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This is a fair warning from me to you. I've already written about 18,000 words in my first stream, but there is not a guarantee I'll finish to my liking in time for 'tonight', whenever yours is.

As is my policy with volume-ending chapters, I will delay it a day or two as I mentioned in the author's notes, or split it into two chapters if I MUST (although working on Christmas wouldn't be ideal), or release it on the 23rd, 24th, etc.

The point is, I don't know if the chapter will be up to my standards when I finish streaming. I will definitely be revising for a while, so don't wait up on this chapter as it may not be posted in time with the regular schedule.

This is your advance notice. I'll do my best and write the 2nd half shortly, but no guarantees!



Take your time pirate! Even if you delay it a week we’ll wait for you to publish the chapter when you’re ready!

Matthew Lester

You’re a goddamn machine as it is. Take all the time you need!


As far as I'm concerned, take as much time as you need, and please don't work during the holidays if you don't have to!


Thanks for the heads up! Hope you finish, but I’ll wait for the good stuff if I need to. Love your writing!


Quality over quantity is always awesome. The fact you consistently do both may have spoiled us.

Adrian Gorgey

Take time and don't be afraid to relax a bit on the holidays! You deserve it! If it's delayed a bit because of Christmas that's normal

Chris Arundel

No worries Pirate, even if it comes out after Christmas it'll be fine. Have a great holiday season

Adrian Gorgey

Thanks for the head's up!


Thanks for the warning! I'd rather it be done well than on time ;) I hope you don't have to work on Christmas though. That just sounds wrong.


You release more than any other author I know and you're almost always on schedule. Take a break enjoy your holiday you deserve it!

matt emmons

I always say to my customers.....you won't remember a year from now if i am a day or two over but if I do a bad job you'll remember for the rest of your life......so take your time and enjoy yourself.


😅 no worries.


Delay delay, you won't hear a peep of complaint from me! Better to give us a chapter that meets your standards then trying to adhere to a release schedule and end up giving us a subpar volume ender.

John Donovan

Take your time, we'll wait in anticipation.


I would rather the consistent great that you always deliver then something you are not proud of. Ditto to deliver when you are ready and its the Holidays enjoy it first foremost.


That's cool, take your time!


Thanks Pirate! I'm also in the camp of "I will read it when it's ready, whenever that is," and that boundaries are healthy. Like, "the muses don't answer calls on holidays."


You’ve got support here regardless!


Definitely understand and am willing to wait for the full vision you have


No problem. No need to pull a Cyberpunk.


I just talked to a friend of mine I haven't talked to in a long while. Had to take 3 weeks of work because of burnout. Please take care of yourself. We can be patient.

John Koor

40k chapter, here we come!


This chapter is going to be a great Christmas present regardless of when it comes out! No need to force a deadline! xxxx




I just want to reiterate what everyone else is saying. Take as much time as you want. Your chapters are incredible and one of the highlights of my week. But you are an artist so take the time you need to do what you are happy with. We will support you no matter if this next chapter took weeks


This one concurs, take as much time as needed.


No worries, I'd much rather have a late Christmas present on the 28th or so than a subpar chapter that's on time. You write so incredibly much and honestly you've set a high bar for yourself. Take your time ,get it right then take 3 weeks off!


Aye don't rush anything, if it gets delayed but in a version you are happy with, it's a win win


I've been waiting 10 years for Rothfuss to write book 3. Take a week, a month, whatever you need!


What they said! 😁


Agree with everyone! Take your time and only publish it when you're as happy as you could be with the chapter. And, don't force yourself to work over Christmas, we're all happy to wait!


Agreed with everyone :)


Thanks so much for the clear communication!


Thanks for the update! Publish whenever you feel it is ready and definitely don't work over Christmas... We can wait.


Merry Christmas pirate! I am amazed by your talent and dedication to your fans.. followers....minions? Haha. Listen to your people have a good holiday work can wait.


Have a very merry unbirthday.


Take your time and enjoy Christmas! we'll do the same


I love your work no matter what. When you talk delays, you are speaking to people who have waited years for stories like mother of learning, kingkiller, ect. Years waiting on a few chapters or a single book. You write a small book every month. You complain about chapter length but give us hours of stuff to read weekly. I love your writing, and I would wait however long need be to get more of your work. But I'll cry if ya stop because I have lost the thing that I look forward to every week. I wish I could give you more in times like this because your story is a wonderful escape, but I can only afford to give enough to get my next fix so to say. I hope you enjoy writing, and I hope you take care of yourself enough that I get to enjoy it for years to come.


