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Yeah I'm tired. So I'll add one significant detail or plot point I find relevant. Note that some of these plot points lead into big arcs so you're sending the story in interesting directions based on the focus.

Not that I've ever seen a concerted voting effort work because you all can't organize. Is this a challenge? I dunno, I'm cool with a lot of options or I wouldn't offer them.

Adventuring with the Greats (Adventurers, goblins) - It's gonna have phat loot. I'm tired. My arm hurts. Too much clicking during video games. Big payoff from this thing people forgot about. Adventurer's Haven focus because new advenutrers who dis.

A Day of Shopping (Inn crowd, lame people who like shopping) - It's gonna have another big thing but more slice-of-life. Self-contained chapter with possible fun interludes of other people meeting. Was gonna offer Pryde and more Yoldenites but I'll fit them in any chapter around Liscor. If I remember.

Windy Girl Blows South (Windy girl) - She's gonna go places. Time for Ryoka to make some moves on her new tasks. Conspiracies and secrets. Ties into our big arc and gets stuff moving. Wondering if this has a shot given...

New Lands Ahead (Anyone who might go) - It's time for this too. Who's going? What are they being paid? Finally, where Grimalkin? It's got Grimalkin.

New City, More Explosions (Rhaldon, alchemists) - He's here, but is he in the inn? Not just yet. Very interesting to me and it'll be fun--the start of an arc, really. All about alchemy if you hadn't guessed. Octavia too.

The Age of Pets (Pets and new pet owners) - Pets. Listen. This one is about pets. It's fun. Mostly. All the pets are fun except for the ones who plot. Maybe they're fun too.

The New Age of Khelt (My guy Fetohep) - Guess who's surrendered to him? High King Pooric (that's the name you guys came up with), that's who. Fetohep's got a lot on his plate but he's a great guy. What's up? Something's up.

The Prophet Speaks for the Faithful; A New Age of Faith Dawns! Vote Now to Show Piety! (Prophet, the one true choice) - You want to see a ball rolling from way back in Volume 2? This is that ball. It'll roll. Right into someone's shin. You get to see a big event shaping up and a lot of new power.

The Greatest Case (Detectives) - I need to first set up the detective arc but I promise you I'll try to write some damn...sigh. Some damn noir. I need to research how to write it but I do have an idea. Who's gonna be blowing smoke out a pipe, though? I hate writing mysteries but I'll give it my shot.


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