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This is the unedited version of the chapter Rebecca Brewer will be working on. Feel free to read if you want--then you can see what's changed! Or wait for the edited version. Much tired. Much rest. (28,600 Words)

PS: For this and every other chapter, don't look at comments because some people are horrible spoilers. Unless that's your thing.






Thank you for this batch of highly addictive stuff. Was going trough withdrawal here. Have some rest now


Saliss eats pancakes


Thank you. I needed this.


wow, went from almost tears to a smile, wow


Woah. I love it


E as in... Emperor? ^^


'The edited version will come out after the process is done—no updates for the public until then! ' Does this mean no Tuesday chapter for Patreons?

Alvin Baena

This chapter is rated E, for Exciting

John Koor

I'm conflicted. I see how editing would help for mass appeal of the story and getting new readers, but in my opinion anything that reduces the word count and strips precious words away from the story only makes me sad. I can see how the first volumes could use some help, but current chapters are really well written and you've made a lot of effort to correct them as you go along.

John Koor

Myself, I will only ever end up reading patreon chapters. Though I will inevitably listen to the finalized story once it appears on audible in its edited version.


Ahhhh Yeah theres the Erin fix I needed Thanks for thet great chapter


Dear Pirateaba, What a great chapter, thank you very much! I loved the end - it brought a big smile to my face :-)


damn dust in my eyes...... yup dust. GOt literal goosebumps at the end!


Ayyy i loved it! Thanks alot!

Sean Coker

This was such an awesome chapter! I thought something like this would've been what started this new volume, but the wait made it all the sweeter. I feel like this is probably the second to last volume. Setting the stage for a grand war with the gods that'll be the final volume.


Spoiler 🚨 Read the chapter first. Reading this chapter felt like reading end of the story because I feel like nothing else matters anymore. It was amazing


Aw, Damn, this chapter tore me up. Actual tears a few times. Lady El and General Zel showing the universe their Heroism knows no bounds. So many questions! Can we type spoilers here since we all can read it, or leave this part spoiler, question, and theory free?


Best chapter ever. I really really missed my fav innkeeper. No spoliers here but a big Thank you... oh and i cried the whole way, laughed out loud and wholeheartly cant wait for the next


Goblins might not have an afterlife. I get the feeling that they actually might exist in the souls of their kin or something like that. That might explain why soul bard is an available class. It could also explain why chieftains can “feel” their kings. How goblins can just believe magic into existence. How so many of them appeared to defend Erin from the gods. The normal dead can’t interact with the world and have to be TOLD what has happened since they’ve died… Goblin souls are still in the living world or VERY close to it and KNEW a God was coming for Erin. It could also explain why kings go mad. They talk to the dead directly, possibly a great many of them, wishing the king to go create haven on Inn World… So they can continue to exist in the souls of their kin. Why do the kings have to die though? Maybe so the gods can’t enter their heaven? Are the kings the equivalent of a James Bond message? “This is your mission, if you choose to accept it.” They help the king until the mission is complete and its time to close the door? So many interesting questions from this chapter.


The end game is to kill everything and starve the gods to death.

Charles T Martin

Commenting before reading. Just wanted to say I briefly hopped into the livestream, saw something about Erin and witches, and decided that I couldn't handle the lack of context and hopped back out. Looking forwards to reading this, as I do for every chapter.


Thank you so much! Please keep sending us the non edited chapters! The longer the better I don't want this to ever end!


If the editor's are no good, will you continue without?


wow. what a chapter. thanks. that was amazing.


I´m so glad we just get Erin being Erin :D No matter what happens to her, no matter where she is.


If that’s the goal then they are literally worse than creelers


Don't read these comments before reading the chapter, full of spoilers!

Beth Rasmussen

Wow -- just .....wow. I thought I knew where you were going ... yeah ... after the first twist? Impressive. :D