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I...edited two chapters this time. The last one was sacrificed for ten thousand more words. Enjoy? (32,400 Words)







Bob jones



Fuck your the bet in the business


We don't deserve infinitypear


My first patreon chapter now that I’m finally caught up :)


Nice and tight writing even if it's a lengthy chapter.


Thak you!

Christie Shaub

Loving the chapter... but when will we get to read more of your edits. You left it hanging like an evil mid-season finally.... without as much as a 'to be continued'. Just because I've read the book the show is based upon, and thus know the eventual out-come, doesn't mean that waiting to see how they portray the next part of the story is any less ... I dont have the words to coney this feeling. Thus my comparison to EVIL mid-season cliffhangers.

Fitty Sebum

After millions and millions and millions of words - I still love this story. I love it. Thank you.


I’ve read or listened to the entire story 3 times. Ok 4 times. Alright I’m 8 chapters away from catching up for the 5th time. Whatever. I find it relaxing.


I don’t want to fall asleep before chapter drops… Pirate, where are you lass?


Haha, either that or sweating bullets and on the cusp of fainting from writing so much non-stop


They operate in pst time so right now is still technically within the bounds of release

Fitty Sebum

😆🤣 ok, are you a toll booth worker on a deserted highway? It took me like six months of reading in every spare moment to get through it the first time. Someone get me a calculator. Actually, I find it relaxing too. Can you be addicted to a story?? I think maybe...

Fitty Sebum

Ok but - if pirate is working that late...probably not good for a body.


I’m a disabled stay at home dad. It’s relaxing at this point and makes a good book to have going while I’m doing housework and stuff.

Fitty Sebum

Aw dude! That sucks and it's also cool. When you say you have it going, are you listening to the audio books multiple times? I really like the audible narrator too. Or did you *read* it all multiple times. Wait. :/ I guess there's text-to-speech too. So...does that count as reading? We're gonna have to put this to a vote.

Jake Brown

In the name of inclusivity screen readers count as actually reading :) people with low vision can't read without em.

Fitty Sebum

Yes it would count in that case, wouldn't it? ...upon giving my own words far more thought than they usually get, a lot of people probably don't have time to read it any other way. So yes, it counts.