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We're coming back hot! Or cold! But with lots of words! Maybe less next chapter? (37,000 Words)










Is Erin back yet? I just want her back


And lets not forget, HAPPY WOMEN DAY.


Rabbiteater stumbling from one mess to the next. I am addicted T_T.


Wow, almost like she hasn't been almost back for a year now.

Russell Todd

I really hope that when they get a chance for a longer conversation that Ryoka, while trying to explain Erin, mentions to Cara that not only does the true King Arthur exist in Avalon, but Erin pulled the actual Sword from the Stone while dreaming. I’m pretty sure Cara’s brain would just seg fault and reboot. Would also drive home part of why it’s so important to revive her. In even the most cynical terms, she is an ally that was acknowledged by the King of Knights as a peer of fate. Unrelated, but King Arthur as three men in one would make for an amazing matchup against the three women in one if they ever have to fight them in truth. If the eldest Arthur fell while slaying a dead goddess of death it’d be an end worthy of him and also explain why he never returns to lead his country in its time of greatest need.

Russell Todd

I mean if she really wants to break Caras sense of reality she could also mention that there’s an antinium religion that views her almost as a messiah and believes she will return from beyond death. And that it’s looking increasingly possible that she will. Also she’s been sending mail from beyond the veil. And Ryoja doesn’t know this but Erin beat the goddess of death at chess repeatedly. I could totally see Erin offhandedly mentioning in a death letter that the goddess of death is a mediocre chess player.

Mista Woodsy

All I can think about now is magical hairless cats who insist on clothes and have fancy hats - it’s just utterly delightful! Yay Pirateaba!


I have to mention that I am old. Therefore reading is something I got familiar with offline with completed stories consisting of Introduction / Exposition, Middle and End - condensed from the 5 act drama Aristotle established some milennia ago. According to him there are only very few basic conflicts worthwhile creating a drama. This web serial is very far away from that - I understand that. But there are basics of storytelling spanning from there to here, aren't there? One thing tahta is bugging me is the list of dramatis personae vs. NPCs. I get the impression that whenever there is something in the storytelling that is "new" as in a new plot point is needed in order to give our acting characters a new direction a new character is invented. Sometimes ist feels as if it is literally 20 lines aheaqd of the needed interaction. Why shouldn't the author employ such means you might ask? If it works, it works. You are right there - it is a means to an end. But why do I whine about it? Because it makes the story arbitrary. I put my effort into memorizing a couple of the plotlines - even the meta plot line of the frozen Erin. Speculating as everyone here how it might be solved. Then I experience such "deus ex machina" interventions and I learn that I don't have to listen. It will be as in "The next generation". In the end they will recalibrate the tachyon beam (or somesuch) and the problem will be solved. And all my efforts of following the story line were always in vain as the endgame is not derived from the story line and all my loyality to the 30 or 40 more prominent characters could not bring me to undertand it or anticipate any of it. Divine intervention. Helpful in cutting corners in story telling. Dissatisfying for me as a reade. So what is this, my lamento, my ado about nothing? It is the comparison I make to the fiction of old I was reading. By now I have invested more funds into this story line than I did for the complete works of Terry Pratchett (and I had his final 5 Disc world novels delivered as Hardcopies by amazon on their publication date), more than for the complete works of Iain M. Banks whose Culture universe I dearly miss. Ilearned that I do like LitRPG, I had the two week curse, I visited Cradle and I accmpanied someoe who fought monsters. And here there is no Mana Mumbo Jambo (at least not that much) and the battles are not "Ego shooter come alive". But I would wish for a more refinded story development. Trial by Druid comes to mind - how I disliked that story line. And yes, you can get lost in "planting and pay off" cycles and all that. This is intended to be understood as a plea. Please divert more effort into story arch development. Has Patreon a means to measure scrolling speed of reader? if not, implement it. Learn about the parts of each chapter thet we readers skip - as they are (to our understanding) not important enough to be read in order to understand the chapter / Page / meta arch.


I recently caught up on the series. It's a bit surreal, like what do I do with my hands? As someone who grew up reading 'traditional' novels, novellas, plays, epics, and short stories. I have always been a particular lover of the short story. From collections like Armored being at the very pinnacle to long form like the Sword of Truth or the Forgotten ala Salvatore and others, I learned to embrace their chaos. Each author embraces this medium differently, you can get artistic and silly with digital media like this in a way print media is restrictive of. Every character, every arch or sub-plot is all sorted, aimed in the same direction like over lapping fields of fire, lead us to such a blaze of glory to the ends of plot lines, I have been left in tears by this several times over. Much love pirateaba.


t. Learn about the parts of each chapter thet we readers skip - I don't skip, even the slow parts, I just read em a few times, cuz in my mind it indicates a point that was attempted to be made or maybe some detail lies in there that'll be revealed later. The door that the Horns brought back from Albez was a total surprise, how it developed with exposure to Innworlds current level if magical acumen was interesting as well.


I agree Chris Ochoa. There are great moments, emtionally involving, heart warming, heart braking - all that.