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 Just minor hints for these options! But feel free to share or let it influence your votes!

Vampires and Bare Feet - What happened next? WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? We get to find out what the Archmage of Izril was trying to do. Does she succeed? Where do Fierre and Ryoka go from here? Vote for Vampires! Bare feet! Uh...rats! (No rats.)

The War of Jecrass - The war is coming to a close. The war is ending. But how...how will it end? If this wins, I write out the arc. How will the King of Challenges end things with the King of Destruction? If you have to know--vote here. You may be surprised. Or not. I dunno. But who loves Raelt?

Trey And Boats  -  So...boats. Trey. Why? Maybe he's on a boat. But why? Maybe he's going somewhere. BUT WHY? If this wins, I'll be surprised. But this has magic. And mystery. But mostly magic!

Balerosian Business  -  Hey. Hey. Do you wanna know what's happening? The Titan's plans coming to fruition? DO YOU WANT TO KNOW IF HE'S GOING ON A TRIP? VOTE FOR THIS. May also contain Luan.

Goblins and ???  -  This is about Rags. And Badarrow. And making allies. Goblin's allies.

Liscor's Council  -  DOES IT HAVE ERIN? Maybe, but this is about Liscor's Council, not Erin directly. Lism! Krshia! Your--your favorite Gnoll and Drake! But what are they doing? How is Hexel doing? Elirr? Vote for the responsible adults in this poll and experience the wonders of architecture! Guests! Love? Hm.



All so good. Stalker NEEDS to eat Erin’s muffins. And Pizza!


I misread... and had to think back on the story and was like yeah all the signs were there and then i noticed that I simply misread but it was such a funny and weird picture in my head I had to share.... How is Hexel doing Elirr??


And I was right what the heck Pirate did you really plan that all along or what