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Me and Steven Saidon decide to learn more about comic. We got one book with information about comic, how it works and with exercises. Let's see how much information we will got from this!
But this book is for a group of people, in solo it's boring. So we start doing it together!

It's really fun to see all this stories! :D

So. This is exercises from Chapter 1. Half of this. 

I don't think that I will translate everything... Most of words is just effects like "BOOM!", "huff" and "AHAHAHA".
And I also will not fully tell you about what do we need to do. I'll make it simpler.

If you understand what we draw without explanation - we doing a great job!

Pic 1 and 2 - Draw motions

Pic 3 and 4 - Draw comic about ball

Pic 4 and 5 - Draw comic about tripping up

Pic 6 and 7 - Draw comic about fighting

Pic 8 and 9 - Draw a pic with at least two characters, one object and motion



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