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This is not a side story poll. This is perspective poll for Volume 8. Misleading title, but I kept it like that so it was like the others. We do these now and then.

This is a poll for ONE chapter I'll do as Volume 8 begins in January. Due to my regular break and the 2-week break, there will be less chapters, so this is actually a weightier poll.

And look at those options. Some are part of larger plot lines. Some you will understand as having significance. You all will let one option win. There may be favorites, but I have been surprised before. Also, don't be fooled: each poll is different, even if the characters seem to be in the same location. I have a story for each, so choose who you want to see or who you think will have the story you want to read most.

One week of voting. One vote. One winner. No ties, no dual-winners. If two options win, I'll select the one I want to write and the other is lost to time. If you want to get one option to win, well, try to convince others to see your perspective.  

Vote away and have a happy New Year!



Teriarch 4 ever


You can't just put a ❓ after Luan and expect people not to vote for it.



Alexis Lionel

I'd have voted for Rags if I thought it'd win.

Banh Bao

Ree teri is winning by so much


Oh hell this isn't an easy choice...


Niers and Teriarch are waste of votes, we’ll get those chapters anyways, time for todi to shine


That ? for Luan is too tempting. Is he in limbo? Will he meet Erin? Did the God get him? Is he in their realm? Did he get a sudden rescue by the Drowned Folk? Will he become one of them? Is he even alive as we known him?


Big rip, Niers, Horns, and Teriarch are all ones I want. Also Luan. HMMMMMM

Banh Bao

i was hoping a nier chapter would lead to rags+nier

Phil Pennock

I want at least ten of these! Am I greedy? Yes, yes I am.


This is too hard!


I will never not lobby for Neirs plot.


My initial thought was Pawn, but we're definitely going to find out what's going on with him in the main sequence of Volume 8. Same thing for Niers. Teriarch, on the other claw, is a side character so his part is not guaranteed to come up. He's also a walking lore dump and one of the only people who actually know about the Gods.


I really want Horns because I want to know how each of them are reacting to news about Erin.


How about an entry that is something like - Pirateaba's choice???? Pirateaba's imagination is so much more interesting than mine could ever hope to be.

Daphne Ticha

I miss rags. I want to know if she’s found the other key and what exactly teriach told her about the goblin’s history. How’s the alliance? How much has she levelled up? How’s she taking Erin’s demise? Is a goblin army marching? I got so many questions that needs answers. Vote rags please 🙏


I'm thinking Magnolia. Her plot is always behind the scenes and she is doing something major.


Pawn, toren, or orjin. I want more story on Orjin's earthers.


Although Teriarch sounds fun, I was pretty disappointed that the finale didn't include Niers finally reaching the Wandering Inn, only to find out his friend and love was dead


Maaaaaaaaaaaan, this story is getting to a point of character overload. I want to hear from everyone & really get some people together in the same plot lines.... really not sure we’ll ever get another chance at rags + bevussa though!!


I like Orjin and Salii, they crack me up

Connor Kelly

leaning towards luan


Teriarch. A DRAGON. what better perspective for all that happened ?


Niers will get a chapter anyway. You think he'll just get left stuck in the mountains? Fierre is much more interesting at this point.


I wonder if the non-patreon readers realized these are around, if more would want to be involved


man this needs ranked choice voting, this is too many options for a direct vote democracy


Would love Neirs to interact with Rags. I miss her.


no relc option?


If they follow the reddit then they probably do, these tend to get posted on there for discussions after all. It's just that they (non-patreons) have no direct impact on the results.


Niers would be really interesting, but Teriarch has a better idea of what's going on. Also an opportunity to get more world info from the best source we've got, and Teriarch should finally be arriving at Wistram.


I wanna read about what Toren is up to :)


I feel the Players have a strong story at this point in time. Actors and artists with the fae around. Now that sounds like magic to me and the potential for growth.


wow! for once toren and my favorite goblins are not in the lead. I voted rags of course but I'd love to see if Luan died and if he did what the afterlife is like for Earthers. or if he becomes one of the drowned folk, or if he took the hand of the godess under the water.


