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I have often remarked that I have one talent. Which is the ability to write a lot.

Not write well, not necessarily, but a lot. I am, after all, a young author on the long, winding road with lots of spiky bits and someone throwing mud balls at you...of writing. You can see that in Volume 1. I have often said that Volume 1 has many good parts that surprise me upon re-read. But 8 million words later, I can do better.

So I will. I plan to re-write Volume 1 once Volume 8 ends. I may take off 1-2 updates to devote to rewriting and I’ll probably stream it since it’s boring. Not all of Volume 1; just the first half or even third.

That’s a 2022 goal, which may make me finally feel good enough to release Volume 1 as a physical book and show it around. Early next year, rewrites…but it depends on Volume 8 ending, and we will go at least into January to get it done. Maybe even February, and I will certainly take a long break after I finish it.

I’m getting tired after a year of writing. I take more breaks and I’m slightly healthier in how I treat my writing lifestyle, but then again, I did write a comic book chapter in secret and you didn’t know about it. The Last Tide may well come out this month, and I hope you like it.

So that’s why you know I write a lot. So much, in fact, that I wrote a book and you didn’t know about it.

That’s right. You thought this was some kind of announcement about mundane Volume 1 rewrites? Think again. I wrote a book, and these last two days were for me to edit it and see how much is left.

You may ask how. The answer is in my ‘week off per month’, sometimes it was not a week off, it was me writing more words. I’d like to claim I did it all in these two days, but that would be a complete lie.

This has been a secret project in the works for a long time. In fact, it is still in the works and the revisions are ongoing, as are acquiring rights to use certain song lyrics in the book.

Do you know why I need song lyric permissions? Can you guess, now? It’s something I think some readers have noticed. A glaring omission. A rare underdeveloped through line, especially now. So, I am pleased, very pleased, and relieved to announce this:

Gravesong, Book One of the Singer of Terandria Series is coming out in 2022 as a physical book, e-book, and audiobook. You will get to read a semi-revised version without lyrics on Patreon…on New Year’s.

…Please clap.

In all seriousness, though, this is a book that is meant to let new readers enter The Wandering Inn via Cara’s life. You will get to know the story behind how the [Pop Star] became the Singer of Terandria. Mind you, this is Book One, but it is very relevant to now, and I was sweating to get it done.

Sadly, audio rights for song lyrics takes forever, but I am willing to forgo waiting for publication to give it only to Patreons and then remove that and post it on Kindle Unlimited or something.

What is the point? The point is this: I plan on taking 2 weeks off for the New Year. That’s my regular time off, but as Volume 8 is not done, I will devote one week to revision--then give you the 2nd Draft of Gravesong.

After that, it will go back to Diana Gill, who has been helping me edit Gravesong, and we’ll keep working on it and publish it sometime in the summer with audio rights, audiobook, and all and sundry set up. But you get to read a less-than-perfect version early.

So…yay? I’m very tired. I’ve known about this for a long time, so I can’t tell how hyped you are. I can say that it’s at least 135,000 words so far and likely to maybe pass 140-150k after more revisions. It’s um.

You know what it has? Cover art. Which I will not show you because I want to keep that for the official, Public announcement. But I will show you something amazing. And that’s Bobo Plushie’s promo-poster, which I hope to sell as an actual poster for Gravesong’s release.

Here it is. And yes, it’s got spoilers…of a sort! What does it mean? If you’ve been up-to-date on the hints in the story, you can guess who a lot of these people are.

Anyways, give Plushie lots of praise. They’re on Twitter at https://twitter.com/Bobo_Snofo and while I don’t Tweet, I encourage anyone to give the a…wait.

…I’m not sharing the Gravesong announcement just yet. So uh…just like every tweet? This is ‘secret’ from public readers, and I fully expect everyone of you to keep the vow of silence. I have complete, 204% confidence that this will remain a secret for months, possibly half a year if need be. 

...We'll probably announce it to the Public, maybe on Christmas, but they'll never get the early version of the book.

I’m rambling, so I’ll end it here. Gravesong.

I write books now. Pssh, wasn’t even that hard.

(Yes it was.)

Look forwards to it with the new year! Thanks for reading and making it possible for me to write in secret!



billy herrera

Does that look like Gravesons to anyone else?


Thank you so much for everything that you do


Congratz 🎉


Nearly inhuman amount of content from a single author. Hype!




SO happy to hear you'll be rewriting a portion of volume 1. Every time I recommend the series to someone, it's always with the caveat that V1 has some growing pains, and that as long as you make it through the pay off is well worth it. Can't wait to revisit volume 1 again in the future!


FUCK YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Finally! We get an explanation to that floating plot thread. I figured we'd have to hope for a "Wistram Days" side story arc to hear it or just piece together what happened from other character interactions but this is even better! Can't wait!


Can I pre-order the physical gravesongs book?


I’m so excited! I’ve been dying of curiosity about Cara’s story! But for real though take an actual break or we might end up like The Doors of Stone waiting 10 years for the next book.


I am so excited about this! Cannot wait to finally have a physical book!


