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a few more on the way this month!

thought it might be good to point out I'm going to continue to post public content on twitter, if you haven't followed me over there. i don't plan to copy public posts onto patreon, so don't miss out on all the old and new ones over there, especially since my tumblr is toast

public content is a bit more sporadic because i prioritise getting stuff out for you guys mainly ;p

edit: after wise counsel from my patrons i have created a deviantart for those who don't wish to use twitter. if i've missed uploading your favourite post, let me know. also like and comment over there ;)



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Kitty Angel

I got untwittered a while back; so only see stuff over there when you remind me to check. Good content :)


If you're not going to upload your public pieces here, would you consider also posting to Cohost or some other platform besides Twitter?At this point, for folks who've decamped from Twitter, it's hit or miss on whether you can view posts from public profiles there without maintaining an account.


good point erry. i had forgotten that some people have left twitter. i have created a deviantart account