I think i would like to see where all the goblins come together with Rags


however hearing from Niers would be very acceptable

Bryan Scott

Disapointed that relc was not on there lol


Oh man, seeing the voting results is sadface. Chapters we're definitely getting no matter what, versus so many possibilities that need way more love.


Ranked choice for online polling should be the default everywhere.


This isn't a choice between stories- it's choosing the perspective for the story that's going to be told either way


I want Teriarch because even if its just his thoughts he gives more away than Niers who almost never confirms anything.


Y'all voting for the big movers and shakers hoping they will exposition all your questions. Not going to happen people. I would be much more interested to check in on the folks where the big things have particular import for them. Like Fierre rediscovering/deciding what being a vampire will be. Or Rie dealing with the collapse of her circle of thorns and knowing the balance between her and Laken has flipped. Also, one vote limits are bad. They limit those not in the lead to either waste our vote on the 6th place option we really want, or dog-pile in on the 2nd place option just because we like it better than the current leader. Please don't use them in future Pirateaba, for my sanity? (and hopefully Patreon will catch up and provide a preferential voting system, AUSTRALIA FOREVER!)

Jericho Drakane

"Rags and Bevussa" I know this likely means the chapter would be split between them, but I can't help but hope for a meet.

Kyle Aretae

In order of cliffhanging -- Luan Niers Erin Ryoka's changes


Why teriarch? He is much too powerful, sweeping in, fixing problems... I wish for once Ryoka and Erin's Friends will solve the Erin-problem, not him! I am sure it will be about something entirely different!


No teriarch. No Niers he will end up with the goblins or some other group and that's more fun from the goblin perspective. Ian Ballard says it well, from a reading pov, the smaller people are better and let the big players remain mysterious while their reach is much felt. I want Jecaina or Nsiia just because they are in interesting situations that are such dead ends right now, hope it gets a kick start. Love the horns and adventurers in general but they deserve being mentioned in the background to start volume 8 so that their chapters are more fleshed out. But urgency-wise Niers and Luan make the most sense to open with, but I think better if the chapter is not from their perspective directly. Ryoka is very easy to delay till later... Like when she left for so long in Reizmelt


You forgot the "all of the above" option in your poll.


Yeah let's go with niers cuz that's gonna tie in with Rags eventually

Deepak Kamlesh

I wish I was allowed to vote for more than one even if only one made it to the end. Glad to hear from Pirate again though! I missed you. Have a Happy New year.

Deepak Kamlesh

I wonder if we will get chapters from the perspective of D*** ***s at some point.

Deepak Kamlesh

Hey, is there anyone from Oxford, UK or nearby who reads the story? I would love to chat!


My boy Gary ain't getting any love :(


Who is a smaller person than Niers? (Jk but it had to be said)


The limit to one vote makes it a really hard choice for once.

Tyler Daniels

I really wish it was one of the poles that let me select four or five of them because there's no way that I'll be able to make up my mind right now oh, I don't even know if a week is enough time

Aaron W. Smith

Eventually, I think we will find out about most of these during the main story, so, choice isn't critical. I hope you are taking it easy, though. If you need more off time, I don't think that taking TWO weeks off twice a year (on the SOLSTICES, of course!) would be unwelcome. I am rereading the series again, to refresh my memories on how everything started, and am content to wait.


Fierre, Toren, Orjin, and Pawn all have great opportunities for adding diverse color to perspectives in the story. Choosing Teriarch is like just racing to the answer without smelling the flowers along the way though his interaction with mortals is hilarious. Still want more development in some of the smaller side characters who haven't had as much screen time.


See? You all tried to rig the vote and get two winners last time and now mom's only letting us have one vote with storytime lol


There is only one goblin on the poll, the choice is easy!

Daniel Drake

oh come on people !! vote for the Dwarves!!! we only have 2 of them we get to see regularly ! Dwarves are the best ! wish we had more dwarven action in TWI !

