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The chapter's out. Do not post spoilers here or elsewhere. (26,300 Words)






Chapters like this make me genuinely hope Pirate keeps writing until at least Volume 20 and gets to the 10000 Patron mark.


Lol I got on here purely because of 7.61


Do yall feel that? Feels like the volume is almost over


Thank you!


Very intense. Thanks for the chapter


Very split about the recent chapters. Some of the pacing feels rushed and still it is everything I desire.


First. people if you don’t like spoilers don’t read the comments very simple. Just don’t look. How hard is that. Second this chapter felt empty like something and nothing has happened.

Scott Soper

Oof... Some of my minor verisimilitude concerns from last time cleared up, feeling dizzy from the ups and downs, not gonna forget the end of volume seven for a while...

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

You know when that spoiler spoiler spoiler happened I was so spoiler spoiler about the spoiler spoiler spoiler and that goose in a hammock did not help at all


This was the perfect thematic follow up to the previous chapter, really pulled out the emotions that might have been overlooked from the sheer shock of the last one. With a bowtie to tie this book up, this may be up there with 5.61 and 5.62 as your best stuff. Thanks for the amazing chap.

Tom Prouty

My heart can’t take this anymore.


My poor heart, it hurts.


Erin does a sweet backflip (spoilers)

Julien Fellegara

I hate you Pirateba. I hate you so much. 😭

Ground Control

Hey Pirateaba guess what, I'm a patreon again! I first subbed on chapter 4.30, and now i'm back after having read 7.61! Who know's maybe I'll be back on chapter 31.40 when Laken's half-troll daughter is killed some time next year. Thank's for the chapter!


Bring the pain!


Pirateaba seems to be enjoying her writing as much as I have been enjoying the last two chapters. Pain and sadness.


Wow. Sooooo glad we have this instead of the Solstice Party. /s


goddamn lady this is too much for me. i have cried more reading this then i have in the last 10 years

Deepak Kamlesh

Madness, utter madness! It's the end of the world!


I have listened to all sad songs in YouTube. We need change of chapter I can’t believe am saying this but I could use chapter about queen of something.


Dang, I haven't even read the chapter yet, but after reading these comments I am afraid to.


Wow, this was a great chapter and also so sad. I'm dreading what you have planned with a favourite character of mine. This has been a fantastic volume and one hell of an emotional rollercoaster. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I stayed up till release and couldn’t put it down till I finished it. I really need to find a way to put off reading for a month or so, that way I can have an all-day binge!


Man i don’t know if i want to read it now and find out that it’s not resolved yet and have to wait much longer.

Beth Rasmussen

Oh goodness 😳 I thought I'd have to wait weeks for the next bit!


Well, That was awesome. I enjoyed the chapter, and all the raw emotions from the characters. The recent bad times are quite refreshing. Exited fore more.

Beth Rasmussen

I'm really glad you dealt with the "Walt Disney" issue but the last half & poor Pawn feels like you're twisting the 🗡. But it's only a week until the next release? Also the pw made me assume we'd see something of the bird abducted?


Pirate's off her break so chapters are back on the normal Tuesday/Saturday release schedule. At least until next month's break.

Beth Rasmussen

I have no idea why my brain assumed it was a month long break. 😅 Glad it isn't, not that she doesn't deserve a long rest. Just not until these cliffhangers are resolved please & thank you. 😆

Ruyxi Sylpheyes

Mhmm, long as its resolved and we get a Christmas in literally the middle of summer (in the book) miracle.


I wonder what Toren’s thoughts on recent events would be.

Scott Soper

As an alternative to clicking refresh: Anyone got a good guess how Apista's mana honey might come into the story? I thought it might be helpful for making Antinium Queen, but the story is moving a different way. My other guess was penicillin, but that storyline has concluded. Does anybody have a good guess?

Chris Arundel

I like the idea of the honey helping the hive, my main theory is that Erin will use it with [Wondrous Faire] and make something unique.


Saliss using it for something would be interesting as well. I think it might end up going back to the trapped bee hive though, to help them defeat whatever they're fighting or recover afterwards.


Please, for all that is good and sacred, set a specific time for updates even if it’s late in the evening... still better than just refreshing every 15 minutes to see if a new chapter is out

Scott Soper

I always thought that the bees were fighting the shield spider colonies since it specifically wasn't crelers. At the end of Gathering of Druids the gardener (not gonna try) tells Mrsha that he'll leave the bees to her, I thought he meant their aftercare with the fight over. Anyway, Mrsha getting a bee bond is a mini-plot that seems to have been left behind. I have a feeling Mrsha might have to leave the inn one way or another before Erin is back. Could be wrong, though, just guesses.


Scott, I love the idea that the Mana honey could be used as one of the Special Resources the Antinium queens need to make more queens! Brilliant! Or perhaps its another rather magical alchemical ingredient so rare and rich an unbelievable like the fairie flower juice that Erin will just... put into cookies, try to sell for a few copper and Lynette will freak and raise to a whopping 7 silver— when the price should be oh so so much higher. And yes I’m posting to keep myself from refreshing the page. Will keep doing so as long as neccesary. The trick is to find someone else living in calling or bugging range to take out your temporal frustrations on while we all collectively wait for the scene to post. Worth every word. Besides, I’m pretty sure my marriage contract with my husband includes him having to tolerate me running into the room where he is to shout hysterically every so often until the new chapter is up, and then he has to listen to me squeal and sob and giggle as necessary until I’ve read it through enough times to be able to sleep. Anyone else?


That pawn moment though....


These have left me hurting....