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Ergh...first drafts are hard. Nervous about how well this one is done. Here's hoping! Too late to change it now! (24,400 Words)





Ruyxi Sylpheyes

Least you can put out a first draft. I just stare at my first sentence thinking how awful it is. :P


Thank you for continuing the chapter I was worried about you were going to drop it


Ergh is how I felt waking up


I have been working on a short story that's barely little better than fanfiction since April. I'm at like 20 solid pages and I probably have another 40 or 50 pages that aren't connected to the main story or each other. Flashbacks background disjointed crap. Random scenes. I've been writing a dozen pages and throwing them out for 20 years. A few times I've made it to the actual novel level word count. Then thrown it away. I don't know how you do it. It's amazing. Are you a wizard?

Isaac Boyles

Ok that was worth the wait

Kevin Choi

Teriarch!!!!! Knowing our luck, we will get a location change next chapter to Baleros or something.... But man! Do I hope we get to stay with Ryoka, Erin and Teriarch for awhile! I also wonder if Teriarch will finally be able to be persuaded to stay awhile... Maybe Celum/Drake relations will push to him a curiosity :D.


Thanks! Been waiting for this meeting for some time.


Didn’t Teriarch know the true spelling of Ryoka’s name?


Fantastic chapter. I love how Teriarch and Ryoka interact haha. I know there's a lot of people who don't really like Ryoka but she's my favorite character, personally -- her flaws just make her so relatable in some way. Heck, I could use a girl like her in my life, if only she'd stay in it instead of running away :P


I can't read the white hidden letter box things in the story on my phone. Please in the future don't write like this.


Yes and he even references the fact that he knows her name at the end


Read on, context clue should inform you that not being able to read the box is exactly the point


One of the things I enjoy most about this story is the world building and lore. A chapter this full of tidbits is always welcome. We got so many hints: apparently it is NOT exactly a sleeping god. “And you are wrong about one thing. Rhir. That is not a—your understanding is incomplete. No. I take points off for that. Well done, nonetheless. For the attempt.”


Teri watching the hobbit made me so happy. The stupid grin didn’t leave my face until the end of the chapter! Hopefully Erin will whip up some glory for our very old dragon


Oh and there’s a faerie ring inside the Garden of Sanctuary! So Ryoka can possibly travel to meet her friend after finding out how to appease the faeries! Ooo it’s coming together nicely


So who took her 📱


Also tamaroth's halflings. Could they be the present goblins??


Yay! Great chapter, though a little too short 😝


Beautiful chapter, absolutely loved FINALLY knowing more about Teriarch, my favorite character :)


honestly the argument of Teriarch doing nothing reminds me of the Greek philosopher Epicurus ruminations on god. The philosophy though can be applied to anything of extreme power including a dragon. Though there is another argument that springs to mind one not done by a philosopher that I am aware of such that complacency is permission. To have the power to change something and do nothing is not just acceptance but endorsement of the way things exist, and is no different than if you committed the crimes in their place, as the results will be no different to the victims.


Part of the dragons point is that by saving the victims he take on the blame for everything the victimes does from that day onward and that is even more true with your argument. So he could then do noting, but saving people. All the time knowing that it doesn't matter.


The bloodfeast raiders... are totally murder hobos. Deranged minmaxing D&D-players without a GM to keep them in check...


he is to blame for all that follows his actions in saving someone and he is to blame for all actions to follow in not saving them. Inaction is is still an action. Teriarch's argument is that he is not responsible in reality, with the power he has, he is responsible no matter what he decide or does. He seems to isolates himself to never learn of the consequences of his inaction so he wont be burdened by the guilt of it. This is coming from reading this chapter as he mourns all his past failures and he thinks his failures is justification for inaction. while his inaction is a failure in itself. The world will never be what he wants or hopes it to be by being and doing nothing, while success is never guaranteed especially long lasting success he fails to realize he had success even if fleeting in those small memories that were shared.


in short Teriarch's decisions are the only ones that matter when regarding what Teriarch wants to do. If Teriarch gains enjoyment from his inaction and the pain it brings or enjoyment from the lives he saves that is all the is important in determining if Teriarch does something... I'm honestly surprised Ryoka didnt just try asking if he was happy doing nothing in his cave as he seemed miserable everytime he appears. right now he is stuck in a state of existential nihilism which has a very nice paradox associated with it which would be a very cool response ryoka could have given as a riddle, she didnt though.


It really seems like they're balancing their two lives pretty well tbh. Adventurers, guards, and at least 1 courier.

Atlas Dwarf

Less min-maxing and more created rich background personas for an excuse to start with magical gear a lot stronger than themselves. You know the kind of runs that end abruptly cause of their own stupidity.

