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I'm on break due to trying to stay healthy! Read the note at the top of the chapter to learn how to win a frying pan and about my break! Chapter's out! (24,000 Words)






Well this is unexpected. Enjoy break!


Too early


W...what? Is it Christmas already?

Alvin Baena

Whoa, early chapter. Enjoy your very deserved break.


Would definitely buy a frying pan if you ever decide to sell Inn merch!


We need Inn merch! Frying pan, shirts, posters, etc. I'll buy everything!


I just so happen to pre-order it last week. Just submitted my application into the contest. Fingers crossed. This is a awesome prize. I'm sure if you sold it, it would sell out supper quick.


Please take all the time you need, Pirate! Your mental health is more important to me than the content you produce. I did need to catch up, so I'll take this as a sign.

Parker Groseclose

Be safe. When my sister got her shot she had some serious problems with memory and coordination for a couple of days.


Stay safe and recover well. Pre-ordered the audiobook and hedging my bets because unlike the Titan I do tend to gamble sometimes.

Steven Alexander

I got the Moderna vaccine. The first shot gave a few aches but nothing bad. The second shot did not bother me for the first 4 hours. Then my body started to ache. About 12 hours after the second shot (about 1 am) I had a fever and cold shivers and ached horribly. It all started to fade at about 14 hours after the 2nd shot but I still ached for a few days. This may be an unusual reaction.


Me and all of my family have had our second shot (mostly Pfizer) and our symptoms pretty closely matched yours. First shot nothing but standard vaccine arm pain. Second shot okay for a few hours, but then hell for an evening followed by a day of utter bleh headaches/similar. All of us except one were at like 95-100% by the second day after barring the occasional ache/very minor headache though.


Loved the chapter, sad, in a good way, funny, great, the build up is wow....


I had Pfizer 1 of 2 shots. I got hives 8 days later. They were itchy like chicken pox. It sucked. Second shot here in Canada is in 4 months. I’ll buy reactine before it.


Any idea when the Vol 3A will be available on Audible Europe ?

Morog T Tiny

i just advise fully reading the white paper from the vacine disclosure. good luck


Im going to do it and keep my weapinized [Combat] Pan in the deep freeze untill Erin comes back!

Newguy Roy

Make sure you tell your doctor about the symptoms akin to allergies to make sure you can get the second dose. You might not be elligible anymore. Although, 8 days later might mean it's not even related to the vaccine.


Love the pan, but am even more happy that the audiobook is coming out! Hope the other volumes follow soon 😃


Planning some home improvement works that will probably require longer than part two and three, I'd like to know if there is a known timeframe for the next parts? It's too soon to re-listen to part one, I'm afraid... but good thing those books are really huge! I guess, the floors and tiling will be done, with Erin&CO's help 😃

Will Keaton

I'd love to just buy one of those skillets.

Alia Asif

I am having withdrawals, hope you are well, but NEED TWI back as soon as possible!!!


Darn, I misunderstood and set an alarm every hour and a half all night to read..,


Y’know, I end up never knowing when the next chapter is after breaks, is there a place she posts when she’ll be back? It would be cool if there was a countdown timer or calendar set up. I’ve noticed in the past others wondering when, is something like that possible to implement? Not count down to the exact hour of release, but just to what day? I think that would be a cool option, and countdowns boost excitement and anticipation, no? Might get a few more patreon subs as the days get closer? Just spitballin.


Right at the top of the most recent chapter. In parenthesis it says the date she will be back. In this case April 24th. If it’s an early break, it usually explains why as well...


She said she'd be back on the 24th. I assume the next chapter posts that day... that's this Saturday.


Nearly there~ Hang strong guys.

matt emmons

Withdrawal is real......Erin save me........

Jimmy J.K.

four more hours ladies we can do it