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This makes me think about the idea that different mothers take rather different takes on how far to regress their daughters, even different daughters in the same family. Some may be sent back to elementary school or preschool, some may be practically regressed to infancy in every way. . .but for other mothers they may be satisfied with more modest regression like just swapping out their daughter's wardrobe with outfits more suitable for younger girls (said velvet dresses with white tights) and putting them back in diapers (even choosing full diapers or pullups based on the girl). . .and maybe some other products to help that little girl use her diapers for their intended purpose. After all, if the point is to keep girls from going out drinking, having sex, and getting in trouble, that could be accomplished by making them diaper dependent, revoking their driver's license, and putting them in clothes that signal to the world they need to be treated as a young girl. . .with no further regression required. Some will wind up in oversized cribs and spending all day in preschool for most of their 20's (especially with mothers nostalgic for caring for a child that young). . .others may wind up more-or-less with their life unchanged except winding up diaper dependent, wearing clothing more suitable for a girl half their age or less, and of course not dating, drinking, driving or doing so many other adult things (not the least of which is being legally declared a minor again, and authorities that would be quick to prosecute boyfriends of twentysomething toddlers for child ).


i think you’re right there’s definite levels to regression. but im sure it’s not too much consolation to the ‘mostly unchanged’ girl missing all her milestones and living functionally pseudo-tween existence… while her peers go explore the world… 🤣🥲

Alex Hauser

" . . . and living functionally pseudo-tween existence… while her peers go explore the world . . ." This could easily be even more humiliating than the more overt/complete regression you often depict. You still have to go to college, but it's the local school rather than the one hundreds/thousands of miles away from your overbearing mom. You attend classes dressed just demurely enough that other students wonder whether you're one of 'those' girls, and you fear that every crinkle will expose you. You have no car, can't date or party, and your internet usage is carefully and completely monitored. Pure downside.


the school records post shows one possible kind of schooling…. that kind is much more focused on an elementary school style curriculum and includes recess etc. in that context many of their new peers from across the city will be in similar situations, though i imagine the teasing and bullying between the girls in pampers vs the girls in pull-ups vs the girls holding on to cotton panties is probably very catty. demotion through the ranks is probably very socially alienating. however every situation is unique. i can certainly imagine a girl “choosing” to decline scholarships to universities out of state and attending a local community college instead. in some ways that could worse...