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One more chapter till I'm on break! Whew...the chapter is out! (23,500 Words)






So the Pisces chapter is still delayed then?


I don't recall pirateaba ever confirming a Pisces chapter. That was just speculation by the fans.


I think the first editor was better... she was faster i think, lol

Parker Groseclose

Thanks for the chapter. This one felt like Erin dying again in some ways.


This chapter has beautiful, a chapter that left me in awe.


Beautiful and amazing chapter. Bird is the best. Have a great and relaxing / exciting vacation depending on what you need.

matt emmons

Enjoying the chapters....miss Erin.....love to see the growth happening in all the people....so many loose ends I dont know what to hope for anymore. Lol. Sometimes I miss the inn and the dungeon....its now innworld and epic people. I wonder where all the new earthers are....some should be popping up all over the place.


When the delayed chapter is released will it be a new post, or do I need to keep scrolling back to June 15th for updates?


You have out done yourself again.


I think you should focus on the edited chapter, this one seems like an excellent stopping point before the break.

Umar Musa

This chapter seems like a good place to take a break. Tied up some loose ends.




The inn, goblins, ants, Pallass, liscor and all thats directly related to erin. Nothing about that crazy king and that horrible country the horns are at. I wish for more inn related adventures.


The chapters are very different, so that one takes more time to work through isn’t strange. However the fact that the pre-edit wasn’t posted as it was finished is probably one of the reasons this delay feels more frustrating.


I've been wondering for a while... Is there any reason Joseph is called Joseph? It isn't really a name you'd find in Spain (José being the equivalent) unless his mother is foreign or something.


There are people named after the Beatles in asia


Sure. I am from Spain, though. I am not saying it is impossible to find a Joseph here, just that I don't know any, nor have I ever heard anyone mentioning an acquaintance (from here) named so. Of course he can be named Joseph, and the reason could be as simple as "his mom liked the name", but other characters' names do fit their nationalities. I simply wonder if there is any reason beyond not realizing that was not a normal name in Spain.


Just checked the stats. There are 1.286 Josephs in Spain. For reference, there are 564.478 Joses and 78.148 Muhammad (which I would consider an uncommon name here)


I like cheering for the Horns, maybe they will manage to cut trough king's plot armor and end him. One can hope.


Hectval delenda est ·


Ryoka should find a naq al rahma blade to fuse with her lightsabre. Though i do keep wondering if the lightsabre is the knife she got from the fey lord, or from the lost scifi soldiers, or if the fey got it from the scifi soldiers ans then gave it to ryoka. Or does she have a fey blade as well?