That's amazing! Congratulations and I'm looking forward to it 😁🔥✨


You are amazing! Thank you for gifting us with your talent! <3

Deepak Kamlesh

Pirateaba is the best, as always! Thank you and wish you lots of love and cheer for the Christmas and New Year! :D

Ford-Thomas Frank Loveland

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS, SO HAPPY FOR A PHYSICAL BOOK. Also excited for Cara's tale. It has been a mystery for so long


Biiiiig hype


2 words: holy sh*t


I need time mage can’t wait


Finally i will have a book to buy copies of and force my luddite family to read you! "We don't like digital books! Waaaaahhhh!" Bunch of dopes.


I was wondering ever since Cara and her troupe of musical earthers were introduced - why we haven't really gotten a couple of chapters focused on their journey, and here it is, you felt like you needed a interactive book of it , with music and all. Great stuff, now I have an idea. Since you have now foolishly showed us you are not averse to being tricked into writing sidebooks, how about you write a book about the aliens Ryoka got her sword from, they have their whole space war going on and far future earth stuff... Hell yeah! I can already see it. The wandering Inn, we got everything, from fantasy to sci-fi! Oh yeah! This is great, keep doing your thing pirate!


You crazy dead gods damned prodigy! I can't wait to read this!


Ahhh *exited scream* you are amazing!


Very hyped for Cara's story, you've been teasing us with it forever it feels like. Also how will the rewrite work with the audio book? Will there be a second edition eventually or will the new version just be in text.




Also, what the hell, you need to take your breakes seriously. D:


I want it now, how much will the hardcover cost? I'll pay triple!

John Koor

Yeah, that g continues to be a problem for the Wanderins Inn universe.


If you want fantasy meets sci-fi check out The Spellmonger series.


What the hell? Pirate, take care of yourself!


This is crazy and amazing


So exciting. You are by far my favorite author. Love your work. Please keep it coming but not at the sake of writers burnout. It’s real. Just like NURSE BURNOUT. I can’t go more than a break without your new content. Thank you for being amazing!!


"it was me writing more words." *angrily shakes fist*


You're so crazy lmao. "I've been using my weeks off from writing to do more writing." Amazing. Crazy. Amazing all the same. You're the best p'aba.


This is amazing. I kind of guessed it might be a new book but didn't think it'd be an Innworld one too.


spend a dollar only to read this announcement ... and it was worth every single cent! I am hyped, definitly gonna get the book ^^ Continue with your writing Pirate thx and greetings from germany


<3 Thank you for the gift you have given us. I've thought this before, that you remind me of Brandon Sanderson with how much you write. If you ever get the chance to work with him, I could see you publishing like 3 full length books in one year together.


I read this when I was meant to eat breakfast before work. I may be hungry for a while but worth it. This is best xmas present this year thanks but also omg you need a break at some point you pump out so much work it's insane!!


So happy about this!! Cara is definitely one of the characters I want to know more about!


God you are an inspiration. Thank you for your hard work and I hope you are going at a pace that feels good to you, you say you are tired so often that I worry you are over working Pirate. That being said, I look forward to the Singer in the limelight.




Can't wait till Cara meets, and then falls for, the dashing and mysterious charismatic [bachelor] about town Toren

Scott Pfister

You’re tremendous, pirateaba, and as you say - you’re young - but your quality is constantly improving! Don’t stop, but please don’t push to hard. Burn out is one of the hardest things to address since even a break can always eliminate it. Push yourself to succeed, not just to deliver content to us, your fans. We all adore it, and love to read it, but I’d rather be enjoying your writing 10 and 20 years from now than to have to settle on the 5-10 year span of mega-content and wonder “what if she hadn’t pushed too hard, too fast!” Keep up the good work, remember to love what you do, and don’t let your passion turn into a compulsion. And long-live the Oxford comma! :)


Physical books and more Innverse. I'm so excited.


ILY PIRATE WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Awsome. I love the Idea of a rework. And more story yay... You are doing to many viewpoints. I love you but your gonna kill yourself with that at some point we have what....12 Story important viewpoints/Groups this gonna be 13 or even a higher number depending on how/what you count. George R. R. Martin basically gave up on doing more than 5 at one time and even Brandon sanderson never try's to go much beyond 3 or 4. (BTW i wish any of those two had even 5% of your writing speed) So that is really impressive. And you are doing an amazing Job there. But also slows down the progression to the extreme. I think at this point in the Story, 1.5 Years or so have past... Which feels just absolutely wrong, it feels like it should have been around 3-5 Years. Especially considering the character progression of Ryoka, Lyonette and others. Which is not a thing that happens in a few month as it appears to have happened in the story. But when you just read it, it feels like it has been years and these characters had the time to grow and evolve. But then you remember how many seasons have gone by and the immersion kinda goes to die. I love this Story and your Work in general. But if I could ask you to look at one thing when you remake Vol 1 its Numbers, it doesn't matter if it is Money, Time, Distance, troops etc. Numbers are the only thing that feels constantly wrong to me since they seem so inconsistent at the moment as to be meaningless. Ryoka seems to break quite lot of World Records by the way ^^ (Also they are basically always to big, i assume for "EPIC SCALE", you don´t need that you already have it without every Battle being an nearly impossible to manage 200k+ Blob, yes those existed but more as the biggest thing an Empire was able to create as in China vs The Mongols or The Ottoman Empire or When Rome just threw bodys at then Huns.) I will stop rambling on now. And Wish you all a Happy and healthy Christmas. PS: I am an Idiot online everting i say could be wrong and safely be ignored ^^


Thanks for all you do and have done. If you need a huge break from all this typing, take as long as you need. You have my support for whatever happens. Happy holidays pirate!


