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A short chapter! And yes, anything under 20,000 words now counts as short! Our standards are moving! (18,800 Words)





Adrian Gorgey

I've been hitting refresh every five minutes for hours now. After blowing past those daily chapters, I suffered from some bad TWI withdrawal...


This is my favorite story. Thank you for sharing the wandering inn with us.


What was short before?


In volume one Pirate would occasionally have chapters exceeding 10,000 words where the comment would indicate it was an exceptionally long chapter. The sheer output is outstanding and that doesn't even take into account the high quality. I can understand asking what was short before because if it's started reading years ago I might not have noticed how over time the length of the chapters gradually increased but having only started since March it and always reading the comments it became apparent to me quickly how long reach chapter was and how much longer they became.


This chapter somehow managed to feel like one of the longest chapters ever despite it's length. That's not because it was hard to read or boring, rather it's because of the sheer amount of action that occurred in the words used. Thanks Pirate!


Okay so this is good! :)


Thank you!


The picture of Erin and Lynotte at the end is beautiful..


That was a mean cliffhanger.

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

sigh. More Ryoka.... I really don't enjoy her chapters at all. I still have to slog through them so I don't miss important plot points but I find them and her uninteresting.


Good chapter. Be nice if Ryoka could just have a good day once in a while. And those Wistram reporters better start learning some invisibility skills, or they'll become targets.


Siiiiiiigh.......Pirate thanks for doing such a good job. I have loved all the different perspectives your world has and all the different personalities you have created. I binged your series since I picked it up last February. I understand certain people don't like Ryoka but she has turned into one of my favorite characters. Your efforts at character development with her have been pretty good and I have enjoyed her development. From a bitter, cynical, pessimist to an only slightly broken person trying to be better has been rewarding. While Erin is gloriously static chaos Ryoka is dynamic and constantly exposes me to new things from your world. I can't wait to see where your mind takes us next on this incredible journey.

Ruyxi Sylpheyes

I'd say the opposite. if they are over an army and a mage senses them, they''d probably be killed. If they stay visible atleast they'll be able to tell that they're not a half dozen magic carpets with explosive payloads.

Kyle Aretae

FWIW, Ryoka was my favorite character when she was introduced, and remains in the top few. Though over time, the new characters are getting better as Pirate writes better. I also continue to insist that I've encountered exactly 2 authors in my life who consistently write sympathetic characters. For example, it may be that Fierre and the Byres family are opposed -- indeed one may kill the other -- but BOTH sides and their different perspectives are taken seriously. Hell, The Necromancer isn't presented as all evil -- Belavierr is ever so human. Other than the Crelers and hateful undead, everyone is a sympathetic hero. ONLY character who has been introduced who hasn't been killed in 20 minutes, or redeemed was the Deathless Demon lady, and she was recent. The other such author besides PirateAba is Victor Hugo.


I beg to differ. Maybe she was obnoxious at first but I have really enjoyed her character growth so far. She’s quickly becoming my favorite character and can’t wait to see where Pirate takes her in the future.


Something bad is about to happen and ryoka is going to pay heavy price from the lady in the island. 😬


So after reading your comment I was curious. Who is this author that can measure up to the great PirateAba? Some other great LitRPG author I havent read yet? So I searched Victor Hugo on amazon kindle... Heh Ireally wasn't expecting the name to be attached to Les Misrables....I'm not sure who should feel more flattered, the author of one of the worlds greatest classics....or Victor Hugo!


How are the Byres family so shit and unaware though?


I wake up every day and check for a new chapter....I check again each night....you’ve got me hooked!!!


Hope this isn't patronizing, no pun intended, but you know updates are on Tuesday and Saturday, right?


I'm still at book 3, with lots of time before I run out of story - lucky me 😊

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

I mean she is growing but I don't know... I think its more that I can't enjoy her as her just seems like she has to many character traits. I mean look at erin (zany chess player owns an inn) then look at Ryoka (emotionally stunted rich busty tall leggy Asian lesbian kid with bipolarism who hates herself and shoes, runs for a living ) Its too many traits to be focused on that are all given focus. Sure Erin is more complicated than as I described but her character traits aren't the entire focus of her story. She is part of the world and grows and reacts to it. While Ryoka refuses to be part of the world and the world reacts to her. I find it less entertaining.


IN USA time, if you're in Europe the chapter usually comes around 5-7 am on Wednesday and Sundays. She never missed any, she takes a time free per month, but always tells us beforehand when she'll be back. I don't check every day BUT, sometimes I do stay up to read as soon as possible. Oh my unhealthy life