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Patreon picks and exclusives are nice and dandy but what else can we do to have more donation insentive 

my current idea is "Patreon access" basically a video that stays unlisted for 7 days and patreons get to see it a week earlier just a thought 



Your viewers will not pay to watch something 7 days early, imo. Exclusive access is the way to go. Maybe "ask Sui" where patrons get to ask questions and you answer them in a public video one a month. Also you could make your outtakes for patrons only. You need to tease these things regularly so non-patrons get to glimpse what they are missing. Oh and these are just what I came up with in the first 5 minutes from you posting the question. There are more ideas where that came from. 😉


I also think if you mention that if they want to get a chance at a specific fanfiction read by you, that they can consider donating to your patreon. Tell him what's coming up, and what they will be missing unless they donate. I do like Rebecca's idea about more exclusive patreon stuff like your outtakes. 😊