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Note: This chapter has not been TLCed yet, and might slightly differ from the public version.  If you found any typos/mistakes, pls write them in the comment. Thanks.

Translator: Dario

Note 2: This is the web novel version


Chapter 63 - A Historian’s Record

From the writings of a certain historian.

The “War without Victors” can be said to be one of the most significant events of the continent’s middle ages.

The illness and death of emperor Perbiar Baal triggered a conflict between his potential heirs for the throne, which evolved into a full-scale war that also involved the neighboring kingdom of Lamperouge.

The struggle for the throne saw the second imperial prince as the winner: Grett Baal, the historical despot presently known as the “Cretin Emperor”.

Emperor Grett indulged in all manners of luxury: his rule only lasted one month, but in this short span, he managed to reduce the empire’s capitals and assets to less than half.

The imperial capital was ravaged, the fields dried of nourishment, and the people plunged into chaos. The already tense situation with the neighboring countries pushed the empire to the brink of collapse.

What saved the Baal empire from its downfall was the first empress in the history of the empire, the first imperial princess Rossellia Baal.

Empress Rossellia led the imperial knights in a surprise attack on the tower where emperor Grett had barricaded himself and successfully subjugated the tyrant.

The Baal empire then proceeded to recover its lost resources and escaped certain ruin.

One can hardly imagine how heavy the heart of our beloved wise empress was as she felled her own brother…the mere thought is simply too painful to even entertain.

The fall of the tyrant thus marked the conclusion of the “War without Victors”.

In its wake, empress Rossellia formed a new type of government, with the aid and support of ministers such as Rajang Salazar, captain of the imperial knights, prominent local nobles, merchants, and religious leaders.

Under the new government’s rule, many clamored for the Baal imperial family to take responsibility for the tragic events that transpired, and empress Rossellia’s succession to the throne was equally opposed. Appallingly, some even attempted to poison the future empress.

One of the reasons for her successful rise to power was possible was because of empress Rossellia’s poise and great character, as even members of the factions opposing the imperial family were appointed ministers in the new government — but alas, few at the time were wise or perspicacious enough to grasp such a fact.

The new rule was in danger of collapsing soon after its establishment, but such political troubles were then quelled by an unexpected agent.

House Maxwell, a prominent noble family of the area, declared itself as guardian of the young empress and officially supported her ascension to the throne.

One of the greatest issues of the new government was its relationship with the neighboring kingdom of Lamperouge. The imperial forces had just clashed with House Maxwell in the battle of Fort Bryden: the sparks of war were not far from igniting again.

If the coronation of empress Rossellia would also mean avoiding the possibility of war with Lamperouge, no one could deny it was a prospect that the reborn empire could not afford to deny.

The new government thus unanimously accepted the first new empress. It was the birth of our revered Rossellia I, “Her Majesty of Grace and Wisdom”.

The rebirth and renewed prosperity of the Baal empire can be all said to be the fruit of Rossellia’s efforts, who befriended House Maxwell during a visit to Lamperouge.

Empress Rossellia, blessed by unparalleled beauty and intelligence, could have even predicted what was going to happen from the beginning…though that is mere speculation on my part.

After her official ascension to the throne, the rule of Empress Rossellia was an age of peace and stability, in spite of the tragic tumults and war it followed.

One of the main reasons was the decision to abandon the imperial rule system and adopt a republican form of government.

In such a shift of power, the imperial family became but a symbol of governance: a change that also quelled the voices of opposition and revolt against empress Rossellia.

The political confusion in the imperial court also subdued, as the former empire focused on rebuilding itself.

The internal seeds of conflict were plucked out — but what about the external threats? The Kingdom of Lamperouge, to the west, was restrained by the efforts of House Maxwell.

The nomad clans dwelling in the north were still deterred by the great wall, built before the war; the Huang Dynasty of the east also saw a large-scale civil war in the same period and had little chance to even consider invading the empire.

Not much is known about the causes of the Huang civil war: some researchers propose it was instigated via spies sent by Empress Rossellia, though their claims appear heavily supported by rich imagination — much like the delusions of some religious figures, who insist that it was the heavens themselves siding with the empress.

There remains one intriguing mystery in the life of Empress Rossellia, savior of the Baal empire.

A mystery that puzzled and continues to puzzle historians, as well as provides ample nourishment to the minds of poets and dramatists everywhere: the “illegitimate child” Rossellia gave birth to. More precisely, the fact that the identity of the father of that child is still unknown.

Empress Rossellia could have fallen in love with one of the imperial knights, or she might have even suffered unspeakable violence from enemy soldiers during the war. Some researchers claim that one of her three brothers was the father, and the truth was concealed and buried.

Even as a fervent admirer of our beloved Empress, I cannot help but wonder about this mysterious father figure, base curiosity it might be.

Will the mystery of Empress Rossellia’s husband ever be revealed? Alas, only heaven may know.

On a completely unrelated account —

In the aforementioned creations of poets and dramatists, Dyngir Maxwell — heir of House Maxwell at the time of Empress Rossellia’s visit to the Kingdom of Lamperouge — is posed as the mysterious father.

It is indeed quite enthralling to consider the possibility of such a hero of the times to be the empress’ lover.

There are no records of Dyngir Maxwell’s presence in the imperial capital, however, in the period in which Rossellia is said to have become pregnant.

At present, such a theory is nothing more than pure fantasy.


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