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I am desperate to save our young kitty Loki! He is very healthy and has a neurological disorder that is causing his bladder to swell and block (FCI)... he is undergoing expensive treatment right now and there is a way to save him which will cost me thousands of dollars... and I just can't afford it. I don't want finances to decide his fate. There is a very high success rate if he goes through surgery and it's breaking my heart that it's coming down to money or death. Please help! I am desperate! I will forever love you all for your support of my fur baby! Loki will love you too, I'm sure of it! xoxo


SouffleGirl Oswald

I'm sooooo sorry :( I hope Loki pulls through. I don't have much to give, but I'll send what I can right away! I'm going to send it using PayPal so that you get it ASAP. Love to you, your family and Loki :)


Thank you so much! Every little bit helps, but if you can't, I totally understand and appreciate the thought! Loki just went in for his final surgery and the vet is very confident this one will solve his issue. Now he has to stay at the hospital all week and I can pick him of Friday. You are awesome for helping Loki in any way and form! Thank you!! :)