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I have edited 1.16-1.19. And I wrote this. I am now moving forwards on all fronts. Unlike Warhammer 3, which is boringly easy! (28,600 Words)






WhAt A RuSh

matt emmons

One of the best things about the wandering Inn is it's very hard to predict what direction it's going to go. I love level ups, skills, and treasure.


Finally we got the explanation for how Klbch knew about there being a dragon in the High Passes! And it feels so obvious and natural, that I groaned that I did not guess it myself.


I'm guessing that Pisces got the Ryoka boon over an Eldavin, because Erin cannot channel the power of her inn for a long-distance cast like when she gave Rabitteater a Zel? And Ryok having no levels, packs the most power/utility from what she is able to send. Assuming she was at her inn and Eldavin doesn't work, Zrn-boon to Ceria would be the strongest choice. Or Klbch-boon to Ksmvr. Zel or Gazi to Yvlon. Alestiel to Arthur. Tamaroth to the [Beard Brigadier]. Possibilities are endless.


I just always assumed the Antinium Listeners kept track of the dragon.

Jamie Messier

I always come back to thinking. Damn, I bet Ishkr has [Spy] or similar… what else might he be?? Keep in mind he was placed there early by Krshia


Ksmvr comment to Ceria at the end regarding the rewards was such a gamer remark :)

Aaron Hicks

Loved this! You should try Plague Tale: Innocence. Plague Tale: Requiem comes out in a month and a half :)

Charles T Martin

I've decided I need, *need* , this story in hardcover. I know the Volume 1 re-write is still ongoing, but please.


I want to hear the level ups


Eldavin also might not have been there long enough. She’s said in the past that doesn’t work on some ppl as they haven’t stayed long enough for her skill to pick up. Plus eldavin’s in a wacky scenario being a simulacrum that then gained personality. The system might not count him as a guest, only Teriarch, but she doesn’t know Teriarch’s name.


https://wanderinginn.com/2022/09/04/9-13/ 9.13 is up but no email yet for password to view?

Jamie Messier

There are never enough level ups.. level ups are as interesting as one of the main characters and not always in every chapter. I think it’s entirely achievable to give someone a level up in each chapter to satisfy us..