You are amazing you know. Thank you

Ignat Remizov

I can only say, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAmazing!!!!!!! That was more of a yell, but whatever. You are crazy and I love it. Please take actual breaks!! I want to read this story for years to come :)


Jesus Christ Pirate. At least tell us you were taking -some- time to rest during your 1-week breaks, and not just writing the whole dang time..


on one hand, I absolutely love your work and can not wait to have it on my shelf, on the other with all this writing I hope you get a good long rest soon


Pirate, you're amazing, Thank you for all that you do. You have kept me entertained longer than any other author or series... Ever. You do amazing work. Remember to take some time for yourself, really. Thank you.


Adore adore your audiobooks. So much that I'm not reading things here bc I just want to listen! Can't wait for more


Bravo! You continue to amaze and inspire. Looking forward to reading all of it (:


Oh my goodness I am so excited and inspired! But also - please take care of your health pirateaba!!


So so so much hype. I’ve been reading this story for the last 5-6 years, and I’ve loved seeing it grow and grow into the massive dwelling of fat ducks that it is now. You’re incredible Pirate, and I’m always so grateful that you’ve gifted us this world from your mind and that you’ve put so much hard work into presenting it to us so quickly. Thank you, as always, and take breaks as needed!! You are the priority, not us. Have a wonderful holiday period Pirate!

Jacob Cook

Super excited!!!!!


Physical copy!!! Probably buy numerous copies and just start handing out to friends and family. Thank you!


Did you mayhaps just mention two physical copies of two book of the inneverse? Would you please kindly take some more of my money? And thank you for your work, one of the best I've read, ever! PS: Anyone knows if there will be a physical copy to buy for the last tide ? (I kinda missed the timing in August/ September :/)


Wow… what an amazing announcement! I’ve wanted physical copies of the books for forever… I can’t wait to buy any and all that you release!


Ooh, I really want that poster!


So hyped, cant wait! Your poor poor hands


Congratulations on your amazing secret project! I'm excited to dive into the weird, strange world of Terandria from Cara's point of view next year. The more I see of Terandria in the main story the more I've wanted to see some of the creeping darkness that can match and even blot out its shining knights.


That's amazing! Thanks for keeping making things we'll look forward to.

James Ging

I love the fact that there are so many viewpoints and story lines!

[Corrupt Cleric]

So stoked for this! You deserve more than a few claps Pirate! 🙌👏


🎉🎊👏🏾👏🏾 that’s amazing news, deserve all the claps Pirate!


This is really great! Congratulations on publishing a book and I look forward to reading it!


Please please please tell me this has something to do with whatever went on between Lyonette's sister and Cara. I've been losing my mind since the chapter where they kept talking about what happened in Noilectus (sorry if misspelled). All this time I thought I missed a chapter somewhere because I have no recollection of it, but it was just foreshadowing a Cara book. Right?? Please tell me I'm right!?


A part of me wonders at Pirate getting annoyed at us patreoners for never picking the Cara poll option ;3

Fluffy druid

I can't wait. I wanted a physical copy for so long. And I am still waiting for the Last Tide books I ordered.


Fist pump to the sky--then dancing... put me down for pre-order on everything! Thank you for this gift I have too look forward to.


I think it's been 3-5 years in earther world time, but the years are much longer in In world, it hasn't even rehit winter, which the end of book one

Joshua Flowers

The gravesong cover art has the winter watcher, The widow princess, Cara, and... the forbidden Alchemist????(not too sure who hooded people are..)

Donald Smith

I’m curious, since audiobook is mentioned. Does that mean “use of the original” or does it mean “original covers by the Singer of Terandria”? The second version implies new recordings, which could also be released as a TWI album on iTunes!

Atlas Dwarf

I think that blue guy is that [Necromancer] the Princess called upon in a crypt rather than the Winter's Watcher. Belavierr seems to be the small black outline in the bottom right. The Spider living up to her name. The Shifthold Alchemist being involved would explain why he is currently being pursued so heavily right now.


How would "re-write Volume 1" work with it being sold on Audible and Kindle, would you have several Vol 1's on the platforms ? or will one replace the other ?


Wow!!! Does that mean that the first audio book will get updated too?


I'm really looking forward to this. I've been really interested in Cara's character for awhile, and it always seemed odd that we didn't get more Cara chapters when she seemed like she should have been a more prominent character. Now we know why! It says we "will get to read a semi-revised version without lyrics on Patreon…on New Year’s." Does that mean it'll be up later today?


Been listening to volume 1 on audible and it's pretty rough and contradicts the established lore in parts. You've grown to be such a amazing writer very excited for the revision!