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Hi everyone and welcome back! Expect Deep Impact tmrw! Tombstone and Deep Impact were great to watch! Our latest poll is still active and has a lot of close winners! If multiples win, we will choose one! Thank you for voting! Have you been liking the new editing style on YouTube? Our half screen instead of circles? I'm trying to make the copyright content less distracting and still not be blocked by YouTube. Thanks for your opinions!

Have a great weekend! Today, we're supposed to get up to 4 inches of rain in New England! Luckily, I'm editing, then working on house projects today! How about you?

Love you guys!




Marvel Fan

I have great news: there's a possibility that Marvel Studios could revive Agents of SHIELD series. According to Agents of Fandom on YouTube, during the interview with Brad Winderbaum, when he was asked about reviving the other Marvel series like Agents of SHIELD and Spider-Man the animated series (1994), he said: "That's probably the next show that is going to kind of revisit and revive a really strong, and one of my favorite pockets of our universe and our fandom. And… you never know, is the answer!"


Storm Akima needs to react to the new Beetlejuice trailer! 🤣


I think it’d be a good way to introduce new people to the Reboot as well. Reacting to trailers that are somewhat related to reactions you’ve done in the past.


That is amazing news!! Thanks for always keeping us in the loop with Marvel content! Yay!