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It also me. I also have much type and maybe someone’s looking over my shoulder so I will keep it brief and give you clarity and spicy details:

The Mind of a Dr--Half-Elf - Eldavin. He’s making waves, taking names and...is something off? This is your Wistram chapter and like all these ones, it is the steam boat full ahead with no breaks.

Expect all the hits. Trey. Head trauma, Archmages and politics. But from Eldavin’s point of view and...it is beginning to reveal things. WIstram’s secrets, and something else.

Wrym Biology Explained - Not NSFW. Well, maybe NSFW in that Wyrms kill people in horrible ways, but this be it. At least, the start of it. Why? How? Do you enjoy the Ailendamus chapters and immortals and the person drawn to them like a mosquito or Fierre to a bag of blood?


Two Hats vs. Oteslia’s Underworld (and more!) - Oteslia rides. Or rather, walks. And it’s time for the hats to come off. You know the stakes and so do I. And someone there will get that reference. But how will it all shake down? Powerful allies don’t meant they have common interests. We’ll get into it here. Coffee. Coffee.

War on the Hectvalian Front - It’s a war chapter. This one takes place over months. Is it a side story? Do butterfly wings really have nothing to do with ice caps melting? You find out here. Not sure I can do it in one go, but this is the attempt.

News from Home for Luan - Exactly what that means. Recent news. Luan. Fraerlings in Talenqual, and this arc is moving ahead hot. Not Geneva--make sure to note that. The Fraerling is out of the bottle and it might have been a crime to try to put them inside to begin with. Fraerling tech and intrigue and probably at least a bit of politics on Earth’s side. If you like that kind of thing?



Please give us more Teri this year, Teri is my personal santa now plsss