Bobby B.

So my hope, is that the order of seasons is a secret rabbiteater chapter


Instinctively I immediately hovered over The Dragon, the Goblin, and the Witch. Because who doesn't want to see through the eyes of them?! But I thought it would be interesting to see the world from the perspective of an 'outsider' to the TWI.




But the Horns, they’re blowin’ that sound.


I would have chosen Relc, him hearing about the death of the crazy human of Liscor would likely have been powerful. Missing it, thinking if he had not messed up so bad, )his opinion) that maybe he could have made the difference that could have saved her... aw I really feel for the guy. I’m hoping at the least, that this scene plays out early on. I want to see where Dragon mage Eldavin (cannot remember spelling atm, sorry if wrong) is at, if he and Mags (Magnolia should be called this by Erin always) have heard about Erin, what Teriarch’s reaction is to meeting new people, and if he’s able to nap through it all or get more involved. So that’s my second choice. Horns third, I’ll read anything with them. They could totally pull off a spin off book of their own. Niers and rags/Bevussa 4th, and 5th respectively.


Im the only Garry fan boy here

random bypasser

I guess I'm the only Orjin boi fan, as a martial artist I'd love to see the innverse people learn a tornado kick from the earthers but it becomes a skill where the kick is strong enough to cause a tornado. That'd be comedy gold lol


There are so many good options but personally I've got to go with Teriarch. He is the only one in that list who seems to have any in depth knowledge of what might be happening so I'm hoping we can hear things from the horses mouth so to speak.

matt emmons

So many ways for chapter 8 to go im not even sure where I want the story to start....I agree with the smaller characters.....their perspectives are unique and their stories are crazy. I think I'm leaning towards the Horns......Hard to believe that 7 chapters are just over a year of Inn time. Maybe Erin can save her self....crazier things have happened.


What kind of choice is this?! It's like asking if I want food, water, or shelter. I need it all!


Oh dear, this is a very difficult choice! And honestly, I want all of them, even I know that would fuck up the pacing pretty bad. I'm honestly kind of glad that my favorite character (Onieva) isn't in here, because it means I don't have to worry about her losing. Anyway, choosing between Fierre and Toren is hard, even if both of them will probably lose...

David Giles

Damn this is a hard one, I want Fierre, Toren and Rags & Bevussa


I really liked Toren when she was the Secret Adventurer. I hoped for redemption.


How can people resist the "?" after Luan!?


Let's all flip to toren at the last hr just to mess with pirateaba

Donald Smith

@Pirate, When you make these polls, could you include a link to the wiki index? That way people can remind themselves of who all these options are. There are a couple good ones in here that are also obscure.

Ram nevet

to quote pirateaba on discord, if you want a happy chapter after the drama of vol 7, dont pick niers, its the least uplifiting chapter of the entire lot. only vote Niers if you want to continue with downer chapters and not slice of life or anything positive

Ram nevet

Drunk pirate went mad on discord and made promises about additional stuff you get if not Niers wins Jecaina wins promise: https://i.imgur.com/SklqyRA.png Magnolia or Orjin wins promise: https://i.imgur.com/W2QgfMZ.png Nsiia or Order of Seasons wins promise: https://i.imgur.com/RTzRfgI.png Horns, Pawn, or Eliasor wins promise: https://i.imgur.com/x8pS7SP.png Fierre wins promise: https://i.imgur.com/39xw7y2.png Garry or Players wins promise: https://i.imgur.com/lFhgqmj.png Teriarch promise: https://imgur.com/a/nbQDYkv Luan promise: https://imgur.com/a/iQaTw7R


You forgot the Teriarch promise! I stand by this totally not-inebriated bet because Discord has the power to change nothing! Nothing!

David Giles

Well that hurts. I voted Toren.