Deepak Kamlesh

Please continue with this chapter next time! Please! 😢

Beth Rasmussen

I'm just glad the raiders weren't some of ours thinking this is just a game or not caring if it wasn't. Loved the end.


the white block over the text in the chapter annoyed me, it seemed to have annoyed others too, a good way to do that and let the reader still see it but make it clear the characters cant is use the Zalgo text font.


I thought the point was to not let the reader see it, with zalgo the reader can read it as it is the reader can't unless they want to. I have not read them and I might not do so until I reread it later. Don't k ow yet.


Yeah, good point. I hadn't read the hidden text yet when I made the post, I half-way suspected that they were people from our world taking advantage of the leveling system.

John Koor

The whole point was for it to be frustrating and confusing. The fact that Pirate used the correct number of blocks per letter was a neat puzzle for people to solve if they took the time.


Hey- new patron. I love the way you write redemption. And I’m looking at the larger plot threads and I’m scared for our cast. I love Salliss Ollivia Oliwing. Honestly that last chapter about sex and love and relationships is what made me sign up- it was so tender and so real it almost hurt it was so beautiful. And I love the dragon, the way you make him an *actor* in history, and the way you convert the sweep of time so very well. I want him to meet the new Quarrass. I want him to meet the Dragon of Manus. I want him to crash Magnolia’s party. I fear for Lasken and hope he pulls Lady Rie out of the cold. I hope best lizard-girl his it of with the UN and I hope genieve can pull her inner friend into some sort of real symbiosis, or even just talk.


Hey- new patron. I love the way you write redemption. And I’m looking at the larger plot threads and I’m scared for our cast. I love Salliss Ollivia Oliwing. Honestly that last chapter about sex and love and relationships is what made me sign up- it was so tender and so real it almost hurt it was so beautiful. And I love the dragon, the way you make him an *actor* in history, and the way you convert the sweep of time so very well. I want him to meet the new Quarrass. I want him to meet the Dragon of Manus. I want him to crash Magnolia’s party. I fear for Lasken and hope he pulls Lady Rie out of the cold. I hope best lizard-girl his it of with the UN and I hope genieve can pull her inner friend into some sort of real symbiosis, or even just talk.


And they can mysteriously [Greater Teleport] about several hundred miles..either they have a level 60+ dimensional mage or access to a large cache of very, very expensive scrolls that can bankrupt nobles.

Stein Wenaas

I have been hoping that a Lord of the Rings movie came to Inn-World since Erin greeted Ceria in ancient elvish and got a stunned look in return. Firstly, I just want to see the cast’s reaction to it. Unfortunately, Teriarch didn’t as much as bat an eye at the language, so either he didn’t realize the significance or Pirate have moved away from this plot point since volume 1. Secondly, if Inn-World’s ancient elvish = Tolkien’s Sindarin is still cannon it means that there are at least hints of truth in Tolkien’s works. How deep does that go? Are his books embellished historical documents? Also, this means there has been at least some interaction between the worlds. And Tolkien lived after the frost fairies left Earth. Further, this sets precedence for other things to be more than just fiction … like the works of Lovecraft. This has already been strongly hinted at by Trey’s reaction to and interaction with A’ctelios Salash. And that would be terrifying. I have been REALLY curious about this for a long time now, so I hope the movie drags this plot point forward so I can get some answers. … Or there could just be some universal translator between the worlds laughing at my theory. The leveling system or the sleeping god perhaps. That would be interesting in its own way though. Maybe Ryoka could speak a few words and se if she gets the same reaction.


Heads up: If you want to spoil yourself on what the white redaction bars were saying use either the Inspect or View Source feature of your browsers to reveal them.


Before understanding it was normal, I did both, and that revealed nothing


I do not often leave comments on chapters but I just want to say I actually cried at the end of this one. I didn’t realise I was longing for the Erin/Ryoka reunion that much. Thank you

DThornz (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-25 06:13:43 Strange, here's a guide: Assuming you're using Chrome Right click the page and select "View Page Source" Scroll down in the code window that pops up until you reach the redacted sections. Next to these sections you should see the redaction followed by /</!--WORD--/>/ this is what was meant to be there. Did this help?
2020-05-30 16:09:14 Strange, here's a guide: Assuming you're using Chrome Right click the page and select "View Page Source" Scroll down in the code window that pops up until you reach the redacted sections. Next to these sections you should see the redaction followed by /</!--WORD--/>/ this is what was meant to be there. Did this help?

Strange, here's a guide: Assuming you're using Chrome Right click the page and select "View Page Source" Scroll down in the code window that pops up until you reach the redacted sections. Next to these sections you should see the redaction followed by /</!--WORD--/>/ this is what was meant to be there. Did this help?