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Godzilla Minus One is a must watch! We cried so much! Thank you for requesting this movie to us! Also, we hope to watch 28 Days Later as soon as we have access! I do have a copy from a rip link a Patron gave me (THANK YOU!). I want to make sure I can play it at the studio and edit it in post afterwards since it's in a video format I don't usually work in. Expect Cool Runnings Sunday!

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Marvel Fan

Fun fact: Steven Spielberg is a big fan of Godzilla Minus One and he watched it three times. During an interview with AV Club from four months ago, Takashi Yamazaki talked about meeting Steven Spielberg and how Spielberg went out of his way to talk to him. Yamazaki and his team attended a luncheon ahead of the 96th Academy Awards. Godzilla Minus One is nominated for Best Visual Effects, and while at the event, Yamazaki said he was surprised when Spielberg made a beeline for him: "Steven Spielberg said, 'Oh, you're the director of Godzilla. I saw it three times. I couldn't believe it, because Spielberg is like a god to me, just for what he's done for the film industry. But it sounded very real. [Spielberg went on to say,] 'I saw it once in my home, and then I had to go see it again in IMAX, then Dolby Atmos.' You can't make that up." Yamazaki went on to say that his interaction with Spielberg was hard to process given how big a fan he is. He even explained that he looked to Jurassic Park for inspiration while making Godzilla Minus One. He shared: "I wanted to have Godzilla appear during the daytime as well. And when the younger Godzilla shows up in the film, I kept telling myself, 'Don't make it like Jurassic Park. Don't make it like Jurassic Park.' But it kind of looked like Jurassic Park. So when I met Steven Spielberg, there was another version of me that was going, well, what if he says, 'You just ripped off all my films and I'm mad at you?' I couldn't say anything back."

Marvel Fan

Hi Storm! My apologies! There's one more thing that I forgot to mention about this movie: One of the things that make Godzilla Minus One's Godzilla different from the others is his power of contamination. This version of Godzilla is capable of contaminating an entire area and giving an unknown kind of radiation poisoning to any poor soul who happens to be in that area at the time. After Godzilla attacks Ginza in one of the film's most thrilling sequences, the authorities quarantine the area to prevent the spread of radiation and further cases of radiation poisoning. The dead fish were killed by Godzilla's radiation. The fish got too close to Godzilla while he was swimming around the ocean and treading water, and they were killed by radiation poisoning. That's why the fish stomachs are all out like that after they died from getting pulled to the surface and if they were cooked by radiation, they'd be bright pink/orange. But that's not the only explanation for the dead fish, and the other explanation ties into the way that the civilian fleet defeats Godzilla in the movie's final battle. The dead fish weren't all killed by radiation poisoning. Most of them were killed by water pressure. They were swimming at the bottom of the ocean, and when Godzilla came charging through, he caused drastic changes in the water pressure that ended up killing the fish. This subtly foreshadows the way that the humans will defeat Godzilla at the end of the movie: by dragging him to the bottom of the ocean, then rapidly pushing him back up to the surface.