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The chapter is out! Gravesong is out on Yonder! Check the announcement at the top! I still can't write a sub-20k chapter! (21,500 Words)





Timothy Baril

Loved it. Will read Gravesong on Yonder as well. Thanks for writing!

Nolan Bowling

It's been a while since I enjoyed a Rhir chapter this much.


Yonder (Android) isn't available in the Netherlands. Will there be an alternative way to read Gravesong?


Adding on, I can't access it in Japan. Also not being able to read it on non mobile devices is pretty lame.


Wait... They have a thousand earthers in rhir? Didn't they do the math in an earlier chapter and calculated that they got one tenth of the earthers that were summoned on the first try? So that's nine thousand earthers summoned to inn world..... Considering that the survival chances of earthers is not good in inn world say one tenth of them survives then that's nine hundred earthers, this is enough to hand well over 100 new earthers on each continent.... I foresee an inundation of new earthers meeting up with all the characters seen so far. Only there is a few differences: the famous earthers will be magnets for the new earthers and also there are alot of factions that know of earth so.... The hunt is on!


I think the bulk of the thousand earthers is due to the second summoning. I think it was mentioned they refined the ritual to be more targeted that time around so they will all be summoned in the Blighted Kingdom (Also: sacrificing unbirthed children all around the world, as that is the neat thing to do...)


That’s gonna come back to bite them…. I can’t wait to read it 😈

Matt Creighton

Still have absolutely no idea why I would *want* a sub 20k chapter. Why do you keep saying that every single chapter? We are all here for the long chapters, we very obviously like them lol

Paul Jan

Gonna go on a banking rant - "Lie(ing) that it was still in the vaults" is exactly how classic "Partial Reserve" banking works. Banks take people's deposits, keep some as a reserve, and loan out the rest. Stocks are just something those loans can buy. "Securitization" is the trend of converting anything asset-like into stock-like things that can be traded. [Heiress] Selys could issue notes backed by the future income generated by the Heartflame Breastplate. Securitization of mortgages has been the big lie that banks keep loans on their own books. Instead the loans get securitized and sold off, and money from sales used to generate new loans, and depositors can be treated like crap.


IIRC we already read about a new group of Earthers outside of Rhir: A while back we had a chapter about the Lord of Dance and the Lord of Rain, who rescued them from a hydra in the swamps of Desonis.

Matt Creighton

Different strokes I guess, I don't see anything exceptional about this chapter. It introduced some plot points that will doubtlessly be important later, but I see nothing about it that is somehow superior form.

Kevin Choi

I thought this chapter was bad... If levels and skills can be seen despite items defeating the purpose, why didn't Chaldion find Erin's level ages ago. This is one of those chapters that breaks continuity.


Just to deposit my 2 cents, I appreciated the tighter writing of this chapter even if I didn't like it. Rickel was fun. I'm wondering if he will use the golden triangle money to set up Poruniv and go legit. I enjoyed the hints about the Blighted Kingdom manipulating/destroying small groupings that defy their narrative of the demons being 'bad'. I enjoyed what will hopefully become the redemption arc for Tom when he meets Geneva. All of that aside, I still remain die hard. If it doesn't have anything to do with Erin or Liscor-adjacent, it gets read quickly so as to identify the salient plot details and then quickly set aside never to be read again. So yeah, good tight writing but not a story arc I find interesting. p.s. I also enjoyed the brief time with Neresthal. But I consider him Erin adjacent by now.

Ram nevet

Chaldion has a eye of power we don't know of, apparently lesser then greater apprasial, nothing broken here, it just places it in the ranking of power


Listening to book 8 on audible now… forgot how much I dislike laken. You really had the German Kaiser gas the goblins, men women & children & then later set them up in camps on his territory. Wicked.


I am pleased at the immense and detailed world unfolding in this pages. Not everything needs to be about a single innkeeper, even if she is a fantastic character. I've always liked Tom, although people have said he is too "edgy", maybe they need to consider what it takes to make someone go insane like that and how he is encouraged to descend into it.

Fitty Sebum

Gravesong is amazing! This was an excellent chapter, as usual. And? Thank you.