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Join us as we watch the finale for the first time! Thank you all for watching The Walking Dead Universe since the start of the apocalypse! It's been an emotional journey for sure! We can't wait to watch Daryl Dixon Season 2! I will be watching Fear The Walking Dead solo next! Have a great day!

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Daryl Dixon

Will be great to see your reaction to Fear though i was hoping Mom and Kim were also there to watch like they did with the other series, This finale was a huge let down for me, way too rushed and for those that also watched the spinoff series The World Beyond they had hyped up the CRM for years throughout the shows and in Fear just for it to end in minutes, though there is one thing they could do in the future with the other spinoffs that might still bring it back from Scott Gimple's garbage can of writing in which this series turned into Probably my least favorite spinoff especially on 2nd rewatch its even worse now Daryl Dixon series was peak but this one was a true stinker, it sucks to say that cause i've always been super invested in TWD and also have had multiple youtube channels with over 200k subs all which posted walking dead content, fear content, world beyond etc and was the go to channel for all the latest TWD videos had over a billion views basically it was a failure for us true TWD fans while the fake twitter fans or people who quit watching when Rick left are loving the rushed slop ending which was laughable and lacked any real emotion with how quick it all played out, let's not even talk about Major General Beale getting barely any screen time after being hyped up through World Beyond for 2 full seasons along with all the World Beyond characters not making any appearances at all as if it never existed, just inconsistencies all across the board in this rushed nightmare series, the acting was great but the writing ended up being a joke in the last 2 eps i could go into more details but eh its really worth the time, anyways its funny how some people are easily pleased just because 2 characters they love get a "happy" ending, they don't care how rushed it is or how trash the writing was they just want a fairytale rainbow pony ending lol its hilarious, its The Walking Dead not My Little Pony, luckily we still have the other spinoffs to save it and hopefully the CRM plotline is not 100% done just yet, but we will see in the future, season 3 of Daryl is already being filmed too so those other shows will be around for a while and won't feel as rushed as this one did, Gimple does not give much hope though lol Anyways i will remain a Patreon as long as Walking Dead content is still being reacted to, thank you Dawn as always :)

Daryl Dixon

I think i'm gonna skip watching this reaction because i dislike the episode that much lol it really left a bitter taste in my mouth, thanks again ladies for your reactions <3