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Hi all! All is well and I'm working on our Genre Poll now! I had to get an MRI this morning for the first time. Felt like I was in an alien space ship! My doctor prescribed me 1 Xanax pill... I never took one before in my life.. and man am I high still. LOL. I just got home after a long wait at the hospital so I haven't gotten any editing done besides this morning. I didn't think I would be gone for hours!

I decided to skip Helluva Boss for this week, but that will continue next week as normal! Everything else will not be effected! I'm going to test the 28 Days Later Link I was given to make sure I can play it at Mom's. Thanks again for the link!

Also, I'm doing pretty good health wise! The MRI is just to monitor me since I'm high risk for breast cancer. Should hear results later this week, but I'm staying confident it's nothing to worry about! Breast Cancer doesn't run in my family, but it can still happen to anyone. I've had some abnormalities in my Mammograms and ultrasounds since last year,, but my lumpectomy showed no cancer so that's good!

Anywho, sorry for no Helluva Boss tmrw! I'm going to make an update on our YouTube channel too since I won't be editing Fear The Walking Dead and Helluva Boss today and tmrw.

Thanks for understanding! I hope you all are having a good day!

💙 Storm⚡


Reagan N. S.

Glad you're staying proactive with your health and manifesting those good results to come!!

Marvel Fan

Stay in good health as always!