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Sup my fellow patrons..its been a long long while and i thought ill finally commence the reopening of taking in a few commission slots. Starting wit four available slots for now.

Its been a while but the fact that pledging has remain dropped for the past couple months has bothered me day by day and not like how it use to be

I'm aware some of you needed a break due to monetary issues, i can understand as Im dealing with it just like the rest of y'all. I also thought of taking a break from commissions as well this past couple months as i had some stuff I had in mind that i wanted to do and i got to a few of them already..
still, I thought i start commissioning now early.

Might as well..im currently in the military and be graduating soon from my months of service there. So why not start early in advance.

When i do graduate, I will open maybe two more slots for avail and more of y'all can start piling in ;D But when next year, i wont reveal that until then =/ 
List will get updated regularly til its full. Patrons who paid the highest will be higher on the list. Also tiers that are limited to 2 peple will be picked by random. The one who gets picked on that individual tier gets on the list while the one that doesnt will be shifted likely to the next list and so on. 

And man!! Cant wait to get back to doing date pics with my OCs dating one of yours! Do feel free to take a look at my OCs: Paige, Di Di, Molly and Kiss. Need more of em too ;) have some things loaded!
Here's links to each character:
Also commissions might take 2-3 weeks to complete, im kinda slow, sometimes going back to army fucks with my schedule alot and who knows maybe after i depart next year, my scheduling routines will flow much nicer ;3!!

maybe Im faster than this when my routines get smoother after the army, who knows?? hopefully thats the case. But for now theyll take that long to complete..Im working on it =T Mkay??

Just know ill drop another message stating that I've started on your commission. Just try not to expect much out of it...ill let you know when i can.

Ive also recently noticed I still have about 30 followers..not sure if they're current or past or both. But if thats how many of y'all are continuously showing generous Love to my nsfw lewd contents, I thank you all for your support so far! Much obliged! 

Anyway I'll be dropping a direct message soon to all active, former declined and accepted patrons and followers. Just to get som word out there ;3! If you want, yall can show more support by sharing with your peeps and say hey! I know an artist who makes delicious thicc juicy gals and ladies and etc..!! Be much thanks for that! 

Other than that, thatll be all at the moment. I cant say this enough man...just thank y'all for showing everlasting love and hopefully we'll all have fun commissioning! x3 Thanks...



Tiers have been refined..take a look x9


Nice =)