I know Star Wars is a strong and passionate fandom, so I'll have all SW fans help us decide! We always learn so much from fans like you and I really appreciate you taking out the time to explain reasons why this way is better! Thanks again for also supporting our channel! That helps us out a great deal! Love back from Connecticut, USA! :D


Hi Ozzy! That's a great idea! I haven't made time to do extra videos yet... I'll do that soon so more have an opportunity to vote! Thanks for always being helpful! :D


Hi Jachym! Very good idea! I'll add that one next time! I only saw parts of it so that would be fun! :)


Not watching the Hobbit before LOTR would be a crime to be honest....


LOL! I love hearing this... I honestly never gave it thought since I saw LotR first... but Hobbit first would make sense right? I may put up a poll immediately after for that choice when LotR wins... just because so many are passionate about both ways... I want to make as many happy as possible :) I love both series! ;)

Kage Uzumaki

honestly i dont whatever goes first even if the hobbit goes after lotr it really doesnt spoil anything.


NOOOO star wars has overtaken The Hunger Games!!! The Force wasn't with me on that one...


On The Lord of the Rings extended edition. The 3 movies can be split into 6 parts. With each part lasting no more than 2hours/2 and a half hour. For instance the first movie fellowship of the ring. The fellowship is formed half way through the movie. Which makes it a great time to pause and come back to at a later date.


Thanks again Ozzy for the ideas! I will put a POLL up once the next MOVIE Series wins to let you all decide how we will go about this (for LotR and Star Wars). We are getting so many requests from passionate fans and I want to make you all happy! If we do the extended (which would be really cool) we would totally do 2 parts since we wouldn't have a choice right now due to time... but that is a really good idea! I really wanted to work in the extended scenes for Harry Potter, but most of my blurays 'went missing' and I already purchased most of the original copies early on... so sorry that didn't work out so well! I'm still learning, but always for the better in the future! Thanks for being a great fan and being so supportive in many ways! You're awesome! :)