Nicholas Guyett

Toren is under appreciated. I vote for my favorite gender fluid skeleton whenever possible


Niers is a waste of a vote he has more chapters then any one else on this list besides the horns and one of the next 10 chapters is most likely gonna be his even if he doesn’t win


I voted Garry bec. My sweetheart would not make me cry.


please everyone can we rethink the niers vote because I don’t have anymore tears after the last chapter. Also let’s start a new year with some baking ants with big hearts


Order of Seasons for Rabbiteater!


You never cease being amazing! The thought that you've already thought up story ideas for all of that is just awesome, can't wait to read what we get as I'm convinced the great story ideas here never get left behind forever.

Samantha Lane

I'm not sure Teriarch is the one I want the most, but not Niers if it lacks some of the feel goods.


Wow, no love for the Dwarves in the cast. We know so little about their race, their history, their culture...but no love for the stout creatures fond of drink and industry. :(


I ended up changing my vote cuz there's literally no point picking a choice other than the two most popular ones. Feels bad.


Same. I voted pawn... And he got 3% at his peak. -_-


Chin up. I am sure this is half research project on how readers are taking to the characters. Go pawn/orjin/toren/fierre!!!


This may be irrational but apart from hoping Magnolia falls flat on her face and Erin gets thawed out soon I'm not really feeling much either way here.


Is there a chance that Niers actually meets Teriarch? Just figures it out? That would be something :D

The Agent Colson

Yeah, no. A Niers chapter would be like watching a Bear Grylls episode. That's what we would get. Also, Teri is effectively at Wistram now.


I voted for Magnolia. I'd like to see her with a cup of tea trying to wash down a whole humble pie.

Ground Control

I'm voting for Teri since I don't think we've ever had a Teri perspective chap before. What goes on inside the mind of a dragon?


Note for the next one, 3 options max please.


Has she said when she’s returning to us? Going crazy!


why aren't there more people choosing Luan? this could be our one chance to save him!


Well he's a "Rower" ...even a gardener sounds more exciting to read about to be honest...at least a gardener creates life...(and might be a pirate in hiding)


Hey niers fans, may as well flip your vote to fierre before you lose to teriarch. T minus 4 hrs


We sorta had one in Vol 7, or at least a good look at his mind when he was waking up from a nap/when Ryoka visited him again to make a deal. When not fully awake he's got a bit/form of dementia from all his memories overlapping. Really sad actually.

Deepak Kamlesh

Man that was an intense poll! Almost tied till the last hour. I hope Pirate is happy with the results. I am eagerly awaiting the first chapter of this year. :)


I really want to find out Niers reaction to Erin's dead/undead state, after waiting so long to meet her just to have her snatched away in the last moment and him carried away to a unknown fate, kinda cruel, I hope he gets to meet Rags since he was carried towards the high passes.


I’ll make a not so bold prediction that Niers situation won’t be solved until Erins is.

Donald Smith

What’s the actual count? They both show 31% so o can’t tell which one won. At least on iPhone, it doesn’t show vote totals.

Deepak Kamlesh

Hmm... Weird that it hasn't shown up for some people. Teriarch won at 31%. Niers is at 30%.


One more day! Can´t wait :)

Deepak Kamlesh

So weird! My phone shows Teriarch at 31 and Niers at 30 but both are at 31 on my laptop.


The exact vote count can be seen on discord. Teriarch won with 709 votes against Niers 694 votes.


Wow the voting is insanely even between tetrisarch and neers! Hope we get a mixed chapter!


The day has come! 2021 hasn't really got its legs under it yet, but this chapter might do it!


The day has come! 2021 hasn't really got its legs under it yet, but this chapter might do it!


Don't forget everyone, due to DrunkAba promises, we're getting an extra Mrsha chapter as well since Teriarch won :o


Last year I was like don’t read any chapter until next year save it. That was my New Year’s resolution. I failed. This year am ready for it I can do. just after this chapter


While i was really hoping for a rags and bevuassa perspective (because the implication is they meet which is something i very much wanted to read.) , Teriarch isn't a bad alternative.