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I have completed my chapter. After the time I took off to finish and edit it--it is ready. There are two parts though I consider it one 'chapter'. It is broken up due to length.

Part 1: 37932 words.

Part 2: 37115 words.

I am sick. I am going to rest, and I hope it is worth the wait. See you later.

Password for both: delayedArcChapter




Timothy Baril

This is insane. It's...a novel. A whole freaking novel. Pirateaba is an Olympian writer. Wow.


If you want to take a break on the next chapter release I think you've earned it.


I thought the distance wasn’t a factor on the door if it was a place Erin had been. Like how Riverfarm would have been too far but since a skill took over it had different rules and now she can use the door to go there and mana was not an issue. The Haven was traveling beyond the reach of the door nearing the blood fields. Why would that matter it was moving around all the while and it was not a problem if it was traveling in areas she physically had


Not been at. I’m confused.


There is a 500mile limit. But it is suspected that iit will increase with levels. She also has to remember the place. She couldn't really remember Lord sanito home so she couldn't reopen the connection.


I'd think that with the world's eye theatre the weakness of the door will be resolved. If the two skills synergize and the places she goes with the world's theatre count, she will then be able to open a door anywhere whithin range. If Teriarch were to give Erin his dragon thorne, She could build her inn in a independet world and gain a skill like Cormeng’s Grand Emporium.

Deepak Kamlesh

Thanks for the chappie, P'aba. Don't really see why you were worried. It was a touching chapter.


Amazing chapter


My only regret Is reading it too fast

Toni Pampliega

You are spamming with the reviewed chaps. Furtermore, there is not password to check them? XD

Summer Woodsong

Also got 5 chapters to read. Chapter 1.00, 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, and 1.04, but no password.


Took me 3 days, but finally realized TV doesn't stand for television.

Fitty Sebum

Pirate. Thank you for letting us see your notes. And thank you for writing and continuing to write and - w r i t e. All of it is an inspiration.