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Hi everyone and welcome back! I'm still deciding what to watch now that Mom and I are done with The Bad Batch! Right now, it's a toss up between: Invincible, 3 Body Problem, Fallout and Squid Games. If Tom has time this week, I would love to finish Invincible before starting something new, but we'll see!

Hope you all are had a good week and have a great weekend!

My cat Loki is still doing a lot better than he was, but unfortunately he developed a heart murmur since his last vet visit. So we are taking him for more tests to see how bad it is. Otherwise, he is acting happy: eating and snuggling with us! The only difference is he won't run around crazy anymore (major zoomies, lol). He tries, stops, then lays down. Hoping for the best!

Thanks for your support and caring about what we do! 💙




Marvel Fan

I hope Loki stays in good health as always


That's unfortunate to hear about Loki. If I may ask, how old is Loki? Regarding the TV shows. Fallout is the current trend at the moment (as it was released about a month ago), so it might be beneficial to strike while the iron is hot on that one. Squid Games first season, however, was three years ago but the second season is suppose to be released in December this year. So the hype machine for that show will probably start picking up in a few months again if the first season was anything to go by. And I haven't heard anything about 3 Body Problem so I can't comment on that one.