No worries tbh. If there's one thing I learned from a certain recent video game set in a futuristic setting, please delay it until you're happy with it.

scott hank

Thanks for all the hard work! Please take as long as you need to be satisfied if you’re not it’ll show in the story. I hope you enjoy your Christmas!!


I'd rather have a good chapter later than a bad chapter now. Take as much time as you need.


Thanks for the heads up. Take ya time Its important and can only be written once. We can wait😁😁


You have more then earned my trust and patience. Thanks for the communication.


Another vote for taking the time you need! Don't work over Christmas, we can wait. Thanks for the update

Isaac Boyles

I honestly forgot and thought we were waiting two weeks already


Don't worry about it and take your time, please don't stress this close to the holidays and we'll read it when you feel it's good and ready :)


Thanks for the heads up


Thank you. It has been great so far. May the Great Muse bless you.


I’ll go grocery shopping in the Gnoll market. Plenty to do this week! Thanks for all you do and Happy Holidays!


There is no rush Pirateaba, that you are continuing to write in a steady manner is good enough for me.


Has anyone heard about a release date for the second comic in the Last Tide as of yet?


W/e, I dont mind waiting another few days. Just bring Erin back as fast as possibile ;)


Ok i do mind, but take your time. I spend last 5 years on reading jpn,korean,chinese,english novels and fantasy books but you are the only one WHO made me make this ACC and suport you. I dont really have much money to spend but still i dont feel bad paying you for your amayzing job.


Do NOT write anything on or around Christmas. Please. Ty. Take the break if it comes down to it or the story!


First book I truly wanted to spend money monthly on I can wait 2 to 3 days for a amazing ending

Frostbound slammer

Take that Break. it's Christmas we will all understand

Muntu Omnyama

You are amazing and the story is too, adding a personal harmonization to the chorus . We can wait. Look after yourself. I would drink your bath water ...wait ...maybe the last one might just be me... Happy Solstice!


'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the inn Not a creature was stirring, not even a Goblin; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that [Cleric] Pawn soon would be there; Bird in his Fortress of fluff crying in bed; While visions of Blue Juice danced Relc's head; And Lyonette in her apron, Mrsha in her lap, Had just settled down for a long winter's nap, When the clatter of spiders from out on the plain, Caused an uproar, for who was to blame? The Antinium marched, the Goblin's defend, The ghosts may walk but none to apprehend. The [Keeper] is down, the hatmen all frayed, In shock, they see the end of a small town's raid, Hope is not lost, at least not for all! For still standing tall is Pallass Mighty Wall! And Invrisil and Salazar and Celum too, Search for a way to bring her through. A way not yet found, but perhaps in the makes; For on a night long ago the Keeper did wake; To a pile of fae flowers, from those that did visit; So now with anticipation, I await as I sit; The thrilling conclusion of the [Innkeeper's] peril; Though no need to rush, I'll just sing a carol.

John Koor

Currently the stream has it at 32k, and she's still typing.


take your time!!! polish it. it is worth the wait.


That's fine, you can like, release it the 27th perhaps?

random bypasser

Your health is the most important to us. Take your breaks, eat well, sleep well and have a great Christmas. Favourite author of all time—Pirateaba.


You do you.


Take your time Pirate. Post something great after the holidays. I dont mind if you take a weeks break now and another one or two after the volume's done and I'm sure no one else would complain either. The most important thing right now is that you relax and have a nice Christmas/Xmas/whatever else. We'll be waiting right here. Have a merry Christmas. I dont know what else I could give as a present so I pumped up my patreon for the holidays. Thank you for the great story.

Fluffy druid

Take your time. I'd rather you are well, than get burned out or something.


Can I just say, thanks for giving us fair warning. So many people when lacking a solid release date simply shut everyone out and say useless things like 'it's done when it's done'. I don't mind waiting longer, I just don't want to be checking back constantly when the author/developer/whatever could save me the trouble with a 5 minute update of 'It'll be at least X longer, don't hold your breath.'


anyone else get spamed with new post? of chapters, i tought i was getting a xmas present early for a short bit untill they kept comming.


Yes, but no password(s) yet.

Jack Trowell

Thanks for the warning, don't worry for the delay


Thank you so much for letting us know about the delay! The delay itself is not a problem, I think we all would rather have the story you feel good about rather than a rushed story just to hit a deadline. Take the time you need :)


You the best! I can wait forever, as long as you are healthy!

Beth Rasmussen

Please take care of yourself -- if you burn yourself out -- we'll never get all the plot threads resolved. ;)

Beth Rasmussen

But maybe one little spoiler? Did "L" die in the sea? :(


Thank you for the amazing If hair pulling conclusion of the chapter. You deserve a good rest. I look forward to the next volume. I miss the innkeeper.