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Hi everyone! So many of you hyped up this episode and it didn't disappoint! Wow! Thanks for your insight! I can't wait for episode 5!

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Trevor Darnell

This and the next episodes are my favorites. Blake Roman acting is top tier. The voice cracks, and the way he is able to express how much pain Angel Dust. Poison is one my absolute favorite songs of this season.

Rogue Maverick

Somethings that I want to mention from the whole series, with no spoilers. Alastor was a radio talk show host from the 1920's and in his spare time he was a serial killing cannibal. He was shot in the head in a hunting accident in 1933. You can see the bullet hole as an "X" on his forehead when he goes all demonic. He is a deer. Angel is a spider and in this episode we can see that he actually has six arms, but he can hide the lowest two. Husk is a cat/bat thing. Sir pentious is surprisingly a snake. Yes, Val is a moth, Velvette is a doll, and Vox... Is a TV. One interesting thing is that Lucifer made a deal with the Exorcists that only sinners are allowed to be killed in the exterminations. Hell-borns such as Charlie, the cat key, the two goat things, and characters that are on different shows. Speaking of different shows, the creator of Hazbin has a show on YouTube called Helluva Boss. It is set in the same universe. This show takes place in the Pride ring. There are seven rings of Hell, representing the seven deadly sins. Lucifer is the ruler of Pride. Helluva Boss goes more in-depth of the seven rings. Sinners are only allowed in the Pride ring. Loser baby is probably in my top three songs. Also you can sometimes tell who someone sold their soul too. People who belong to Valentino all have a gold tooth. People that belong to Vox have the same eye color as him. Those are the only examples I can think of. If you pay close attention, there are a few moments every now and then where you can hear Alastor speaking with his radio voice. He did at the overlord meeting, when he told Sir Pen. "This must have meant a lot to you" before he burns the scrap of his jacket, "That's a lot less fun" when being told to get rid of the egg Bois humanely. And a couple more noticeable ones in the future. There is a pilot for Hazbin on YouTube that could be worth watching. It was released in 2019. It takes place a week before the first episode, the same day as the most recent extermination. Also there are plenty of fan made songs that would also be worth checking out. My favorite is Insane. Love your reactions and I can't wait to watch more.