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Good morning everyone!

I can't find 28 Days Later to stream anywhere online. Any idea where we can watch this?! I'm going to ask local friends if they have a hard copy we can borrow. If we can't access the movie this week, we may watch Godzilla Minus One (original Japanese version) instead and will watch 28 Days Later as soon as we have access to it! Thanks for understanding!

💙 Storm⚡



I have a copy of the movie on my Dropbox. It's a Blu-ray rip, so the quality is good. It was a low budget movie and actually shot on handheld cameras, so the video quality wasn't great to begin with. But this is about the best it will look. You can play it on any good media player for Mac or PC (I use VLC). Here's the file link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8f21j21aahm5q2baorjjp/28-Days-Later-2002-BluRay-10Bit-1080p-Multi-H265-d3g.mkv?rlkey=ksz06vmxhhhi9kk9xe73cpv8e&dl=0 (to download, click on the down arrow at the top next to Share)


Thanks for the help! I know everyone will want us to watch a high quality version. I'm so surprised that it's not easy to find. I'm hoping one of my friends has a hard copy somewhere! Thanks again!


Dawn, the link I sent you IS a high quality version! It's a Blu-ray rip, which is the best you can get. But the actual movie was low budget and shot on cheap handheld cameras (to go for a gritty feel). So, no matter what version you get it's not going to look great. But that's the movie itself, not the medium. The file I sent you will look close to exactly the same as the Blu-ray, and better than the DVD. Just wanted to clarify.


OMG thank you! I didn't know! Sorry for not understanding that! I just read this, so we watched Godzilla Minus One instead. I'll check out your link next week! Thanks so much!