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Read the blog post for details, but I am going to write Epilogue as well and release it all at once. Current tally is over 70,000 words...aiming for Saturday. Thanks for your patience.



Blog #6 - Final Chapter Delayed

It's 5:27 AM as of writing, and I believe I slept for seven hours? Eight? I cannot tell, and I was trying for nine, and I did sleep nine or ten hours the last few days. I cannot anymore. I was toss...



Go back to sleep :D

Isaac Boyles

Me: "Oh no!" (reads current word count) "oh nevermind that makes sense, cool"


We’re fine with the wait make sure to stay health. 1m


Your work is always worth the wait. Looking like a great Christmas Gift. Thank you for your hard work.


Thank you very much, for writing, for telling us about the delay, and for taking your time instead of pressuring yourself too much. :)


Kind of fitting that friday is the winter solstice so the epilogue happening on saturday is a nice touch. That said dont forget to rest :)


It’s the end of an impactful volume, it’s to be expected.


Thanks for the update! I have no idea what happens... I'm not a better reader. Judging from the blog post though it looks like some people may have died.


Take all the time you need and then some.

Daniel Miranda

Aww yeahhh end of the year read


Well at least I'll be off and able to read it instead of running around at work.


As always thank you for the updates and for taking the time to make sure we have spectacular things to read!


Oh fk no 🥲🥺😭😭 but looking forward to it

Gean Marco Andre Chasin Medina

Soy el único que se muere del miedo? Al leer que a algunos de sus lectores beta no le gustó este desenlace del volumen 9,me da un pánico.....


Thank you for the update and seriously take as long as you need. You've certainly earned my trust as a reader and the Solstice event so far has led to some of the most memorable moments in my reading history to date. It actually is frustrating in that I am trying to get friends of mine to read a couple of million words to catch up so they can know the emotional impact some of these events have. Rest up and good hunting. If anything I am sorry you are eating into your own break.

Sébastien Kingsbury

Good luck! Looking forward to reading when it's ready, if you think it needs more work then we will wait!


Take as long as it takes to get it done right! A good chapter in the future is a million times better than a mediocre chapter now.


it would be funny to get the last chapter on the 22. December.


How dare you! Delaying your timeline? Just because you still produce 5x the content of anyone else I follow? :P Take your time, and we will still be here eagerly waiting.

Summer Woodsong

Take care of yourself first. All the joy and wonder follow from your heart, soul and creativity. But, first, you must exist. And, it's best if you are happy with your craft. So, no worries.


Nooooooooooooo! Ya ok.

Robert Mullins

Only 5x? Who are these godlike writers you follow that manage to write a whole fifth of Pirate's output?


Your health and happiness for the story matters more than some arbitrary deadlines. We’re fat ducks. We’ll keep.

Fitty Sebum

We wait. No problem. So much is going on right now I need to reread the last two before I tackle the next one anyway. Happy holidays if you don't post before. And - no hurry. :)

Tomas Wood

The solstice is on Saturday!


Noice. Christmas Eve marathon. Ehehhehhehheh


Rereading chapters all over the place. What I would love so much would be a Erin time-travel series. Imagine if she went back to the first day on Innworld, having lost everything. Epic genres colliding!! Sobs


Take your time Pirate! Christmas and new year approach, and fresh minds write best, as you’ve learnt from your breaks. We have patience, we can wait


JRRT obsessively wrote and rewrote and rewrote and what did we get? A MASTERPIECE!! Give us a masterpiece even if it takes until February!


Oh and Chapters 9.69+9.70=130,000 words. About the same length as Return of the King!!!

Patrick Sheehy

No other web serial matches the wandering in for quality and frequency and depth of update. If you updated only once a month, it would still be fantastic (please do not update only once a month) , one of the things that I’ve always loved about this story is the obvious care and love that goes into the writing. I’d much rather you delay, a chapter, even multiple times, then release something that you don’t love

Julie Mason

Please take care of yourself, aba. And happy holidays to you!


You breaking mi hart🤌(Italian noises). Happy holidays


Take your time Aba! Looking forward to it.

Aaron Hicks

Woah ... "currently" ...


why use few word, when many word do trick? why write for others, when others write for you?

JD Hopkins

Honestly, I can't imagine anyone not being patient enough to wait for your small delays. I'm relativwly certain an AI would take longer to pump out the same amount of content and it wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable.


Be well mate and if we have to wait until February, it's all cool. Just please no more deaths, i don't think i can handle any more sadness :)


Agree with the rest I prefer to wait and get something good then get something you're unsure about. The endings are what most people remember when they think back if something was good or bad, it's what makes people want more of the same.


rest well and take as long as you need my birthday is next month and no matter when it comes out it'll be great to read some new twi near my birthday.


Its all good Aba. Have a good holiday after your writeup

Scott Soper

Sounds like more heartbreak incoming. I feel pretty bad for Erin. She kinda got low key chewed out by everyone she knew, and the narrative voice, for being lazy all of volume 9. I never really saw it, she was productive in all her screen time and it had been established that direct global alarm announcements were counter productive to fighting gods. I was hoping karma would swing her way, and I’m still hoping the witch’s pact will ward off the Jesus flags Erin has been throwing since volume one. Homegirl has been sprinting since she delivered the not so good news. I don’t know man somebody throw the girl a bone somewhere because I’m pretty sure the Liscor block just lost way more levels and elite individuals than they got back, and another wrecked inn. Dang. Like a go fund me or something?

Johannes Karmhus

That is fine. I do not mind saving a bigger chunk of reading for when the holidays start! Have a merry christmas and a happy new year!

Rene Christensen

Jesus flags? They pray to her like any other living deity. Hasn't done much yet but no doubt it will be important in future arcs, it's pretty much a given with how important religion is to the overall storyline.

Scott Soper

Yeah Erin is a Christ like figure in this story for sure, though only Pirate knows if she is direct Christian allegory or not. I’ve been wondering if she was going to survive volume 9 because the classic move would be to sacrifice her a second time. The Lucifern beat was a great inversion of that story, maybe Erin won’t die here, I was just kinda hoping for a victory in all this. I know destroying Death was more than they hoped, gonna feel kinda empty when Roshal turns all rebels on the planet into “reels” ummm “fisherman”? Well I guess we’ll see how it goes.

Jimi Kane

Idle speculation, but let’s run with this idea while we wait — as Jesus willingly embraced torment in Hell to absolve the world, Erin could submit to bondage in Roshal in exchange for aid in the battle. In order to avoid a rerun of v8, and following the Biblical allegory, the epilogue could jump ahead and recount her liberation (hopefully through her own devices) and reunion with her friends. V10 could then be the campaign for freedom against Rome/Roshal (plus many intense flashbacks as Erin struggles to heal). In all likelihood, laughably off-base, but it passes the time between now and . . . . ?


Better to take your time and do it right, instead of rushing it and regretting it later. It is your story and therefore you are the captain of this ship.


I'll be happy with it when you are happy with it! Too bad we don't have 8-day Innworld weeks, then you could always have an extra day to sleep on things

Rusty Shackleford

Do what you've gotta do for yourself. Relc rocks.

Scott Soper

I like what you did there. I think I'm going to sign off my comments the same way around here from now on, just with someone still alive for Pirate to see so they get the feels trying to kill them off later, lol. Fothea rules!