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I did it. I am very tired and I will rest until October 7th (no I won't, I have work to do, but that's how long the break is). Hope you enjoy it! Big chapters this month. (43,000 Words)






1m get some actual rest you deserve it (Seriously try to take a day off or something, go to movie)


Can someone explain what torreb's daughter meant about her mother besting her father?


Her mother had a lineage skill that allowed her to pass on certain traits to her offspring. It looks like the mother took Torreb's great strength and passed it on to her daughter. She effectively stole one of his greatest skills and he didn't even have a clue since it looked like it was otherwise a one night stand.


I wish I could complain about the long breaks, but I really can't :D Have a nice break! (And take some actual days off, crazy person)


so good AHHHHHHHH I was not expecting this story development and I could not be more hyped : D


I love long chapters I have a hard time letting a few chapters going by without reading them I read it all as soon as i have time sometimes I stay up late. Everyone has preferences, and I also don't have much of a life at the moment but I appreciate all the time you take in writing these and you should do what ever makes you happy imo. Thank you for another great chapter! i love seeing parts of the world away from the main ark and the inn.


i knew it would all come down to the last air bender in the end

Alan Williams

My Kindle preorder for V10 just was cancelled. is some5hing going on?

Fitty Sebum

Another great chapter, thank you pirate. Thank you. I finally checked out the discord and put in some time there and there's a LOT that's cool to look into. The community is intelligent, creative, and hilarious. I am still looking for some sfw writers there to sort of bond with, but if anyone hasn't checked into the discord, it's very fun.